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CW DC universe shows: Smallville edition Anonymous 01/26/2022 (Wed) 20:15:34 No. 22580
So the first ten minutes of the pilot for smallville is fantastic. We get a rain of kryptonite (makes sense, as much of that shit is fucking everywhere in superman comics it was probably a pretty traumatic event) We get Lana Langs parents totally disintegrated by a kryptonite strike, hardcore as fuck, and then we start getting questionable things. Like Lex is bald because of the kryptonite strikes blowing all the hair off his head at 6. Pretty fucking stupid and pointless, but whatever. Then we get our obligatory skip in years. And Clark's a geek who wants to join the football team. His folks are agin it for obvious reasons (no one really talks about it but superman could kill people without trying) And then a tobey Maguire spidey reference with a missed school bus. That's where I'm at with the pilot so far. Pretty fucking good. If they are willing to straight murder the shit out of people on a pilot then there's promise for a fairly hardcore show. Thread question: Lana Lang or Lois Lane?
>>22718 I liked him. But yeah his characterization consisted of "dumb jock" The reveal lately tho is that lionel luther can see fine Didn't see that coming. He's a lot of fun.
>>22720 Lionel is best character, and his promotion to series regular in Season 2 is one of the things that makes the show improve dramatically. Well that and that Seasons 2 and 3 start doing more significant multi-episode arcs. I like that they're mostly just a few episodes long, so you don't get continuity lockout, and each episode still works on its own, but there are still elements that benefit from seeing every episode.
>>22723 Yeah season 2 is starting to get real serial. Loving it. Can't wait to open up that damned ship Martha finally gets the key back, and promptly hides it in a closet FUGGGG ugh and now there's a cave with the same keyhole. So kryptonians have been to earth previously. I did always wonder if his dad just sent him off in a random direction, or if Earth was always the goal. If it was previously surveyed than looking like the later.
Okay season 2 ep 15 or was it 17? Anyway rosetta stone. So last ep "fever" we got the ship keys out the closet and the ships a resurrection machine. Kinda OP macguffin to have lying around in the show now, but okay. And this episode we put the key in the cave. it gives clark knowledge of his written language Neat. And special guest star Christopher Reeve. Very neat. Also Clark's mom played Lana Lang in superman 3. So. There's jokes to made there but later. Because we also open up the goddamn ship finally. and jor el was basically king vegeta, sent supes to rule earth I'll be honest my knowledge of superman lore is real thin as concerns the house of El. So no idea how canon all this is, but it all makes sense. Enjoying the show very much. Hope to hit season 3 by tonight.
Smallville was for girls.
>>22730 Smallville adds a lot of stuff that isn't in the comics, but I think it mostly does a good job at making it fit within the things that are in the comics. A lot of the original material could slot in relatively easily. At least by the end of the show, once it's all fleshed out. They also do some pretty cool stuff with it, and it mostly stays important for the whole series. The best parts of Seasons 7 and 8 are the payoffs to original elements introduced in Seasons 2 and 3. If you watch that much of it. I bet a lot of the people watching at the start stopped before the end. But it's worth it in the end. >>22732 Yeah basically. But not as much as later CW DC shows. The first couple seasons are basically normalfag X-Files/Buffy/Walker Texas Ranger stuff. I wouldn't say it's that girly, but it's not exactly masculine. The middle seasons get pretty damn girly, though, I must admit. The last couple seasons get really autistic with comic book lore stuff, though, and it isn't girls that would want that stuff. I once managed to get a girl to watch this whole show with me, which got her to care enough to watch the whole DCAU with me after. But I still haven't manged to get her into actual comics yet. That's an extra step of autism. But at least now I can talk about Superman and she knows almost everything I reference, since over ten years, this show does cover basically every major piece of Superman lore.
>>22735 Well just got the finale left for 2 then on to season 3. It's pretty basic monster of the week stuff, but with more arc then say xena. wow. Goodjob bro.
How is Batwoman an actual show?
>>22768 Mostly out of spite. Like most SJW shit, it exists purely to spite people who like something they don't like, so they ruin it. They think they're spiting people who like Batman and superheroes in general, because the people who like those things are typically male, and they hate males and things that males like. They may or may not realize that the same males they're spiting, who like superheroes and comic books and Batman, also liked Batwoman comics, the ones where she is a lesbian. But they weren't this fucking preachy. They were actual good detective stories with deep lore and interesting plots, and they actually made the lesbian protagonist interesting and likable. So either SJWs made her boring and unlikable to spite the fans, as usual, or more likely, they're so uninformed they haven't even read those comics and realized they were popular with the same people they were trying to spite, and they're simply too bad at art to write interesting or likable characters anyway.
