/ss/ - Straight Shota

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Yaoi Bait/Male Focus Anonymous 12/16/2022 (Fri) 05:37:55 No. 2069
Post straight shotacon that looks like gay shotacon either from a quick glance of the thumbnail or because the shotas depicted look like they are gay shotas/are drawn like shotas that are in gay works. A good way to familiarize yourself with what I am talking about is to look at straight shota done by artists who usually do gay shota, notable artists who mostly do gay shota but occasionally do straight shota are: >Po-ju >Jairou >Commamion This is also a good thread to post rule 34 of canonically gay shotas having sex with/being raped by women (If any such rule 34 exists) Tl;dr post cute, effeminate boys who have well defined figures having sex with girls and women.
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Kuro Gal-chan to Masegaki no Ecchi na Otomarikai by gay shota artist Poron:
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