/ss/ - Straight Shota

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geuduel/mota/toothreen /ss/ request Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 21:54:08 No. 4534
an artist i had found on pixiv a few years ago named geuduel used to have a bunch of straight shota, toddlercon, and loli stuff viewable on the account years ago, but all of that art was removed from public view. i reached out to em on pixiv dms and soon enough, they had sent me a bunch of it personally on discord. months later, the drive i had saved the art on was destroyed, and i discovered afterwards that geuduel had deleted all of the art in our DMs, making the art inaccessible. I've looked on so many boorus and only found very few loli and toddler futa pieces, but a few days ago i finally found one piece of /ss/ specific material on a random baraag page. pretty sure this was under the "geuduel" name. really praying y'all could help with sharing and archiving their /ss/ and toddlercon stuff, this stuff needs to get back out there again. linking their socials (im like 99% sure they're the same artist under different aliases) geuduel: https://www.pixiv.net/users/11274685 toothreen (changed name+handle recently): https://x.com/G8900J mota: https://baraag.net/@mota

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