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Anonymous 01/08/2021 (Fri) 15:29:41 Id: 4be57b No. 6710
Normal people still think that leftists are simply misguided people that don't have access to information, and the way to convert them is to give them information. And I understand how people might think this way since many of us were kind of left-leaning by social pressure and MSM conditioning. But when you're dealing with people with power, any kind of power, that are leftists, it's not about the ideology. They don't believe in it. They believe in the power that it gives to them, the power to silence without being silenced, the power to criticize morally without having to be moral, the power to be hypocritical without consequences. In short, rules for thee and not for me. They're addicted to this and there's no easy way to remove this power from them. How can a society recover from a situation where these kind of people hold most of the power? Violence would be the easy answer, but this might backfire since most of the people would find this morally abhorrent, and this would give more power to the sophists. Slowly rebuilding by socially shunning these people would be the safest bet. Not hiring them, replacing them in positions of power, removing them from society would work, but it would take a long, long time. But even this more peaceful solution might make leftists act violently against those who fight against them, in this case it would be favorable to us, since we'd be acting in self-defense, but even then they'd have the hold on the narrative. Is violence inevitable?
>>6715 >(Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) is normal niggers 4chan?
Funny how strongly descriptions of jews overlap with descriptions of INTJs.
>>6710 >How can a society recover from a situation where these kind of people hold most of the power? Violence would be the easy answer, but this might backfire since most of the people would find this morally abhorrent, and this would give more power to the sophists. Fight in a way that does not engage in direct violence, against unguarded and unwatched targets. Remove communications from the system, and they cannot receive their daily programming which would cause lots of splits among themselves. Remove electricity, and they'll grow uncomfortable. Will they know its us and blame us? Yes. But it doesn't matter. The longer they remain uncomfortable and unprogrammed, the more they'll turn against their masters for their inability to deal with us.
>>6720 Wishful thinking. You're missing the point of a rebellion, which is to provide an alternative political system. It's like windows vs. linux, it wasn't until linux was able to appeal to (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s was it able to expand and seize a share of the market. BLM/Antifa was doing exactly as you discribed. Yes they made people uncomfortable but instead of turning against their masters they simply ruined their own reputation. The real success of their operation was the manipulation of consent by the media and institutional control.
>>6710 They don't deserve to be saved. They all deserve to be killed. There is no such thing as normalfags waking up anymore. they are all brainwashed, and they are all tools of our enemies. And that means that they must all be killed along with our enemies. No mercy for the brainwashed. It doesn't matter that they don't understand the truth. They are hindering our success, and they must pay for it with their lives. kill all normalfags, along with all jews and leftards.
Normal people still think that leftists are people? Sad state of affairs being a media rube. Any nitwit that's experienced a day of high school or office politics should realize what empty vessels that lust for power they are.
>>6731 >they simply ruined their own reputation. That's because they went about it in a retarded way. Blocking traffic only hurts the normal people going to work in the mornings, and a lot of yids can work from home. They also burned down their own neighborhoods, which only hurt themselves. If people start hitting substations, cell towers, and other critical weakpoints, then that hit hits the yids the hardest. It breaks their line of televised communication, and hits them in the wallet as well. >>6710 >Slowly rebuilding It's far too late for that. The kikes already have the US in a noose, and an army of good goyim to do their bidding. The Q approach of doing nothing is going to work as well for the US as it did for Trump. A more pro-active approach will be required.
>>6731 >You're missing the point of a rebellion, which is to provide an alternative political system. Sometimes, the first point of a rebellion is self-preservation, like this one will be, and like the Spanish Civil War was. The high -minded political alternatives came later. Heck, in the first American Revolution, the Americans didn't even start off fighting for independence. They started fighting thinking that they could still be loyal subjects of Britian later, they just wanted a Parliament member to represent them. Same with the War of Texas Independence against Mexico. The Texans wanted to remain Mexicans at first, they simply wanted the 1824 constitution back. The only rebellion in the history of the New World where the rebellion started off providing an alternative political system was the US Civil War. And that is because America already had two political systems running for 80 years at that point. If we wait to have a political alternative completely formed, we'll still be in the process of naval-gazing when the feds kick down our doors and gun us all down.
