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Things That Got Shows Cancelled Anonymous 04/06/2022 (Wed) 01:35:57 No. 24756
Either by low toy sales, certain scenes or the creators being an absolute pest. What other reasons, other than low viewership, has a show been cancelled?
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>>24756 >make cartoon to sell toys >release toys months before the show >toys don't sell because no one knows the characters >show finally comes out, toys are long gone from shelves
>>26338 >They launched the toys before the show That's retarded, why did they do that?
>>26343 Filmation and the toy company not giving a shit in a dead end situation?
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>>26343 >That's retarded, why did they do that? Ask Kevin Smith
>>24969 >>25053 >>25306 >The main issue is that its a monster of the week show with only 3 staple characters The Netflix Voltron toyline was almost 100% just Voltron itself. The real issues were: 1. Mecha genre is pretty much dead; there isn't a lot of mecha anime and it isn't popular as in the past and definitely most people outside of Japan only care for Transformers 2. Original franchise so toy companies are less likely to jump on the bandwagon, especially when they don't even own said franchise 3. Not enough toy companies and it was the beginning of action figures/cartoons decline. >>25581 >Of the $36B dollars of toys millennials spent in 2021, 70% of it was actually them buying toys for themselves Souce? What about the overall sales of toys regardless of generation? I mean millennials are also less married and have children than previous generations. After all, it's impossible for big toy companies to just rely on adult collectors only. >>25727 >>25603 >All I know is that toys are absurdly fucking expensive, and I can hardly imagine how difficult it is for a kid to convince a parent to shell out like $30 And yet as I've said in the CN thread fashion dolls still sell well, because there is competition and hence there is also quality unlike with action figures. I guess you could also factor that video games can't really replace the physical experience of fashion dolls and that girls tend to be more materialistic than boys. >>25632 >most toys as a kid sucked. Action figures had so little articulation Were you really aware of that as a kid?! I mean there were few articulated toylines like G.I. Joe, Cops N' Crooks and Bravestarr, but there wasn't anything yet on the level of Spiderman Classics by Toybiz which was revolutionary. I actually got one as a kid and was mind-blown by the level of articulation, but I still liked my few 5 PoA figures. Only when I grow older I became an articulationfag. >>26343 >>26389 Actually, the show got canceled due to Filmation getting sold and eventually closed. In fact, Mattel wanted to continue the toyline despite the low sales. >Mattel was hit by weak sales of the the toy line.[2][3] A second toy line had been designed by Mattel, but was cancelled when Filmation shut down in 1989 and the second television series was cancelled. >>26343 If you think that's retarded, you should look at Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors situation in which the low toy sales were the reason for cancellation: >Mattel ordered an animated series to promote the product, but development on this did not start until after the toys had already been produced and sales of the toys had been disappointing. When the animated series premiered, it had a vastly different story line and, aside from the vehicles and their names, nothing linked the toys to the animated series so the show did little to boost sales. >Due to less than successful toy sales, the series' 65-episode run was not extended, and the series ended unresolved.
>>26422 Little bit as a kid. I just thought it was the norm though so I dealt with it. Still now an adult collector I know there's much more posable articulated action figures out there. Mostly from Japan.
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>>25084 You will never please everyone. Representing flaggot characters into children's cartoons would just give you, like what? literally 15 seconds of fame? Only to be past news after the new progressive turd has been shit out.
>>25255 >>25254 They call it the loud house because lincolns sisters won't stop moaning.
>>24756 I heard John K's take on Yogi Bear was greatly despised by Joe Barbera and wanted to shitcan it in some way or another, not sure if Will Hannah was still around during that year.
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I still don't know how Moral Orel was released, probably the jew executives thinking it would be a great way of deconstructing Christianity but damn, it's one of the best shows put on TV. Clone High was cancelled for depicting Ghandi as a party animal, some old farts who eat cow shit didn't like it and caused some uproar and MTV cancelled it.
>>24756 >Sym-Bionic Titan >low toy sales How does Cartoon Network fuck up a giant robot cartoon so badly? It's outstanding how absolutely they fumbled that show. >>40191 And then it got renewed out of the blue twenty years past its prime and forgotten about just as quickly.
