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Breaking News Moldovan 11/28/2020 (Sat) 22:43:23 Id: 1ccb40 No. 8018
Thread for news regarding upcoming animated series, post anything with cute cakes/lolis here.
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meanwhile in animeland...
>>51294 You're not making any sense. Did you skip your English class when you were in fifth grade?
>>51275 Fuck yeah! >>51277 But users can login with an ATF RC account . >>51283 Don't care. My sarcasm armor is strong today. Thanks for making a token effort chan chan anon.
Any updates on the situation with ATF? Several new links have appeared there, but none of them seem to be helpful. I haven't bothered to make an RC account because I've never been a chitty chatty person, but now it's an emergency situation. I'm not some lurker I'm a content creator and this place here is the only place I can talk. I'm sorry about this!
>>51306 The ATF forum is back but it will be a while before I login to the forum again, going to keep a distance and be less of a target for the DDoSers. The ATF booru and chat are safer places to be for now.
>>51313 And here.

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>>51301 As deformed as they look, they still have lot's of volume and perspective.
>>51323 you comparing a late 90's anime on which at least 100 people worked on with a comic from a single artist? - ye, that's making a lotta sense... try again...
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i guess you refering to the fact that many western cartoons simply don't use shaddows for more simplified animation, but the same goes for anime... if you look at daily proadcasted shows "BEFORE" the use of cg animation (and i don't mean cgi) you see a lot of anime also not using shaddows... a cartoon without perspective isn't really possible and basicly the most cheap animations do this, which there are tons of examples on each side... you cannot really say that anime is better than cartoons; both are equal, they are different in style and animation sure, but they are still valuable the same... the only difference i really recognized so far is that western cartoons are way more rich in variation in style and execution, while anime basicly looks all the same... i do recognize that a very few anime are also divergent by style and creativity, but they are too few for them to actually count...
>>51313 >>51309 Me When We're Saved ATF
>Thread for news regarding upcoming animated series Can we actually get back on the topic and not derail another thread on the board?
>>51337 aye aye sir... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgiazrLdQQE tobi lolness is not really that new (only a year or so) but has some nice character designs... also "zouk, la petite sorcière" is a cute show... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHtmJ5J-NVY
>>51344 Cool, didn't know Zouk was already out. I remember watching a teaser back in the 2021 online Annecy festival. I still have the raw file I recorded back then (I haven't properly trimmed it yet), so I'm glad since it's online people can make real rips now.
>>51301 nice cherry picking bro
>>51355 >lil' bro is getting tilted at obvious bait
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seems a new tv series will arrive soon! la rivière à l'envers https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LeqPfds-aDY?feature=share
Ok, it's down again, wtf is going on with these ddos shitheads?
>>51678 ATF? I´m inside right now and works perfect
>>51680 I was able to log in but the only thing it says is : There is an ongoing "raid" done by Internet trolls using some old accounts that have been breached, so be careful, report suspicious activity and do not open any strange links. Forum and Rocket Chat are closed until these accounts have been dealt with. Hopefully on this Monday. Forum is currently undergoing maintenance / backup. Please check the notice(s) for more details. Nothing works
>>51688 i never use forum so i forget it have one... but the imageboard is working
>>51689 What imageboard do you mean booru? It's like saying I never drive a car, I forgot it drives, I just sit there.
Sneak Peek of Disney Channel new show, StuGo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt7TGOvvFWQ
atf is down again I am getting pure connection time out errors try to beg and vow to return
false alarm the site is back. but the strange thing is because this happens every saturday when atf susede something bad to the server with very slow loads and erros
Guys, is Baraag still alive?
>>53846 baraag is down due The media storage provider for baraag has terminated service with us. It will take an indeterminate time to find a new service provider before we can get back online. The good news is that our actual host and domain remains safe. Please bear with us in the meantime. but the site has been backed up. all publications in baraag are secure. and all publications in baraag are federated in aethy, and pawoo.
>>53853 We have to wait until Baraag is up and going
>>51794 Francis is best girl
Aw FUCK!!! I can’t believe Baraag is still down to this day!
Fresh chocolate cake in the form of Aika from "Pretty Pretty Please I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf7bsmT-Jn0
After 10 cruel days…. BARAAG’S BACK!!!
>>54141 I like it
Skillsville came out yesterday. Do you think you'll do porn of Skillsville?
>>54296 Course the white girl is paralyzed

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