>>6742 >The only rebellion in the history of the New World, that I can recall off the top of my head Meant to add that. To add another few dozen examples though, look at all the Latin American Wars of Independence from Spain. Absolutely none of them offered a political alternative. They all fought to have the same political and social structure as Spain did, just without Spain.
>>6720 >>6731 >>6740 So these plans are such that it doesn't matter if the government knows about them or not? Cause you know they're most likely monitoring this thread and all others on this board related to the election, if not the entire board itself.
>>6747 >So these plans are such that it doesn't matter if the government knows about them or not? Is the government going to be able to place a fed right next to every telephone pole, junction box, cell phone tower, and electrical pylon in America? And that's assuming that the line workers themselves are on the government's side too and are not already making their own plans to do the exact same thing. I'm personally just trying to keep people from shooting each other and wasting themselves on kinetic strikes that will largely accomplish nothing.
>>6747 >So these plans are such that it doesn't matter if the government knows about them or not? That's the thing. It becomes resource intensive for the government to always be on guard, and it only takes one successful mission to completely fuck them. That's also why the war on drugs is a losing war. The cartels only need one shipment to make it through customs, for it to be worth it. Be smart and be safe, anons. We all outnumber the kikes and the government, and if everyone mobilized against them, they would be fucked. >>6749 >I'm personally just trying to keep people from shooting each other and wasting themselves on kinetic strikes that will largely accomplish nothing. I agree. People suiciding into law enforcement isn't going to be helpful. It would be better for those people to target infrastructure and politicians instead. There are a lot of non-violent ways to help as well. People refusing to pay their taxes and standing up together to law enforcement would be enough to fuck them as well. We all just need to stick together, because the kikes are in panic mode and looking to target anyone.
>>6768 >politicians don't forget media (reporters, editors, owners), political party leadership, election officials, political think tanks, FBI leadership and resources, police leadership and tactical resources, judges and prosicutors (state and federal), university and college profs, and education officals.
>>6779 Simmer down. Too many targets is the same as no targets.
>How can a society recover from a situation where these kind of people hold most of the power? I won't talk in terms of individual action, but in terms of policy change, most of these elites are bred in universities that receive government funding to stay afloat. When you hear stories about the idiots going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, what they're really talking about is going into huge amounts of debt trying to form connections with the elite. Universities should be places you go to learn the foundations of Western Society, to network with other elite, or to gain deeper knowledge/experience to further your career. If they weren't receiving free money from public assistance, that's the only groups that would be attending universities and they would be extremely difficult to subvert. Without the subversion of the university, the overton window could never have shifted in the direction it did. The subversion of the university happened first when congress decided to subsidize veteran's education to keep veterans satiated as welfare whores to prevent an uprising after WWII and later when public assistance started to form after others saw this and wanted in on the pie. Universities aren't the only problem, I'm just using them as an example here. The real point is this: If you do not put something in the public domain/government domain, there is nothing to try to subvert. Maybe it would be better for governments to focus on the handful of tasks they are philosophically supposed to accomplish rather than try and hold domain over every aspect and facet of someone's life. More importantly, governments are bloated messes that rarely do things efficiently. Stop looking for a means of confronting your enemy and start looking for means of circumventing your enemy or accomplishing your goals independently of your enemy. Paying someone under-the-table or in non-taxable means as "favors to each other" where they get the full fruits of their labor for instance, both circumvents your enemy and creates an arrangement that a lemming doesn't want to see ended by the official government. Conspiracy to commit criminal offenses are the thoughts embraced by a man poor in skills, soul, philosophy, and tact. The reasonable man instead simply goes around his problems entirely and creates a system that embraces his ideology not on a matter of agreement in philosophy but on a matter of practicality/benefits. Most large institutions suffer from dis-economies of scale and are unable to actually compete with smaller competitors who offer a local service. Instead of bitching about Hollywood, follow The Wired's platform of launching your own collaborative movie efforts. Instead of bitching about the social media giants, create local social networks that are not tied to them, as these will grow with time if they are beneficial. Instead of complaining about the police, form local community efforts to keep an eye on crime. If these are popular enough, eventually the community will be large enough to file to disband the police in favor of your private defense force (this is legal in all 50 states, though it is seldom practiced). If you aren't an innovated, creator, entrepreneur, etc. Offer your skills in a meaningful manner along these lines, and with the right marketing, you'll see people naturally gravitate to your platform. Most importantly understand that more inventions "failed" because of lack of marketing or marketing at the wrong place at the wrong time than anything else. Vibrators were marketed poorly as a medical device for decades before they were adopted as a recreational tool for masturbation, as a crude example. These are all just examples. You don't need to make a massive plan for some global-spanning product. Zuck didn't make Facebook in a day. He just had the right marketing to college students who wanted their own private clique and a little luck. The founders of Google didn't start out as a multimillion dollar corporation with its hands in a hundred different pockets, it started as a research project because search engines in the 90s sucked ass. You need to supply a specific good/service to solve a problem that the current institutions in place fail to solve or solve poorly or solve expensively and inefficiently, anon. That doesn't have to be legal, it just has to be discreet enough to go unnoticed and make people very angry if/when the government takes it away from them.
