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/p2p/ General Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 02:13:46 No. 23
Welcome to /p2p/, the dedicated peer-to-peer thread for /tech/ and the bunker for /t/orrentfags. What is P2P? Peer-to-Peer technologies allow decentralized networks to share data. They can be used to bypass oppressive government regulations on speech or to download the latest seasonal anime. What are my options? First and foremost is BitTorrent, a common protocol where files are split into chunks which are then shared via swarm, which works to get everyone a copy. There are many BitTorrent clients out there, and everyone has a personal preference. Some are owned my corporations and full of spyware. It's recommended you use something open source, like Deluge or qBitTorrent. Won't my internet get shut down? If your ISP is cucked then they might, but thankfully there is a solution. Use a VPN! Don't trust any VPNs that advertise all over the place. What is IPFS? IPFS: The Interplanetary File System us a protocol designed to help decentralize the web as a whole. It works like a distributed filesystem where you can pin files you like and others can access them. https://ipfs.io/ What is I2P? I2P is similar to IPFS in that it is a distributed network which holds files and other information for access outside of regular channels. Entire websites can be mirrored and accessed via I2P. https://geti2p.net/ This thread is for discussion, questions, and recommendations regarding peer-to-peer technologies and filesharing. You may also offer, request, or trade invites to trackers. Also consider this the /tech/ Share Thread.
>>565 My only issue with private tracker is most of them seem to want you to be really active where as I only torrent things on rare occasions.
>>2047 That is a pain in the ass. I don't mind seeding constantly but I hate having to log in all the time.
>>565 >>2047 >>2048 I've always been wary of private trackers. Public trackers may be riddled with malware but at least you can get good torrents without viruses if you know what you're doing. Meanwhile, from what I know, a general rule of getting into a private tracker is that you can't use a VPN, so you're fucked if the government comes snooping around the tracker, especially since the people maintaining the tracker will probably be the first to sell you off for shortened prison sentences. But, I also don't know the complete story. So can people fill me in on why they're so "great"?
>>2048 you only need to login once a month, retard
>>2050 I've never used a private tracker with rules against VPN's. Some even actively advertise VPN services. >So can people fill me in on why they're so "great"? Less likely to have pozzed fake torrents, more likely to have rare torrents seeded because of incentives to seed content for long periods of time.
>>2087 There's also fewer reporters. Many public torrents have organizations which run bots and send automated letters to every IP they connect to. Those go to your ISP and sometimes they'll penalize you. Private is less risky when going raw. The good ones all adapt to VPNs, though. They can track you without needing your IP, although most of them will block sign-ups over a VPN so they have at least one "real" IP on record. I think they mainly care about ban evasion, but it's a risk if the server gets seized.
>>1769 I like the concept but in execution it's underwhelming. You have to add people manually, but because the community is so small people just end up adding the same few 24/7 nodes and joining the same network.
I've got a 2gb file of sought after erotic hypno (S@mB@n) files I want to share, but I don't have the capacity to host/seed a torrent. Where can I easily post it online so others can handle the spreading afterwards?
>>2207 You could try pinning the files on IPFS, but if you're the only node then it will be just as bad for your bandwidth as a torrent. You can try uploading to MegaUpload. I think they accept any file size, and people just use tools to circumvent daily download limits. You could also split the archive into multiple files which are easier to download, but this inhibits spreading.
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I2P can import/export reseed files. Yggdrasil pretty much requires that you manually specify peers to connect to (for the first hop, anyway). ZeroNet will work with pretty much any tracker you throw at it. What does Tor have if the indexing servers and dirauths go down?
>>2207 Just upload the file to mega, or create an archive as smaller, split files to upload to other hosts with file restrictions. If it's something people want, then hopefully someone will take the file and create the torrent to seed.
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>>454 >>462 I know these posts are more than a year old but for anyone else stumbling upon this know that the repacks will extract without any issues if you set 'windows version' to windows xp in wineconfig. If the game you are playing complains just switch it back to whatever after install.
