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New Scooby-Doo Bases Series 'Velma' by HBO Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 16:07:59 No. 30314
'Velma' will be a modern, violent and mature™ take by HBO on the origin story of Velma Dinkley https://archive.ph/a21V1 >With the teaser trailer having dropped last Friday, 7 October, the series boasts a new and diverse look to the classic depiction >As commented on by Kaling during the first-look reveal in May, Velma will be represented as a South Asian character. >When speaking about the representation of this character, Kaling noted, "This journey of self-discovery for [Velma] is something that really drew us to this project and this character. So we want to honour other interpretations and what we think feels really modern." <According to the available log line, the series sets to depict the origin story of Velma Dinkley, the unsung and underappreciated brains of Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated. "The original and humorous spin unmasks the complex and colourful past of one of America's most beloved mystery solvers," read a segment from American media publication, Variety. >The first season is set to debut at some point in 2023 on HBO Max, and will consist of 10 episodes. >Up-and-coming actor Sam Richardson, who recently appeared in Disney's Hocus Pocus 2 (2022), is set to claim the role of Shaggy. Crazy Rich Asians (2018) star, Constance Wu, is said to take on the bewitching role of Daphne, while fellow The Mindy Project (2013) co-star to Kaling, Glenn Howerton, is taking on the leader of Mystery Inc, Fred. >Other actors who have been revealed to be involved with the show in an undisclosed capacity (as of now) include Jane Lynch, Nicole Byer, Shay Mitchell, Wanda Sykes, Ming-Na Wen, Debby Ryan, and Russell Peters, just to name a few. <However, one big and noticeable change to the group will be the removal of Mystery Inc's mascot — Scooby-Doo, who will not be featured in the series entirely >Showrunner for the series, Charlie Grandy, stated that due to a multitude of reasons, they would be excluding Scooby from the series. "When we were going into the show and thinking about adapting it, we wanted to be respectful. We didn't want to just kind of take these beloved characters and put them in outrageous or gross situations and say, 'Isn't it crazy you did that to Velma?'" At least the hound will be exempt from this absolute contemptuous dumpster fire. So to summarize the changes: >Aesthetic from warm, rounded cartoon style to hard-edged gay PR style >Fred changed from alpha Chad Aryan to cross-eyed beta weakling >Velma (the smart one) now SEA, and super smart >Shaggy, fan fave cowardly stoner -- GONE, replaced by cynical (probably brave) black man >Daphne, symbol of beauty and WASP elitism-- demonic Karen oozing white privilege. Of course they are also openly and blatantly full of contempt for the viewer already, preemptively implying anyone that hates this is a no life troll that sends death threats over "insignificant" (read: when you complain about it) things that are also AMAZING and diverse (read: when they do it) cast!
>>32236 This deserves racial genocide.
>>32236 Holy shit this is worse than like, Family Guy level animation. How do you make a show look worse than 1976's Scooby-Doo?
>>32236 I have no words for this, whatever the fuck it is.
>>32293 It's our unfortunate reality.
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>>32236 It's not even funny. It's just non-sequiturs that go nowhere.
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>>32236 Soooo... they ADMIT she's a sociopath in this one?
>>32321 Nah it's quirky & wacky. Definitely not signs of pure psychopathic behavior.
>>32236 Dude even the fucking movies were better. They had better story, characters and even visuals. Fuck this shit. I would rather see scrappy doo be an absolute psycho that wanted to take revenge on the original gang.
>>32328 Honestly those movies are classics even back when they came out & were obviously more than a little divisive in the less than family friendly content. Fucking loved the second movie.
>>32328 Technically, that was the case in the 2002 film.
>>32331 That's what he's referencing, anon.
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>>32328 >>32329 Talk about toasted! didn't the guy playing Shaggy try to go for his voice 1:1 to the point he almost fucked up his own?
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>>32343 I've always subscribed to the theory that Shaggy and Scooby aren't stoners... they're just goofballs who enjoy eating because they burn a shit-ton of calories running away from the Real Estate Developer of the Week. The Harvey Birdman episode spelled it out rather neatly. "They're not on drugs, Mr. Birdman, they're just stupid."
>>32351 >they're just goofballs That's basically it. In fact, when you watch the original series, Shaggy and Scooby are not idiots. There's even several references to how Shaggy is actually a star athlete.
>>32385 I hope the series ender is a rabid great dane killing Fred, Norville, Daphne, and Mindy. Also, that whole brain-swapping tech? How much do you want to bet they all switch bodies to the classic look, leaving it as a big "Fuck you, she was a Pajeet ALL ALONG!" to the audience?
>>32386 >How much do you want to bet they all switch bodies to the classic look, leaving it as a big "Fuck you, she was a Pajeet ALL ALONG!" to the audience? So wait how would they time travel?
>>32236 How can something fall so low it's digging through bedrock?
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>>32355 >Shaggy and Scooby are not idiots. People's Exhibit A: They run and hide from the monsters like sane people. When they can't, they use their disguise skills to try to fast talk their way out of the situation.
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>>32343 Like, Scooby! NO! Chocolate is poisonous to dogs! And hot sauce will probably make you wish you were dead!
>>32385 >He just wanted to have friends Why do I find this video more sympathetic and emotional rather than horrorifying?
>>32407 It wouldn't be if Scoob didn't have to maul the gang to death every time to reset.
>>32410 He wouldn't need to do that if Velma just went with the program, instead of questioning everything.
>>32424 scroll up 4 posts, feel retarded, and then get back to me.
>>32385 I like it. Four minutes of animation that's better than a whole HBO-backed series.
>>32449 Modern American media in a nutshell.
>>32389 >So wait how would they time travel? They are all fifteen in Velma. Which means, if they're going to attempt to rape canon via body-switch, they have at least two seasons to do it. And I'm betting they will.
>>32487 They won't. They will however make put a dude's brain in a dog's body to make Scooby. Then probably a joke about them getting a TV cartoon deal based on them that "white washes" them.
>>32236 Remember when they were lifelong friends that stuck together through thick and thin? Remember when they got out of countless dangerous situations through the power of teamwork? Remember in the specials when they couldn't bear to be separated and always strived to get back together? Yeah. Those were the days, huh?
>>32492 We shall see, but I'm betting Mindy and her pals are cunty enough to do the body swap for everyone, including Fred to get him swole.
>>32496 Remember when they were actors who had to drag every fan to the studio to remind Scooby and Shaggy that people loved everything about the original series and there was zero reason to change the show or for them to change?
>>32236 Why do they work together, let alone be implied to form Mystery Inc. if they hate each other's guts?

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