>>40194 Even more quickly I feel Nothing but SJW garbage
>>40194 It came out in the cartoon network dead zone of 2008-2011, after CN Real fell through but before they got back on track with stuff like Regular Show and the Amazing World of Gumball. They were putting all their eggs in the Adventure Time basket and neglecting the action cartoons like Thundercats, Sym-Bionic Titan, and the few DC cartoons that were coming out (Like Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
>>40200 Which I guess worked out for them but was also a massive disappointment in retrospect because as far as I can remember those shows were great (whereas almost everything that came out after that period was complete garbage).
>>40201 It worked out because Adventure Time was massively shilled. The marketing campaign they had with that shit would have worked with any other show.
>>40200 >>40202 >It worked out Yes, by tumblr retards we know they lie themself.
>>40234 On a business level, it worked out for CN. Kinda. They're still milking Adventure Time despite the hatred for the show after the creator left & the remaining crew treated Finn like a punching bag. There's a new movie announced just recently.
>>40234 They even went awfully quiet when Bee and Puppycat conned their Kickstarter funds.
>>40235 >On a business level, it worked out for CN. Ok, show me the revenues? >>40236 What did you expect? Tumblrs take majority of the funds and let the cheapest animation studio to do the hardwork The Frederators are biggest obvious of tumblr's scams they just idea guys not animators they're not an animation studio every production they made was co-produced.
>>40245 >Ok, show me the revenues? Really nigga? The fact they keep making new shit with it shows it's a success. WB is very very trigger happy with cancelling anything that doesn't meet expectations. Unless you want to deny that TTGO makes money next.
Most 80s cartoon toy commercials weren't successful but it was common to order a 65-episode batch all at once & it took so long to get the toys out that by the time they had failed, the money was already long spent. In some cases they'd spent little, the show would blow up big(COPS especially) but by the time they'd pump in the cash for more episodes & more toys, the interest would fade in the 12 months it took to get all that stuff released. >>24966 CN/AS told him to go all out. He did. They changed their minds despite the content not being even that extreme & pulled the plug. Considering their treatment of Metalocalypse(openly shitting on it & fans, only relenting very recently for more & still treating it like it barely exists) & the rightards shouting WOKE at anything that doens't agree with them, I doubt Moral Orel will ever come back because it mostly made fun of the right & the religious fanatics.
>>40196 I'd love to hear why ever new cartoon is SJW but something like Jem is not. Actually no, I don't' give a shit about right-wingers or their deranged views. It'll probably be "it was made before we coined the term" or some stupid shit.
>>40246 Velma got 2 seasons despite low ratings Could be the loser writer guild got them at gunpoint If WB would be more specific in their financial results they mention a few times about low demands to other platforms. >>40250 Different time man, you forgot the ad revenue was very luxury in that time
>>40253 Velma got a contractual obligated second season. Most shows get that & if they're cheap enough to make while making just enough revenue from subscriptions then they'll get even more. Of course this is talking about streaming shows.
>>40253 >>40254 Actually, there's a couple things going on. First, for the overwhelming majority of these shows, they don't get a "second season". What people are actually getting is the second half of the originally planned first season. Previously, shows would get anywhere from 12-26 episodes because it fit right within the seasonal time frame on television. These shows (Velma, Tomboy Lois, TT Looniveristy, Hazbin Hotel, Invincible, etc.) have seasons that are 10 or less episodes. Even successful ones (Primal, Smiling Friends, Unicorn) follow this format. And we can see shows like SW: Bad Batch get the proper treatment of 16 episodes per season. So, no, Velma is not getting a second season, it's just the latter half of season one. Second, these shows are not getting subsequent seasons because they're successful. Ignoring the previous point and assuming that the show actually was getting a "proper" second season, all claims about the shows being a "success" go out the window the moment we see announcements of these series ALREADY GETTING another season anywhere from a week to a month before the show even airs. This happened with Velma. This happened with Tomboy Lois. And this happened with nuAnimaniacs. Meanwhile decent and acclaimed shows like Villainous are still in limbo three years later over whether or not the series is going to continue. So with this being the case, why do they keep releasing shows that no one likes nor watches? It's for the purposes of demoralization. If they convince people that they're "only ones" who don't like the show, then that keeps people isolated and afraid from speaking out.
