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Anonymous 01/06/2021 (Wed) 19:31:23 Id: f1e8b5 No. 6144
HAPPENING THREAD https://archive.vn/iryZh The Capitol is being besieged by Trump protesters. The building has just been breached. Discuss here and share livestream links. https://dlive.tv/austinzone is the only one I've seen so far.
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From an account that was banned. I think it make sense, since the obvious outcome is to prevent Trump from making any pardons and de-classifying anything.
Pence is part of the Clique now a total Traitor https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/xT2m3xWjStc Look how he is recieving something silver coin? Or something similar, probably very symbolic.
Hmm right, had to use a differnt platform per the thingy in this place. but here is Judas Pence. Pence the total traitor https://invidious.tube/embed/xT2m3xWjStc
>>6696 >SK scandal that scandal was sprung up by leftist opposition party to impeach the president who was very anti NK and it worked, they put her on jail without any evidence, just rumors and conspiracy theories, "guilty until proven innocent". After the leftist took over it's worse than ever before, endless mandatory lockdowns, no freedom of speech, rampant social justice and political correctness, communistic prosecution of the big corps and the rich. e.g. The CEO of samsung was put in jaiI under ((labor laws)). Some preacher was arrested just because he said that current president was a communist. They are passing a 40% inheritance tax law... Korea should've never been set free from the Japanese Empire. 天皇陛下万歳!!!
>>6701 All parties in SK are leftist.
>>6702 This. It's like saying a communist party in the Soviet Union.
>>6691mixing /race/ is the way too evolve as humans, and be smarter,stronger whilst not mixing leads to degration of whites... SCIENCE YOU DUMB FUCK!!!
User was banned for being a newfag
>>6696 The best way to get into Japan is the Investor's visa (misnamed, manager's visa would be better): You need to start a business in Japan and put 500k Yen(~50k$) into it, though they're reportedly lenient in giving you a year to put that much in, and employ at least 2 Japanese citizens full-time, and you need to manage it yourself. Then you can sponsor yourself. 50k$ is a very achievable amount, as you'd need that much to start a business anyway. >>6688 I'm more of an outsider in my own country. At least I wouldn't get arrested for stating my opinions in public in Japan.
>>6702 >>6703 >All parties in SK are leftist. well right now it is. all oppositions are controlled by the main party just informing you anons what really happened
>>6706 The old president was a leftist, the current one is a leftist. Any other potential one would be a leftist. Things would have gotten worse there regardless of who is in charge. As shitty as things are in the west, we have never held a candle to just how bad things are in SK.
>>6704 That only really works when you are mixing individuals with desirable traits. It does not work when mixing together two sub-par individuals or one sub-par and one desirable specimen. If you breed together small diseased rabbits you will not magically receive strong big rabbits, only more small diseased ones. Same with chickens, bees or even plants. Genome degeneration occurs only when the genome pool is so stagnant that everyone is basically a cousin, but that can occur only in extremely small isolated groups, no in the wider society. So no mixing a 80- IQ with 100+ IQ will not result in a 180 IQ individual, nor will mixing one chad with a freaking skeleton of a woman produce a giga chad. The genetic mixture can only assume attributes of what you put into it, not create completely new attributes that run counter to the elements added into it.
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Will the post-dup Impeachment rioting intensify to the point it can no longer be contained?
>>6708 Well also the traits need to be compatible with one another. A male with 140 IQ with a 140 IQ female may not necessarily result in 140 IQ offspring, since the traits need to be sufficiently compatible for it to translate. Due to this you might have a 100 IQ white with an 80 IQ black and the result may not actually be the average of between both of 90 IQ, but rather offspring that is lower than either one of them. They might individually have desirable genetic traits but what the actual genes transferred are dependent upon one another: you might end up with a very sensitive phenotype that, upon losing one key genetic component, may no longer provide a particular result. And intelligence is very sensitive due to the complexity involved and the very specific criteria that are desired for intelligence. By having two very similar (but still different) individuals you increase the probability that such key components are still kept within the next generation. So the goal is to stay as close as possible without going full retard to prevent yourself pretty much playing a random number generator with your genetic lineage.
>>6650 No, you dumb nigger. 2016 was shit. 2016 killed all imageboards and flooded them with newfags and boomers. 2016 was when you dumb natsoc larping niggerfaggots decided simping for a zionist was the right thing to do. You propagandized and campaigned for a do-nothing israelophile while pretending he and yourself were true natsoc.
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>A laptop was stolen from the office of U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, one of her aides said on Friday >Drew Hammill, an aide to Democrat Pelosi, said on Twitter that the laptop belonged to a conference room and was used for presentations. He declined to offer further details https://archive.is/LZev3
>>6725 A good thing or a bad thing? I guess it depends who got it and what's inside, but I doubt someoen is stupid enouth to keep incriminating stuff in a laptop you bring to work.But of course they are democrats, so anything is possible.
>>6726 work can be incriminating. would rather see some juicy emails than titpics
>>6728 I'd like to see Nancy Pelosi's saggy flapjacks.
>>6726 Anon, if Hillary had "password" as her password and one of her underlings was openly making threads on Reddit asking how to delete files so they can never be recovered then I doubt any of them would have the foresight to keep sensitive data off their work laptop.
