/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Chocolate Cake Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 01:27:22 Id: 37769d No. 200
Dedicated thread just for dark/tanned skin cake. Black characters who are light skinned (red bone) and/or biracial is A-okay too.
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>>33845 10/10, built for BLEACHING.
>>33849 Love to breed her she is hot
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How bout a slice of orange blossom chocolate cake? Commission by aldorian on Twitter, rip.
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>>36616 Sauce?
>>36627 is a minor character of the new DC series My adventures with Superman
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Lola's boy toy.
>>31269 Holy fucking shit, source on this comic? That is probably the cutest black loli I have ever seen
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by Satsuyo
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Chocolate Cookies
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It would make more sense if I had colored it, but I just drew a quick pic of Histeria! characters Charity Bazar and Aka Pella, one of which is a choco cake.
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>>54272 And now someone gave it color. Thank you!

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