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/monarchy/ general 2.0 Peasant 11/24/2020 (Tue) 19:56:53 No. 2288
For general discussion again.
This >>4345 related to >>4439
Monarchist bros please update your wiki page's roster with images and maybe a description of your players https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki//monarchy//Roster
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/monarchy/ vs /2hu/ game starts at 21:00 UTC, I believe. https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup I think it will be broadcasted here^
>>4482 The games start at 17:30 UTC.
>>4485 Starts in one hour
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We have a good start on /icup/!
/icup/ was really fun.
I looked at the /monarchy/ wiki page & fixed a few errors I saw. But the roster page I'm not sure how to make.
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>>4814 >king doesn't even know basic webdev Honestly you can't even call it webdev anymore; it's just dragging prebuilt UI elements around a canvas.
>>4824 It is kinda embarassing.
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>>4825 True, but good luck finding anyone else to do it who won't run it into the ground. Web development has become largely right brain over the past decade or so due to how easy it's gotten. This is why most websites look like shit these days. Websites were meant to be designed by hyper left brained autists with the kind of sheer focus on utility autism affords, not heavily right brained ethots that bloat up the page with megabytes and megabytes of CSS and javascript and HTML5 elements. We must retvrn to 90s Web 1.0 style and the corresponding Windows 3.1 era non compositing desktop environments. Compositing desktop environments are a tool developed by Satan with the express purpose of corrupting the good word of the digital world with inane garbage.
>>4827 okay, but the flipside is the BO already cant do anything. Im not sure making it require actual effort again is gonna improve that.
>>4828 >BO that doesn't know basic tech stuff Clearly, the IB situation is even worse than I thought.
No worries. I finished the work.
>>4830 I bet Graceposter doesn't even know what an SRV record is.
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/monarchy/ vs /a/ tomorrow
King James VI & I Speech >What God hath conjoined then, let no man separate. I am the husband, and all the whole isle is my lawful wife; I am the head, and it is my body; I am the shepherd, and it is my flock. I hope therefore no man will be so unreasonable as to think, that I am that am a Christian king under the gospel, should be a polygamist, and husband to two wives, that I being the head, should have a divided and monstrous body, or that being the shepherd to so fair a flock, whose fold hath no wall to hedge it but the four seas, should have my flock parted in two. >So my Sovereignty obliges me to yield to you love, government and protection: Neither did I ever wish any happiness to myself, which was not conjoined with the happiness of my people. I desire a perfect Union of Laws and persons, and such a Naturalizing as may make one body of both Kingdoms under me your King, that I and my posterity (if it so please God) may rule over you to the world's end; Such an Union as was of the Scots and Picts in Scotland, and of the Heptarchie over here in England. And for Scotland I avow such an Union, as if you had got it by Conquest, but such a Conquest as may be cemented by love, the only sure bond of subjection or friendship: that as there is over both but unus Rex, so there may be in both but unus Grex & una Lex >First, by my descent lineally out of the loins of Henry the seventh, is reunited and confirmed in me the Union of the two Princely Roses of the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, whereof that King of happy memory was the first Uniter Hobbes on the aim of James VI & I >And this was it our most wise King, King James, aimed at, in endeavouring the Union of his two Realms of England and Scotland. Which if he could have obtained, had in all likelihood prevented the Civil wars, which make both those Kingdoms at this present, miserable.
Alexander Hamilton >"I will go farther, and assert, that the authority of the British Parliament over America, would, in all probability, be a more intolerable and excessive species of despotism than an absolute monarchy. The power of an absolute prince is not temporary, but perpetual. He is under no temptation to purchase the favour of one part of his dominions, at the expence of another; but, it is his interest to treat them all, upon the same footing. Very different is the case with regard to the Parliament: The Lords and Commons both, have a private and separate interest to pursue. They must be, wonderfully, disinterested, if they would not make us bear a very disproportional part of the public burthens, to avoid them as much as possible themselves" >"You are mistaken, when you confine arbitrary government to a monarchy. It is not the supreme power being placed in one, instead of many, that discriminates an arbitrary from a free government." >"The nations of Turkey, Russia, France, Spain, and all other despotic kingdoms, in the world, have an inherent right, when ever they please, to shake off the yoke of servitude, (though sanctified by the immemorial usage of their ancestors;) and to model their government, upon the principles of civil liberty." This triggers me. I know Jean Bodin wouldn't agree w/ this, b/c he considered these places to be sovereign monarchies. Jean Bodin <But if the prince be an absolute Sovereign, as are the true Monarchies of France, of Spain, of England; Scotland, Turkey, Muscovy, Tartarie, Persia, Ethiopia, India, and of almost all the kingdoms of Africa, and Asia, where the kings themselves have the sovereignty without all doubt or question; not divided with their subjects: in this case it is NOT lawful for any one of the subjects in particular, or all of them in general, to attempt any thing either by way of fact, or of justice against the honour, life, or dignity of the Sovereign: albeit