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Harvey Beaks Anonymous 05/23/2020 (Sat) 15:55:40 Id: ba0c93 No. 1027
Post what little there is
>>11882 >>11880 I thought it was because we knew it wasn't worth the fuss and that if we don't cause trouble, the ban would be lifted by the next thread
>>11883 Exactly. If you don't cause an uproar, I may lift it in the next drawthread.
>>11895 Okay
Happy 6th Anniversary
>>12362 Let's celebrate here https://aggie.io/9s0bbt3nup Anyone wanna draw them playing strip poker?
>>12365 Already put Miriam there (she won)
Nice can we see it
>>12395 Just click the link
>>12465 >>1259 these two probably the only good pictures in the entire thread
>>12465 Wow, this is good Say, your artstyle looks familiar, have you done any other HB art before?
>>12504 No, the only thing I have ever posted here is this >>10443 I have never drawn any other Harvey Beaks picture before.
>>12395 I don't see it
>>12507 Zoom out
Wow the strip poker drawing looks like some ting Lachie V would draw
Idk you guys be the judge on the art style
>>12519 >>12518 Nope, don't see it Bottom one looks traced
>>12365 Aw shit, someone vandelized it
>>12465 Man, if this is just a WIP, then I'm really looking forward to the finished product?
>>12670 that's the issue... I dont know what happened, but the PSD file is unrecoverable, It can only be fixed to an extent now, seems that Photoshop bugged out and deleted the file, Is not on recycle bin or anything, it just vanished from my PC when I had PS freeze.
Okay, just noticed that user registration on it is closed so, if there's any images you want posted on the Harvey Beaks booru, reply to this post (include sources when possible) and I'll see what I can do. https://harveybeaks.booru.org/ Nothing with genitals.
>>12725 Sorry to hear that, man If it makes you feel better, I thought it looked about done
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I hear the show is on Paramount + now
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>>12670 Wait, why is it gone now?
>>19467 maybe becase it was poor quality.
>>20114 I remember it looking alright
>>20120 nah man it was a pretty bad one, I rember.
>>23366 Are you the artist who made it or just a critic?
>>23381 I just remember it.
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These pics of Claire in her underwear were drawn by an anonymous artist on halfchan's /trash/ board.
An Ai image is made of Piri piri I did the best i could

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