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The backup domains are located at 8chan.se and 8chan.cc. TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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LIST OF 8CHAN'S FALLBACK AND CONTACT LINKS Anonymous 03/01/2021 (Mon) 07:26:28 No. 55
This is an unofficial* list of domains and contact links owned by 8chan's staff that can be used in case the site goes down. The attached file is a copy of the list that can (and should) be stored locally. Onion Domain It can be online even if the regular clearnet domains are taken down. Tor Browser is needed to access it. http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion 8chan Domains A list of clearnet domains. Subject to change. https://8chan.moe/ - Main domain https://8chan.se/ - Active secondary domain https://8ch.moe/ - Currently redirects to 8chan.moe. May be reworked in the future https://8chan.cc/ - Extra domain that will be up if the other ones go offline Redchannit Domains Tor2web proxy that lets you browse 8chan's onion domain with a regular browser. Subject to change. https://redchannit.com/ - Main Tor2web portal https://redchannit.net/ - Currently used to test other things, might be available for regular use in the future Contact Links These accounts may provide information on 8chan's status in case the site is completely down. https://twitter.com/8chanmoe - 8chan's official Twitter account https://twitter.com/AcidOverlord - Site admin's Twitter account https://twitter.com/GunbusterX - Twitter account of /v/'s (the site's most popular board) Board Owner The Webring The webring is a group of websites with a friendly or neutral relation with 8chan. Is possible that 8chan's staff use them as channels to deliver updates about the status of the site during an emergency. https://anon.cafe/shelter - Bunker board used by different groups when their homes are down https://zzzchan.xyz/ - IB about video games that has a close history with 8chan https://smuglo.li/meta - IB about anime and otaku culture and one of the founders of the webring * This list was compiled by a person unrelated to 8chan.moe's staff from different sources with the sole purpose of spreading awareness of 8chan's fallbacks and contact information.
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