>>6709 >Will the post-dup Impeachment rioting intensify to the point it can no longer be contained? It easily could. However, I have a feeling that boomers are going to prostate themselves before the kikes again. The big thing to watch out for is the assassination of politicians and judges. If the kikes start getting picked off, then shit will be completely out of their hands. They'll crack down hard and the crackback will signal the arrival of the day of the rope.
>>6737 I wonder if they fought over who got to delete the account. I can only imagine the shit eating grin on that fuckers face. Probably a borderline religious experience for them.
>>6756 Do you think they coomed?
Trump completely cucked out and will probably board a plane to Israel. The Republicans are done because they threw the people they were meant to pander to under a bus. Meanwhile those controlled Q-faggots are eating themselves over how even the shot woman was a deepstate actor covered in ketchup. Now we see the whole point of the Q-larp: The complete discrediting of any movement which is even slightly right of left for years to come. The optics of this event in the eyes of media and big tech is an unmitigated disaster, so good luck ever posting political opinion there anymore as they use this event to bludgeon their agenda even further on the internet and the populace. Then you're going to get the hard power coming from a now Democrat-only House, Presidency, and Supreme Court, which you bet is going to be loaded beyond belief, via the implementation of gun grabs and hate speech laws who want, and will get, complete control of the country; congrats to the Qfaggots for being the first to go for their stunt, as they're at the top of the "naughty" list. What the fuck did they think was going to happen if they stormed the Capitol but didn't actually put any of the politicians on notice? But look on the brightside, when they legalize x millions of spics, open the borders for non-whites, force your children to have hormone treatments, and stop you from fighting back in any meaningful way, at least you'll be able to pray, provided you end it with "awomen". Well played, glowniggers.
>>6759 >Trump completely cucked This is beyond Trump now. The kikes are targeting everyone that they don't control. The Qfags need to get on board, and get prepared for anything that happens. > but didn't actually put any of the politicians on notice I would say that they all noticed, which is why they dropped the illusion. If this doesn't wake up the boomers to how fucked things actually are, nothing will.
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Have a gift, courtesy of /fascist/.
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>>6759 Haha, you're funny Japan. You get the rope last. Friendly reminder that >>6391 is dead on. Don't bother with that "blaze of glory" and "mass shooting" shit. We're already past the point for that, public opinion has changed enough that freak martyrs are no longer needed. Reminder that HALF of all homicide cases in 2020 went unsolved in America. Reminder that anyone who makes their name and occupation publicly available can have their address found through clearnet means as shown by this nigger: >>6775 using shit like white pages, let alone what $50 worth of BTC can get you on the deep web whether having a social manipulator sneak information out of said public officials. Congressmen have had their emails hacked by their wives giving up enough personally identifying information to people claiming to work for their cable company to get past security questions. Sure, your average FEDERAL congressman has a security detail either on-hand or a phone call away, but your average state level congressman does not, nor does your average district attorney, police chief, news anchor, or court judge up to about the federal appeals court level. They live in rich neighborhoods, but you can develop basic lock picking skills in about two weeks of training, most of them live along public roads, and it only takes a flick of the finger to make something go from "on" to "off." Let the black market choke the state. It's time public officials were gifted the fear of god that kept their predecessors in check.
>>6759 Look on the bright side, at least you showed how much better you are than the SJWs
>>6734 esad retard
>>6667 of course it's q bullshit
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>Pelosi Pressed Pentagon on Safeguards to Prevent Trump From Ordering Military Action >In a phone call to the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, Ms. Pelosi appeared to be seeking to have the Pentagon leadership essentially remove Mr. Trump from his authorities as the commander in chief. That could be accomplished by ignoring the president’s orders or slowing them by questioning whether they were issued legally >But some Defense Department officials clearly resented being asked to act outside of the legal authority of the 25th Amendment and saw it as more evidence of a broken political system. They said that some political leaders were trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a president >Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief; unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal — or slow the process by sending those orders for careful legal review — they cannot remove the president from the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup, the officials said https://archive.is/75frJ >Rage at Capitol assault makes excuses for summer riots all the more disgraceful >The right-wing political violence was met with universal rebuke from politicians of both parties and the media. But many of those who are loudest in condemning the Capitol Hill riot went radio-silent when rioters destroyed and looted in the name of Black Lives Matter >Vice President-elect Kamala Harris encouraged her millions of Twitter followers to donate to a Minnesota crowd-funding effort that paid bail for accused rioters. So, too, did more than a dozen Joe Biden campaign staffers. The Minnesota Freedom Fund raked in more than $35 million in donations with their help >The upshot should be clear: The deadly storming of the Capitol building is the logical outcome of norms set by the left in 2020. By winking at and apologizing for Antifa, liberal elites telegraphed that political grievances ought to be resolved through violence https://archive.is/RHJSQ
Pence is the worst kind of traitor. Traitors need to fear the Patriots.
>LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Alamo, TX at the 450th Mile of New Border Wall https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=c_WNI43s3ds
Had to repost it again. >LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Alamo, TX at the 450th Mile of New Border Wall https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=c_WNI43s3ds
Fuck, forgot that you can't direct-link YouTube anymore. Please no bully.
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It's over, the future is now!

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