that he had committed all the wickedness, impiety, and cruelty that could be spoken; for as to proceed against him by way of justice, the subject has no such jurisdiction over his Sovereign prince : of whom depends all power and authority to command: and who may not only revoke all the power of his Magistrates; but even in whose presence the power of all Magistrates, Corporations, Colleges, Estates, and Communities cease, as we have said, and shall yet more fully in due place say. Now if it be not lawful for the subject by way of justice to proceed against his prince; the vassal against his lord; nor the slave against his master; and in brief, if it not be lawful, by way and course of justice to proceed against a king, how should it then be lawful to proceed against him by way of fact, or force. For question is not here, what men are able to do by strength and force, but what they ought of right to do: as not whether the subjects have power and strength, but whether they have lawful power to condemn their Sovereign prince. Now the subject is not only guilty of treason of the highest degree, who has slain his Sovereign prince, but even he also which has attempted the same; who has given counsel or consent thereunto; yea if he have concealed the same, or but so much as thought it… And albeit that the laws inflict no punishment upon the evil thoughts of men; but on those only which by word or deed break out into some enormity: yet if any man shall so much as conceit a thought for the violating of the person of his Sovereign prince, although he have attempted nothing, they have yet judged this same thought worthy of death, notwithstanding what repentance soever he have had thereof. As in proof it fell out with a gentleman of Normandy, who confessed himself unto a Franciscan Friar, to have had a purpose in himself to have slain Francis the first, the French king: of which evil purpose and intent he repenting himself, received of the frier absolution, who yet afterward told the king thereof, who sending for the gentleman, and he confessing the fact, turned him over to the parliament of Paris for his trial, where he was by the decree of that high court condemned to death, and so afterwards executed. Another passage caught my eye from Hamilton. >"Were there any room to doubt, that the sole right of the territories in America was vested in the crown, a convincing argument might be drawn from the principle of English tenure… By means of the feudal system, the King became, and still continues to be, in a legal sense, the original proprietor, or lord paramount, of all the lands in England.*—Agreeable to this rule, he must have been the original proprietor of all the lands in America, and was, therefore, authorized to dispose of them in what manner he thought proper." Archibald Kennedy >There is, in every Family, a Sort of Government without any fixed Rules; and indeed it is impossible, even in a little Family, to form Rules for every Circumstance; and therefore it is better conceived than expressed; but perfectly understood by every Individual belonging to the Family. The Study of the Father or Master, is for the Good of the Whole; all Appeals are to him; he has a Power, from the Reason and Nature of Things, to check the Insolent, or Indolent, and to encourage the Industrious: In short, the whole Affairs of the Family are immediately under the Care or Direction of the Father or Master; and this is a natural Prerogative, known and acknowledged by every Man living, who has ever had a Family, or been any Ways concerned in a Family, in all Ages and in all Places. His Majesty, as he is our political Father, his political Prerogative, from the like Circumstances and Reasons, is equally necessary. And this political Authority has been allowed the supreme Director, in all States, in all Ages, and in all Places; and without it, there would be a Failure of Justice. Although this author is for a mixed monarchy, this passage here feels absolutist.
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 09/03/2022 (Sat) 05:18:35.
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Ebenezer Gay >Light is an Emblem of Authority. It is the Firstborn of Things visible: Hath the Pre-eminence among them, or Predominancy over them: >Rulers are the light of a People, and as when the Sun shineth brightly, there is a pleasant Day over the face of the Earth, so when they shine with Wisdom, Justice, Meekness and the like, and shed abroad the reviving Rays and benign Influences of good Govern|ment, there is a chearful Day of Prosperity enjoyed; truly their Light is sweet. >The Law of Gratitude obligeth People continually to pray for their Rulers. They that exercise Authority upon Men are called Benefactors, Luk. 22.25. and if Magistrates duly exercise the Power they have over others, they highly merit this Title from them, for they do a great deal of Good. They are stiled Gods, not only in respect of their Dignity, but because they resemble him in their extensive Beneficence. They are the Pillars of the Common-Wealth, the main Supporters of it, without which the Fabrick would unavoidably sink.— They are the Shields of the Earth, defending a People from their Enemies. They are the Shepherds of Israel, that with tenderness and Compassion feed the People according to the Integrity of their Hearts, and guide them according to the Skilfulness of their Hands. To them under God People are indebted for the Protection of their Lives and Liberties, Names and Estates, for the Preservation of good Order and happy Peace, for the Security and Comfort they have in all their Enjoyments. Rulers are God's Ministers for good to a People, attending continually on this very thing. Rom. 12.