>>22769 Pretty much yeah, also money laundering.
Midway through season 5. Marsters was there and gone, hoping he shows up again before next season. Cause this is getting boring as fuck. >lana Completely and totally unlikeable in anyway shape or form. God I hate her. All last season she had entire episodes about her 16th century ancestor who was a witch, give lana magic powers for a season, and was burned at the stake. But not before also going to china and hiding an artifact. Specifically a special krypton brain stone. Which apparently were left on earth back in the 1600s? For Clark? Before Jor-El was even born? Man fuck this shit so goddamn hard. This SUCKS. >lois Lets leave aside that she was introduced entirely too early, that her hair is the wrong color, and we already have a blonde lois on the staff anyway in chloe. Who was already a bad Lois Lane but it was cool because she wasn't actually Lois she was chloe the happy news girl who gave Clark his love of journalism. Only this emboldened them to make Lois this but without any interest in journalism. Or anything. And. And God I can't go on. I try not to think about it when shes on screen. I keep hoping she will just leave. And sometimes she does. She is the worst character of all time. I hate her. >john kent for governor This entire plotline is fucking retarded and written by an idiot. Like wtf. Who greenlit this horseshit? Wanna write a political storyline? Then read one goddamn book about politics you fucking hack. Goddamn these writers. >the other seasons 1 was cool 2 was bareable but boring 3 was a goddam slog 4 was a trainwreck involving your testicles and rabid dobermans 5 is not great so far. >guest appearances >aquaman Cool, obviously played by a gay, but yeah cool whatever. >der Flash Meh >reasons to keep watching Idk. I was holding in for the show to move to metropolis and Clark getting into journalism or going to college. And maybe he'd meet an older student as Lois. Who knows. Could have been fun. Instead college has amounted to like ten minutes of screen time. And Lois was a disaster. So bad. So badly cast and written and acted. So very very bad. Idk. I guess I'm invested at this point though. Clarks marrying Lana this ep apparently. I hope jor-el kills her bitch ass But seasons like 8-10 are super awesome? This will all go somewhere? And that place is gonna be cool?
>>22924 I will say this about Lois though. At least she isn't some goddamn asian.
>>22924 Addendum to the episode pa kent dies. Meh it should have been lana and lois And so thoroughly bored and disgusted with the series I'm taking a break to watch the first two superman movies from Richard Donner. Maybe I'll feel like continuing after that.
In 30 minutes Donner tells the same story as five seasons of smallville. And that includes the 6 and a half minutes he spent on opening credits. And it's just better. It's good for one. Lana is even likeable. The whole football storyline is introduced and tied up in 4 minutes. The difference in quality is just astounding.
>>22924 >Lana I told you she was the worst character. And Season 4 is the dumbest season arc by a wide margin. That said, though I don't think the overall arc is bad in Season 5, it still has its share of bad episodes. A few cool things with Brainiac and stuff, but mostly meh. I stopped watching after the 100th episode because it pissed me off so bad. But then I saw ads for Season 9 and it looked really cool so I caught up. And it was cool. The 100th episode is basically the low point, and you'll know when you get to it because it will piss you off too. You're really close. And from the sounds of things, you're gonna be at least as pissed as I was when it was originally airing. But it doesn't get worse from that point. Seasons 6 and 7 are on an upward trend, and the end of Season 7 is really cool. >Only this emboldened them to make Lois this but without any interest in journalism. Try to think of it as being her origin story as well. It eventually pays off. I do think she is a good Lois Lane overall. But yeah, when she's first introduced, the only real quality of the character that she has is that she's a bit of a cunt. But they do build on it over the years. Takes a while though. There are ten seasons. >Wanna write a political storyline? Then read one goddamn book about politics you fucking hack. I don't think they wanted to get very political in terms of party lines and all that. They just wanted to touch on Lex's political stuff from the comics. It would be a lot worse if they started getting into who is for what party and what their actual politics are. They wouldn't use the cartoon politics from the comics, where Lex runs based on the platform of "I personally rebuilt Gotham City after an earthquake destroyed it and the government abandoned it to be taken over by supervillains." They would just make Lex Luthor a strawman republican, probably. >1 was cool 2 was bareable but boring 3 was a goddam slog I thought 2 was a lot better than 1 and 3 was a lot better than 2. The standalone episodes were still the majority and most of them were at least as good as Season 1, with the advantage of more Lionel and more character development. Also I did like the arcs and lore they dealt with, even if some of it was weird stuff involving ancient indian legends for some reason. >Aquaman. Cool, obviously played by a gay, but yeah cool whatever. Isn't that guy Jack Reacher now? >Flash Yeah I agree he's meh. They also kind of got fucked because that episode came out during the one year when Bart Allen was Flash in the comics, so they used him instead of Barry or Wally. Of course Bart isn't the popular Flash, which is why they killed him within a year of his becoming The Flash in the comics. But at least I can pretend Bart is a nickname for a