>>40264 Correct as well. Now yes there's also the element of DEI Black Rock type funding to push a message thing keeping these shows continuously being made. Part malevolence but also part incompetence on these companies not knowing what the fuck they're doing.
>>40245 >Tumblr Has anyone kept track on how many failed Kickstarter cartoons or comics pushed by tumblrinas are out there hoping for the useful retards to fall for it? I remember the one with a park ranger and her bear cub, but there was another project going on trying to be more ambitious called "The Cloud Factory", whose premise is the most uninspired and generic fantasy typically coming from a tumblrina stereotype: >The only redeemable thing are the backgrounds <Half-assed character designs <Sneak peak is fucking nothing Really makes you think these people shit on foreign media or anything that doesn't fly on their socials because they don't follow their retarded standards, only to dish out putrid and bland products that are shared everywhere by activists.
>>40264 Sound like a new standard got anymore you can post or source? >>40292 >Has anyone kept track on how many failed Kickstarter cartoons or comics pushed by tumblrinas are out there hoping for the useful retards to fall for it? I don't think you can't track about to many failures.
>>40264 >If they convince people that they're "only ones" who don't like the show, then that keeps people isolated and afraid from speaking out. That might work if there weren't roundtables full of ranters and critics on youtube whose channels are 100% dedicated to making fun of these kind of shows. But as it stands I'm not sure why they bother to keep up the charade.
>>40310 >That might work if there weren't roundtables full of ranters and critics on youtube whose channels are 100% dedicated to making fun of these kind of shows. You would have a point IF those "roundtables full of ranters and critics on youtube whose channels are 100% dedicated to making fun of these kind of shows" didn't still contribute to the current industry and go so far as to even praise shows for not being "As" pozzed as other material coming out. Most recent examples are those people in these groups praising the live-action One Piece and Fallout shows.
>>40312 Isn’t that moving the goalposts? Are their no dissenting voices or “well, okay there are but it’s not real communism dissent because xyz reason.” There were people saying the Fallout show was shit, there were people saying One Piece was shit, it’s not that everyone is a shill, it’s just people having different (sometimes dogshit) tastes.
>>24756 You could throw in the new Ren & Stimpy reboot, basically the original crew got the boot and kept the retarded hipsters to shit all over the place, same mistake as NuAnimaniacs. Also Viacom stopped funding their cartoon slop for their shitacular streaming services even sending the new Fairly OddParents reboot to Nigflix, Pluto is all what they got but they won't marathon shows that had copyrighted music despite making a decent amount of millions.
>>24756 Not sure of this counts, because only 1 cartoon was his original creation and the rest of his resume was just serving coffee to the talented crew members: https://archive.is/cHcmJ >Kyle Carroza the oh-so called cartoonist with a bright future arrested for owning Democrat activism >Creator of Mighty Magiswords, Cartoon Network's only interactive cartoon app that nobody gave a shit His artstyle was just regurgitating whatever John K's had been shitting out and when someone pointed that out, he fucking purged his DeviantArt page. So Mighty Magiswords is buried under 20 feet or more, no reboots, no continuation, no nothing.
>>24756 damn, I didn't actually expect it to happen but I opened 8chan today and I had a feeling reggie would be here so I clicked cuz fck it why not I doubt she'd actually be on here cuz her show was cancelled like 4-8 years ago and hardly anyone even watched it when it aired but no she's actually here if that doesn't prove she's my waifu then idk what does she was calling out to me, I know it ;-; (I know the post was like 3 months ago but I don't come here often so fck it it still counts >_<)
MLP FIM was a success from day 1 but, Hasbro being a bunch of dumb assholes, went "but target demographics" & ignored it, tanking the toys, tanking the show, running Lauren Faust off, etc. It's like handing someone a printing press to make authentic $100 bills & they set it on fire the second they touch it. TF Animated was also ignored because MUH BAYFORMERS. The only 2 decent Hasbro cartoons(well OK FIM went to shit midway in season 2) & they fucked up both. I don't understand how this company is still in business.

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