>>6785 >Not a single reference to child brides other than implicit in freedom Not the best ancap meme.
>>6710 leftism is a mental illness, not a political stance. ask yourself how you would treat a mentally ill man and go on from there.
>>6791 This. One thing I noticed is that a problem is that power draws people with Cluster B personality disorders and Dark Triad personality traits, so I suggest we modify the positions to make them intolerable for people of that personality. there are certain things that these types cannot stand that a normal person would be able to deal with. We make it so that holding a position of power is limiting, impoverishing, low-profile, and privacy-destroying. They will be essentially under house arrest, only permitted to go outside or to receive contact with other people when doing so is necessary to fulfill the duties of their roles, and even then, only to the absolute minimum necessary. They will live off of only what they are given, which will be the bare minimum that they require to optimally fulfill their roles, and they will only be able to accept gifts that their role requires them to accept (I'd also make it so that even these gifts must be withheld from them until their term is finished). They will live in housing that is the absolute bare minimum required to optimally fulfill the duties of their roles, housing that is made to be as humble as possible. Their every action will be recorded and listed in detail, and both records will be made freely accessible to the public, even their most personal and private moments will be seen by all, we will know everything they did, every word they said, every person they met with, every place they went to. The only thing that will be withheld will be information that threatens the security of the nation, and even that will be made public once the threat posed by that information has been determined to have ended. Basically, we will be able to watch a politician at every hour they spend in their home during their terms, including when they eat, sleep, and shit, all manner of embarrassing details will be made a matter of public record. Certain people would be able to deal with this, but no one in the Cluster B would be willing to put up with it for 4 years in a row.
>>6808 Make it mandatory to have permanent gallows to hang them with be built next to their domiciles so that they can be hanged at any time, and you have something good there.
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>>6747 It doesn't matter. We are superior to all of them. Never forget (pic related) their fear. They are weak, dumb, incompetent and afraid of us. Time to go for the killing. And every single one of them must be killed. >>6731 Revolution is about killing the enemy and stopping anyone to be able to live by the enemy's standards. Nothing else matters. Anything else are just consequences of that. >>6768 True. BUT, law enforcers must be killed at some point, nonetheless, simply for being traitors and tools of our enemies. Never negotiate with former enemies. Never reward them for their behavior. Always kill them. >>6779 All of those get the bullet. Being merciful of even the lowest of the low among the enemy is a mistake. They were at our enemy's (the jews) side at some point, thus, they get the bullet. >>6785 The whole world literally proved that circumventing the enemy instead of killing them all doesn't work. Stop being delusional about non-violent solutions. They don't exist. and they never existed. >>6808 >>6812 People must also be allowed to simply barge inside any officer's house and kill him if he even hints at agreeing with leftism/jews.
>>6715 >these days seems like the kikes are rushing to the end, seems like they know their time is running out too. Best Korea used to the biggest arm dealer for hamas and Israel's enemies now that Kim Jong Un is building his nuclear arsenal they see the writing on the wall.