young Barry. A lot more DC characters are introduced relatively soon. The rate at which they're introduced increases and continues increasing until the end of the series. Next season in particular they start doing a lot more with it. >Idk. I was holding in for the show to move to metropolis and Clark getting into journalism or going to college. I'll let you know right now, college isn't that important. Lois becomes much more important, and slowly becomes more and more like the comics version, until by the end it's pretty much fully accurate. But college pretty much just fades into the background. In fact, thinking about it now, I think maybe Clark just kind of drops out, or just stops going. His professor turning out to be Brainiac I guess killed his enthusiasm for higher learning. Anyway, Perry White doesn't hire Clark to work at the Planet because of his degree anyway. >But seasons like 8-10 are super awesome? This will all go somewhere? And that place is gonna be cool? Seasons 9 and 10 are super awesome. Well for a tv show. It's not like they can do movie level action scenes. But the characters and plots are good by then, and they do their best with the budgets and the action. Season 8 has cool parts and really dumb parts, but it's a lot better than 4 and 5. It's like a transition year. The last five or so episodes of Season 7 are awesome though because they seemed to think the show was ending and wrapped up most of the plotlines from all the previous seasons, and it was done quite well. Season 6 and 7 are weird because they do introduce a lot more Superman lore and DC sci fi stuff, but they are still relatively heavy on the teen drama as well. Then after the end of Season 7, it goes back to that type of thing with Season 8. But there is still a very significant reason 8 is a lot better than 7, and when you get there, you'll see. But basically, 9 and 10 are cool because they drop most of the pretense of being a prequel and are pretty much just a regular Superman show only he doesn't wear the suit. That's what I like. >>22926 Yeah, that's precisely why I stopped watching the show when it was originally airing. I only caught up because Season 9 was really cool. And yes, the Richard Donner movies are a lot better than most of this series. >>22927 The first Superman movie is the film that spawned all the superhero movies we have today, and people forget it and credit X-Men. But Donner was the producer of that movie and brought the same philosophies he used on Superman to those movies. Then Spider-Man and the rest all copied X-Men. God help me, when people think Iron Man started the current trend, I want to lose my mind. Iron Man was just another generic 2000s superhero movie, which had already been saturating that entire decade. Anyway, you should have known what you were in for when you signed up for a ten season, 220 episode long prequel. Yeah, most movies skip the origin entirely. But here? They're stretching it out way longer than they should have. But at least that means that over time they're forced to introduce more and more DCU elements.
>>22941 Thanks anon. Allright, well with this pep talk I'm ready to jump back in. Lets finish this season so we can get to the good stuff. And all excellent points. I did know what I was getting into.

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>>22944 To be perfectly honest, for Superman in particular, his origin is one of his best stories. It's why they keep retelling it so many damn times in the comics. Off the top of my head, there are at least 8 versions that have happened in the main canon comics continuity. Action Comics #1 (1938), Superman #1 (1939, reprints Action #1 but expands on it), probably the first appearance of Superboy (but I never read it so I guess I can't confirm), whatever issue from the '40s or '50s introduced the Red Sun and his Earth-One origin, Man of Steel (1986), Birthright (2004), Secret Origin (2008), and Superman and the Men of Steel (2011). And that's only counting canon mainstream universe ones that I'm personally aware of. I bet there are more I just don't know since there are so many damn issues. And there are a bunch of non-canon and alt-universe ones like Earth One, the DC Animated Universe, and Smallville. Also, Superboy was an entire series all about being a prequel to Superman, and it was continually published for 50 years. And then after that, he continued being a supporting character in the Legion of Superheroes for almost ten more years, even though it made so little sense that it broke the universe and required retarded cosmic supervillains to try to make it make sense. And then they fucked that up too and to this day it doesn't fully make sense but everyone just kind of accepts that shit's fucked. But that's how popular Superboy was. And all Smallville is is a tv version of Superboy, only they don't call him that. But they do have plenty of material to work with. There were plenty of stories back in the day where Superboy would go back in time to Krypton and meet Jor-El and fight Brainiac before Brainiac ever met Superman, or would interact with Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne and Arthur Curry, but before they ever became superheroes. And for some reason Superboy and Supergirl would interact all the time even though Supergirl is from the present and isn't a prequel character, but they would just both time travel to 1000 years in the future of the present and team up with the Legion of Superheroes together all the time. So there really is a lot of stuff to work with here. A surprising amount of this actually does have basis in the comics. It makes more sense than trying to do a show about young Bruce Wayne, because there are actually comics to base it on. A lot of comics. And a lot of them are good.