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Anyone know where I can download a trainer for the game Pid? The only one I found is in cheathappens and they want me to pay for it
>>3902 cheat engine retard a fucking 8 year old can do it
the Yacy search engine a Peer to Peer search engine
>>3902 >trainers the most retarded trend in recent skiddy history. All your doing in changing memory addresses anyway, it's not even fucking hard a toddler can do it. Just grab any stock software capable of searching memory and you're set. >>4288 >cheat engine Doesn't cheat engine still bundle malware?
>>4458 God awful results last time I tried it
>>2207 Try SiaSky or Arweave, blockchain-based file-sharing networks with incentivisation for hosting using their native cryptos
>>4641 Disclaimer, I haven't used them so I can't vouch for them.
I just want access to private trackers. How do I gain access to the good ones like PTP and BTN? Is it even possible?
>>392 >>395 wtf. if this works like i think it works it will save me a shitload of time
>>1788 i went from Win address to GNU address and finally i settled for the MAC address since its the superior distro. One day GNUtards will wake up
Has anyone already tried to get shingetsu/saku (p2p/federated imageboard) running over i2p/TOR? It doesn't seem to work straight-up with the standard tunnels, and modifying the code to set the proxy in urllib.request.Request fucks up something else, presumably with the HTTP requests, so peering stops working for TOR and straight up stops the entire thing from running for I2P. Anyone solved this already or am I the first to try this?
>>392 I like BiglyBT's searching capabilities. It lets me scrape and search the DHT, and has RSS support. I think you can use it to search trackers in the same way as QB but I never have to. I just search the DHT, and if I get no results I can set up a "subscription" which just repeats that search and stores the results while I'm idle. There's also a swarm merge plugin that does this automatically with files you're downloading so if one of your torrents only has X% availability it automatically suggests other torrent files it found that have the same file in it. So you might end up finding 2 torrents with 50% and merging them together to fix the swarm for both of them. It also ships with i2p support out of the box if you ask for it, which means extending those searches beyond the clearnet. I never stop seeding my torrents but I stop seeding them on the clearnet at 2.0, and I'm sure others do the same. Among a ton of other shit. It's one of the oldest clients and its modular so a bunch of plugins exist around automation, search, etc. >>4458 I host a node but honestly never use the thing for search. I think I spend more time looking at its cool statistics graphics more than anything else. It's a good idea though so I contribute my disk and bandwidth to it for now.
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please help an anon out, anyone know of a good method/ directory of audiobooks to torrent or in in some other way aquire? audible adds up
So what's considered "good" VPN? Mullvad? ovpn.com?
>>5366 Mullvad is pretty well regarded. Even if you don't trust them, you can just mail cash in an envelope or send them bitcoin. Their accounts have no identifiable information unless you give it to them.
>>5381 It's rather annoying that they don't accept Monero.
>>4669 you can buy the invites but its not really worth it. Basically everything is available in other easier private trackers
>>23 Permaseed request, pajeet film d8629133
Bitmessage is a fully decentralized communications Protocol, Meaning that it cannot be shut down and you cannot be banned from it. Every message is encrypted, so that means that your ISP cannot see what you do in the network. You can also route all your traffic through tor on bitmessage making you anonymous. You can join channels called chans where many people can communicate with each other, you can also send pictures. Wiki: https://wiki.bitmessage.org/ Windows Download: https://download.bitmessage.org/snapshots/ Linux Appimage Download: https://appimage.bitmessage.org/releases/ Source Code: https://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage
>>7454 >*blocks server* >heh nothing personnel, kid
>>5382 They do now niggr
>>7454 IIRC I2P-Bote hid metadata better. But it seems to be abandoned.
>>7457 Might be a place from which to bootstrap a node list?
>>7457 damn thats gay. gave me false hope. i2p also easy to censor and block as case with china evidenced that there are more tor users than i2p users. i2p is too pozzed it has no obfuscation whatsoever and your isp can see your router wide in the open >>5382 can i send them money in envelope from russia how would that look like, wouldnt that be too sus (for russian customs that is) and what about conversion rates or do i just send dollars?

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