— They are vigilant and solicitous for the temporal Interest and spiritual Benefit of their People: studious in contriving, and industrious in prosecuting Measures for the advantage of the Publick. They take much Care and Pains to dispense Judgment, to en|courage Virtue, and suppress Vice. Such Rulers are call'd Lam. 4.20. the Breath of a People's Nostrils, and under their Shadow they enjoy Safety, eat the Fruits of their Labour, "possess the Comforts and Conveniences of Life, with security from Rapine, from Contention, from Solicitude, from continual fears of Wrong and Outrage." >It is true, that unjust and oppressive Rulers do a great deal of Mischief. Prov: 28.15. As a roaring Lion, and a ranging Bear, so is a wicked Ruler over the poor People. In|stead of feeding them as a Shepherd, he terrifies and devours them, like a roaring Lion and hungry Bear. Yet if Rulers are bad, People receive some Good from their Government, at least in comparison of the Mischiefs they would suffer from Anarchy, or a total want of Government. >Magistrates are God's Representatives upon Earth, they bear his Character, and shine with some Rays of his Majesty; and ought therefore to be highly respected according to the dignity of their Station. Much Honour is put upon them by God, and much should be paid unto them by Men. They are the Heads of the Tribes, and more honourable than their Brethren. They are the Protectors of the civil and religious Liberties of a People, the Conservators of the publick Peace, and Revengers to execute Wrath upon those that disturb it; and should be esteemed greatly, and had in Reputation for their Work sake. They are the Fathers of their Country, and the fifth Commandment obligeth us to honour them * When Joseph was made Ruler over all the Land of Egypt, they cried before him, Abrech, tender Father, (which our Translators render, Bow the Knee, Gen. 41.43.) It is the Duty of People to express their Satisfaction in, and Thankfulness for, the wise, just and beneficial Administrations of their Rulers: and commend the Skill and Faithfulness which they discover in the management of arduous and important Affairs. >People should not easily conceive Prejudices, nor utter Complaints against those in Authority. It is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the Ruler of thy People, Act. 23.5. It may be as commonly from Ignorance, as ill-Will, that Men speak evil of Dignities: They are wont to accuse, arraign and censure those Proceedings, which they are incompetent Judges of, not having Capacity or Opportunity to know the Reasons thereof. There are Arcana Imperii, the Mysteries of State, which every one cannot penetrate into. People should be willing to believe, that ordinarily their Rulers are able to discern more and farther than they, having greater Advantages therefor. They should be cautious lest they speak evil of those things which they understand not; and not presume that they know the way better than their Leaders. >People should take to themselves their share of the blame of the Mis-Conduct and Mal-Administration of the Government over them, and not impute it all to their Rulers. Much of the Fault is their own. Their Sins incense God's righteous Displeasure, so that he withholds or withdraws his Spirit and Presence from their Rulers, and then thro' the prevalence of Temptations, the Influence of bad Counsel, and the power of their own Lusts and Passions, they are misled into those Courses, which are destructive to the Weal and Tranquillity of a People >And certainly much Praise is due unto good Rulers from an obliged People: It is a just Debt they owe to their Protectors and Benefactors. The prudent and tender Fathers of a Country should be acknowledged and blessed >That our KING is a nursing Father, and our QUEEN a nursing Mother, who have express'd their tender Care of, and Concern for us, their poor but dutiful Children, in these distant parts of their Dominion. Myles Cooper >"Great shade of Locke, immortal Sage! >Bright Glory of thy Land, and Age. >… >The choicest Boon, of bounteous Heaven; >To curb, the lawless Tyrants Rule, >And rescue Slaves from Filmer's School; >Refute what Hobbes, what Oxford dreamt, >And shew the Ends, of Government; >TO ridicule, the biggot Rules, >Which Knaves devis'd to govern Fools; >To prove in spite of pedant claims, >God made not Men, for Charles, or James. >But bid them Tyrant Pow'r control, >Nor let a Part, enslave the Whole; Here's an utter rejection of monarchical pre-eminence.
Hail Britannia Immortal beacon shows the way Step forth and seek glory! Hoist your swords high into the clouds Hail Britannia! Our Emperor stands astride this world He'll vanquish every foe! His truth and justice shine so bright All hail his brilliant light! Ebenezer Gay >Light is an Emblem of Authority. It is the Firstborn of Things visible: Hath the Pre-eminence among them, or Predominancy over them
The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King!
Rest In Peace
>>5003 F in chat for the Queenie t. /ita/
>>5003 I hate Elizabeth II. She gave up the empire. Edward should have held the title and invoked his royal prerogative.
>>6779 Charles should resurrect it.
Thoughts on King Charles prostate problems? Grace OC of her getting a prostate check when?
>>2424 >STFU pagans >while holding a cross If only he knew...
>>5003 >hail the great betrayer
>the new king might be retarded >yes ok that makes sense but what happens when the monarch is a militant atheist or indifferent
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>>6949 *shrug* So it happens. Why? are you Catholic? Not every King is going to be Louis IX.
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ngl I'm kinda getting fed up with people whose only affection for monarchy is as denominational jewelry or crusader meme.
>>6954 Thats unfortunate, uh I hope its not me thats upset you. I thought you liked board war stuff so thats why i involved you. Sorry if it annoyed you. I'm just trying to find an excuse to hang out with you.
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>>6956 >came here to ask hypothetical questions idk monarchists don't like standard hypotheticals or silly and incredulous >what if questions
>>6957 ? Oh you were responding to someone in particular on here. Sorry just saw your post on the front page, and came to say hi. Well hope that other guys leaves you alone if hes bugging you then. Well. Have a great day man.
What is your lörs onion on America bringing democracy to third world countries?

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