>>22947 Heh that fake cover. Anyway yeah no I get it. I was fully expecting superboy the series. But. I mean it's just not very good. And yeah theres miles of source material they could have used. But they just didnt. Instead its OC like lana is a wirefu kungfu asian 16th european witch. Like wtf? The series is annoying precisely because they had no reason reinvent the wheel, and yet they keep trying to do exactly that. Its gay and aggravating.
>>22948 Idk, they basically do what was canon in the comics at the time, where he wasn't called Superboy when he was a kid. But yeah Lana sucks. I'm not gonna argue with that. It's not like she's the best character in the comics either, but she is one of the most unlikable characters ever in the show, surpassed only by the female leads of future CW tv shows. Felicity from Arrow is a million times worse than Lana and Chloe put together, but that's partially because she's from the SJW era.
>>22949 Another excellent point. As bad as the writing and occasionally acting gets, this isn't a bad tv show. The music is always fantastic, the cgi is passable. And I do like the subject matter. Yeah. Let's not get too down on the show. I got through season 5 and that was probably the worst. Really it's all uphill from here.
Oh while taking a break from this never ending marathon last night. I also had the chance to do some light reading. Enemies and allies by kevin j anderson. Which was good. It was retelling of your basic batman meets superman. It takes place in like the 1960s. Lex is the main baddie along with a commie general who runs a gulag. In this universe supes and bats are only a year into their respective careers. Quality but rather short. He also wrote a second superman novel solely about Krypton and Jor-El. The fall of Krypton I think? Idk. Gonna read that tonight maybe. >but OP this is a thread for CW Oh whatever. Look it's a superman thread and I'm talking about superman >superman books tho not comics. Really more >>>/lit/ Yeah but as the BO and only user of that board making yet another thread just to talk to myself is boring. I don't wanna >I like those threads though Because your a fucking idiot. Listen no one wants to see us talking to ourselves okay? They are gonna think we are crazy >but I don't think your crazy OP Because your me moron of course you don't. Now just shut up and leave the thinking to me okay? >whatever dick
>>22941 Its been like 20 years so I may forget the name of the Arc but I think your talking no mans land. The Batman story. Which is actually pretty good for anyone more curious about Gotham becoming hell on earth.
I think the real problem for the sure is simple. There are no male cast members. I mean theres our hero superboy. And there's lex (when he appears in an ep anyway) but thats it. They've written everyone else off. So every episode is just superboy and the 4 annoying women in his life.