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>>6732 this is you
>>6816 That, and what he is calling puppetry and brainwashing is mainly people going along to get along, and simply being polite to not rock the boat. Basic herd mentality, in other words. They'll side against the government once the government can no longer provide protection for their needs. Nothing they do at that point will rock a boat if the boat is capsized already. They'll side with us too if it looks like we can provide some of those needs as well. Doing what the guy you responded to suggested means we lose, as they would stay with the government no matter what at that point, meaning that we would have to face 225 million enemies instead of a mere 30-40 million enemies.
>>6710 >Is violence inevitable? Obviously. At this point they're not even trying to appease moderates. Anyone barely right of center is getting shoah'd. Some moderate leftists are getting thrown under the bus too as the point of center keeps moving left, but we won't get enough people upset for a civil war until it gets worse. >>6713 There's always balkanization, but the states that supported any possibility of secession probably cucked out after Jan 6. Shit would have to get worse for them to be uncucked and support balkanization or Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. >>6715 >I just arrived from Cuckchan You said (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me), didn't you? normalfag
>>6847 >zero-width spaces don't bypass the word filter I'm impressed, most filters don't catch it.
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>Normal people still think that leftists are simply misguided people that don't have access to information These are milquetoast leftists you are talking about, Anon. These are not normal people. They are leftists not seeing why other leftists aren't doing the right thing. You will notice that it is exactly commies that try to justify people's crimes with "well, they are doing crime because they are poor and they are poor because they don't have education". Hell, the concept of re-education camps is derived from this retarded concept. <oh, I know why this capitalist decided to start a business <it's because he didn't learn what hard work is, which is why he didn't side with us <he just needs to learn the hardships the working class go through by being forced to work <this PoC is poor because he doesn't have enough education to have a good job <he does crime both because of this lack of job and because of his lack of education, he just hasn't internalised our way of life <if we just give them education, they will be just as capable as us, if not more <in fact they will be more than capable because whites are so used to being spoonfed that the darkies will actually be harder workers
>>6816 Your fear is palpable. There is nothing that can stop the violence to come. All who chose to just keep on living instead of joining the fight will be killed, along with the jews and leftards.
>>6816 >>6818 t. fed posting. Nobody is falling for your fallacy of non-violent action. There is nothing that any of you can do to stop the violent attacks that me and many others will do against all of you and all of the brainwashed masses. All who fought against us because of herd mentality or any other bullshit excuse will be killed for being tools, along with our enemies. Every single one of those who acted against us instead of rising up against our enemies will be killed. None of them are our allies, and none of them deserve any mercy.
>>6900 You want to do violent actions on (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s instead of actual targets. You want to cause us to lose the war. You are either incredibly dumb or a fed. And in case you are not a fed, you will be shot in the back by one of us as soon as you do something like that.
>>6917 Not when I shoot you first, traitor. Anyone advocating for nonviolence is a traitor. Men, women and children. If they don't kill the enemy, we will kill them before we kill the enemy.
>>6710 >the way to convert them is to give them information just had to tell a literal faggot at work that (((Fauci))) told us months ago the vaccine wouldn't prevent the spread. after throwing a hissy fit, he asked for a source. I provided it. he then dismisses it saying "well that's old news." like, no shit retard, I told you it was from almost 3 months ago. I understand the meme about 'only killing communists' more so than ever now. they are really beyond saving if humanity is to get out of this (((rut))) we've found ourselves in.
>>6993 When someone's indoctrinated it's very hard to bring them back to facts. Just the fact that they got indoctrinated is already bad news, it means they can't think for themselves and are averse to any type of new information that doesn't come from their indoctrinators. These type of people only respond to sophistry, that is, only by arguing with emotion. And to a lot of deprogramming and a barrage of facts, especially facts that make their indoctrinators look bad. For example, show that their indoctrinators are telling them lies so they can profit. Even then, it's a very long shot. It's very difficult to deprogram these people.
>>7038 Which makes trying to deprogram them useless. It is better to simple kill them. They can all be replaced. New children can be made any time and be raised properly, following our ideals, and not the jewish indoctrination.
If anything is going to change the media has to be taken down. I can't believe nobody has managed to off a NYT reporter or something. The mob running in the capitol building really scared them hence the show of force in DC, but have you seen how long it took them to set it all up? A militia using asymmetric warfare could probably bring this massive, slow, bloated apparatus to its knees and would have the support of tons of people.

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