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/co/ Christmas card 2024 Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 05:00:51 No. 42451
What a year! Feels like there's been a vibe shift going on, I hope it continues on into 2025. CHRISTMAS CARD TIME Submit (preferably background-less) images of /co/ related material (8moe related events count too) referencing big comic and/or cartoon events of the past year. We mash 'em all up in a big collage and send out the result to boards we like on Christmas Day. With Notre-Dame reopening and Steamboat Willie going public domain, how about traditional Christmas at Church or a southern style retreat on a steamboat; or some other third option (post them below).
Here you go. No one's really paying attention to the thread this year. This is the best I got. I have no energy for more.
>>42681 Looks good better than last year.
>>42681 Great work >the irony of the OG mufasa dying the same year they make the shitty prequel film is only dawning on me now
(933.59 KB 1620x1080 Peter Renaday.png)

(472.33 KB 1200x900 Rachael Lillis.png)

(129.20 KB 432x400 Ramona Fradon.png)

(603.53 KB 1400x700 Richard M Sherman _jpg.png)

(464.11 KB 928x948 Morgan Lofting.png)

(34.80 KB 1000x427 Peter Bennett.png)

(145.09 KB 360x360 Akira Toriyama.png)

(174.50 KB 648x675 Doc Harris.png)

(779.47 KB 644x901 James Earl Jones.png)

>>42707 >>42708 >>42604 Sorry for the delay but here they are.
>>42707 >>42708 >>42709 Gotta be faster next time. I already made 2 "final" versions before the true final one. Can't be asked to make another.
(158.46 KB 480x360 the paley brothers.png)

>>42709 Almost forgot Andy Paley. >>42711 >Can't be asked to make another. Pick whatever you want then ya redditor, no one is forcing anyone to make shit. Last time I checked there isn't just 'one' version of the card.
(227.15 KB 1170x754 mrfrog.png)

(877.52 KB 1290x1059 joker2.png)

(221.01 KB 1000x563 Tom_and_Jerry_(Anime).png)

(161.89 KB 854x480 velma.png)

Also, I got carried away and made a couple more pics.
(4.54 MB 4000x5000 absolute-batman.png)

(202.71 KB 640x480 Kyle Carrozza.png)

(182.97 KB 500x762 popeye.png)

>>42715 I'd fuck Shitty, but I'd fuck none of the magisuords
>>42713 Then make your own. No one else contributed or tried this year. You can't come last minute & expect me to appease one person now.
>>42717 >You can't come last minute & expect me to appease one person now. I didn't demand shit, I just made pngs for the dead and you started sperging out.
>>42719 All I'm telling you is I'm doing nothing with them & clearly no one else has even with the ones I posted. No one's sperging but you for being told it's too late.

(677.57 KB 859x668 arcane-singed-with-orianna.png)

(471.26 KB 1200x676 The-Penguin-lounging.png)

(141.35 KB 290x525 GwimblySmilingFriends.png)

>>42714 >>42715 >>42471 I'll attempt to add some of those to this soon. Here's what I have so far.
(1.07 MB 2048x1365 co-card-2024-final-12-22.jpg)

>>42681 >>42733 Here's my attempt to add some more missing images. What do you think?
>>42734 I call that a job well done
>>42734 I should've included Penguin to begin with.
(2.22 MB 2048x1933 color group.png)

>>42563 I decided to do a quick color.
(165.78 KB 439x589 megamind-rules-human.png)

(466.27 KB 600x1198 rvb-blue.png)

(175.98 KB 600x1198 rvb-red.png)

(448.32 KB 1095x730 inside_out_2_anxiety.png)

(148.49 KB 414x273 ronnie_anne_and_punguari.png)

>>42743 >>42734 I'll be adding some more images that I've missed soon. I'll add that colored drawing, too, thanks. Some more characters that I might add (feel free to help): >X-men '97 >Primos >Mr. Birchum >Hazbin Hotel (certainly in that jail cell that I added earlier) >Batman: Caped Crusader
>>42744 Alright the last batch was already too much. Now this is just getting into impossible levels of just a mess of a collage. Isn't even a Christmas card anymore. At least use a more open background in your own card if you must have EVERYTHING possible.
(1.18 MB 2048x1365 co-card-2024-final-12-23.jpg)

>>42745 Too late. Here it is. I'll stop now, as this looks good enough for me.
>>42749 It's a mess but at the same time I applaud the madness.
(7.27 MB 3768x5120 Test Card2.jpg)

I found a flatter version of the 3rd pic of the op. I have enough room to add more, so if anyone wants to contribute just post the transparent image.
(514.04 KB 3412x1920 tarjeta de navidad FINAL 1.jpg)

(767.73 KB 4752x3168 tarjeta de navidad FINAL 2.jpg)

MERRY CHRISTMAS, /CO/= from your Spanish speaking neighbor, >>>/ac/ This year we made two cards, I hope you like it.
(495.78 KB 1289x1276 Steam Boat Willie Mickey.png)

(34.65 KB 118x304 Popeye original appearance.png)

>>42765 See now that one there is a much better format for such a crowded card. Much more open space. Here's the png for Mickey I used & the first appearance of Popeye specifically since that's the one going into public domain.
>>42765 >>42767 Impressive. I like the hats, too. I still prefer the slightly chaotic nature of the last one to reflect 2024.
Okay now this is my personal real final final for real this time Christmas card.
>>42766 the final version
(7.26 MB 3768x5120 Merry co xmas 2024.jpg)

And its done, I don't see anyone contributing more but Im open to adding more if its before 11:30 est pm.
>>42769 >>42783 Thanks for putting them together. >>42771 >>42766 Thanks, Merry Christmas.
>>42771 Why is John Egbert there?
>>42811 I suggested it in 2021 because an anon made an odyssey reading the webcomic, in 2022 as a mere Easter egg, now in 2023 because the webcomic came back, and believe it or not, it continues to release updates, so it's there in the background being the heterosexual Chad who is
to save time i will now start referring to this year as last year starting now
>>42875 Blame tumblr

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