>>22951 >In this universe supes and bats are only a year into their respective careers. Because it's their first meeting. In order to make the timeline make any sense, they usually say they first meet quite early into their careers. Which is sort of weird since Superman and Batman both existed for over 15 years of comics before their first canon crossover, but then how old are we supposed to think they were when they joined the Justice League? Technically, that first crossover with Superman is considered Batman's first appearance, and every appearance of Batman before then is Batman of Earth-Two, but regular Batman still had most of the same stories happen. But not necessarily all, so did the remainder happen over less time? How long did they take? How fast does time move in comics anyway? Back in the day they implied it was something like real time, but characters don't age. At a certain point time started moving slower (stories happened closer together) but characters did age, just slowly. Then after the Crisis on Infinite Earths they tried to make the timeline more solidified, and said it was ten years since Superman's first appearance, and we can assume Batman is very soon after that. And they first met eight months after Superman's first appearance, so maybe we can say every Earth-Two story that remains canon happened in those eight months. But the timeline is a bit fucked up because in Man of Steel Superman meets Batman before Luthor. But Luthor was drastically changed more than most characters. But regardless, how long had the Justice League been around by the present after the Crisis? There might be a book that actually explains this but I'm not sure. After Flashpoint (25 years IRL after the Crisis on Infinite Earths), they said the Justice League formed five years before, and Superman first appeared six years before (but most old stories were still canon but happened more closely together), but then everything got stretched out to fifteen years instead of six (and also like one year had passed in-universe since Flashpoint, so let's say fourteen years were stretched from six). They also specifically said it was merging post-Flashpoint continuity with Pre-Flashpoint continuity, so maybe we're supposed to think there were still ten years between Superman's first appearance and the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and then five years for everything since, which sort of works since stories took place closer together then, but still has problems because of things like One Year Later and 52. Not to mention all the fact that there were like five major multiverse destroying events in that five year period. But fuck it. At least it makes a little more sense how Hal Jordan could come back to life after 10 years and just reassume his old life. Now he was only dead for like one one or two years. Also, for the record, at the end of the Death and Return of Superman arc, they point out that Superman was only dead for two weeks. Anyway I'm just looking for an excuse to be autistic. But yes it's standard that Superman and Batman were only around for about a year the first time they met. Usually it's actually less, because that's the only way the timeline works without the characters being older than they are in "the present." Even with time shenanigans and Lazarus Pits. >He also wrote a second superman novel solely about Krypton and Jor-El. The fall of Krypton I think? Idk. Gonna read that tonight maybe. I still can't believe they made a whole multi-season tv show about Krypton. And it wasn't even about Jor-El, it was about his father who is barely a footnote to a footnote (since Jor-El is already basically a footnote) in the comics. Maybe I'd like it, but I couldn't bring myself to watch it since it was current year. >>22953 Yeah it was No Man's Land. >>22959 Lex and Lionel do appear in most episodes. And three more main male cast members are added in later seasons. Granted, one in particular isn't well liked by most audiences. You'll see. The others are fine. One in particular is pretty cool. Of course, there are also two more female main cast members added. Also, not all of these characters I mention remain in every season after they're introduced. But I shouldn't say much more, for sake of spoilers. But yeah, I don't like that they wrote out Pete and replaced him with Chloe, filling the exact same role but in a more annoying way. Chloe isn't as bad as Lana, but I'm not a fan. Every once in a while they do something semi-interesting with her character, but not interesting enough to justify her irritating nature. Pete got demoted from being President of the United States in the comics, to a forgotten nobody in this show just a couple years later. And then in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, he works at IHoP. When the next male character was written off, I stopped watching for the next four seasons. But it does get better from there. I went back and caught up after and didn't regret it. Anyway, Martha is actually a good character in this show, and as early as Season 2 has her own little arcs that are actually fairly interesting, mostly because she is interacting with Lionel, but still. And I do think the Lois from this show is actually pretty good. Granted, Lois Lane is supposed to kind of be an annoying cunt in the comics, so I'm allowing it here on those grounds. But she has more depth in the comics that makes her likable, and she does develop that same depth here. Lana is the fucking worst though. And Chloe is sometimes tolerable but I wouldn't say she is a net positive for the show.
>>22961 >I still can't believe they made a whole multi-season tv show about Krypton. And it wasn't even about Jor-El, it was about his father who is barely a footnote to a footnote (since Jor-El is already basically a footnote) in the comics. Maybe I'd like it, but I couldn't bring myself to watch it since it was current year. Yeah, when I first heard of this I couldn't think of how they'd ever make that work and still be Superman (instead of generic sci-fi) beyond a mini-series where Jor-El tries to convince the science council of his accuracy and Supergirl's dad tries to kill him.
>>23005 Yeah exactly. I have no idea why that show exists.
