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A video on the demographic crisis Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 17:59:22 Id: c41681 No. 20720
This video goes over many reasons why people aren't having children. In short, it is not due to wages or inflation. Ultimately, it is modern lifestyle. Countries with high degrees of traditionalism like China, Japan, or Thailand are experiencing the same degree of child collapse as Poland or France. It's not even feminism per-se which is the problem. It is simple economics. Studies show that families with fewer children do better than families with more children. In the modern world, most people do not farm and thus most people do not need many children to help them. Maybe the issue can be solved by removing females from the work force. Yet how can this even be realistically accomplished? It's easy to say, >Oh yeah, we're totally going to just take power and say "No more women in work." But I think you know this is unrealistic. Am I wrong? How do we realistically raise the birthrate? https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/5TgABxa-S2A
Why is the e-slut in the background and the rape victim in the front the same girl?? Also the girl with the scrunchies in the front flashing her panties while giving the cameraman a look is already an e-slut.
anon u r retarded

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