>>23005 There are a fair number of Kryptonian characters who have established relationships with Jor-El, or conceivably could. As you mentioned, there is Zor-El, and you could make the Science Council into actual characters (and maybe some old comics actually did that and I just haven't read them). Also, if you're using Zor-El, that means his wife and his daughter, you know, Supergirl, can be characters. Seeing a young Kara could be interesting. But also of course there is Zod and characters associated with him, especially Faora. Some versions associate Doomsday with Zod, and you could use that. You could use Jax-Ur as a fellow scientist who starts as a friend, but his obsession with science leads him to disregard safety and slowly become more unhinged, and then he blows up the moon and that's what leads the science council to outlaw space travel, and he gets sentenced to the Phantom Zone which his friend Jor-El invented. Honestly that would all be a good arc for Season 1. And seeing that betrayal could lead Zod to start trusting Jor-El less, and make him start to become more of a bad guy. And yeah, like the show actually did, Brainiac can show up and do stuff. If DC/WB would let them, they could do stuff with Green Lanterns, and it would be fucking stupid for DC/WB to be so protective that they would stop a show from using Tomar-Re, since it's not as if he's a main character even in Green Lantern stories. They could do stuff with Nightwing and Flamebird, Krypton's gods/superheroes. They could do stuff with Black Zero, the guy who destroys Krypton in the original continuity. And of course I didn't even mention Lara, Superman's mom, who would presumably be one of the main leads, and though I don't know anything about the character, I know her father is named Lor-Van, so at least he's a character and they can use him, and probably Lara's mother as well. And on the topic, Jor-El's parents make sense as supporting characters. But they don't make any damn sense as main characters. Jor-El actually has a lot of characters associated with him, or at least with his era in the story. But to go back before him is just fucking stupid. Almost none of the characters I mentioned should be born, and even the ones that would be don't have stories for what they'd be doing that the show could borrow from. To make a show about a supporting character, like Jor-El, is one thing, but to make a show about a supporting character of a supporting character, is fucking stupid. Like I could almost buy the idea of a show about Lex Luthor, but a show about Lionel Luthor would be fucking retarded, even though Lionel is the best character in the show that he's in.
>>22768 >>22769 Keep in mind CW never made a profit once, WB the movie studio that bleeds the most profits and DC started the modern SJW take over of comics with Batwoman not marvel. With how much shit marvel and Disney rightfully get with SJW shit. WB always ten times worse.
>>23034 When do you consider Batwoman to have started the SJW takeover? When the character was brought back as a lesbian in like 2006? Because sure, I could see that argument. I remember though that Marvel was trying similar things at the same time, but they were worse at it. Batwoman's revival was considered to generally be a well made comic. Meanwhile Marvel brought back The Rawhide Kid as a big flaming homo. But really, yeah, there was a bunch of similar shit at DC, like killing off Ted Kord and replacing him with a mexican kid. But people at least liked the mexican kid, and the series didn't shit all over Ted Kord and say that he was never a good Blue Beetle to begin with. Marvel is the company that went all out with it starting with Carol Danvers completely changing personalities once she became Captain Marvel, and then they replaced almost all of their high profile characters with affirmative action hires that were also smug assholes, just like the writers. Meanwhile, DC was specifically doing DC Rebirth to reverse a bunch of the changes they made a few years earlier and bring back the more classic elements. DC at least sucks bad enough to flip flop on their SJW bullshit. Marvel goes all out with it. But let me be clear, they're both awful, and both have been evil, soulless corporations from the start.
>>23036 >Meanwhile Marvel brought back The Rawhide Kid as a big flaming homo. One of the few non punisher max books worth reading in the MAX line. Rawhide kid max unintentionally hilarious. They made his name into a gay joke in the name of being progressive. It’s like all those SJW comics that are unintentionally racist in the name of being woke.
>>23036 >though that Marvel was trying similar things at the same time, At the time marvel were making new gay characters that most likely just end up being background characters in the x-men. Batwoman still doesn’t have a main personality trace beyond being a lesbian. But she attach to the bat family. She gets media attention the gay X-men characters don’t.
Fuck I stopped watching exactly one year ago apparently. Well. Shit which season was I on before rage quitting?
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>>31784 Clearly a rhetorical question, but a few posts above you say you finished Season 5. Look, if I were you, and I sat through the shit that was Seasons 4 and 5, I'd have enough sunk cost that I'd feel a need to finish. I'm not gonna lie to you, it's not like Season 6 is a huge jump in quality. But I will argue it's a gradual increase in quality. If anything 6 is forgettable because it's not as shit as 4 and 5, but I'm not gonna argue it's great. It has a couple cool episodes, but we're talking as far as TV episodes go. Don't go expecting movie quality. Season 7 is again a bit better, and by the end of the season, it's actually really cool. There is dumb stuff in Season 7, but also very cool stuff by the end. You're already halfway and past the worst part. Over 100 episodes of sunk cost. Can't quit now, can you?
>>31800 On one hand I did quit and absolutely was fine with that. On the other hand you make a very compelling argument and now that I cant remember the bad episodes and only recall the good ones I can remember why I stopped.... Damn you smallville. Once more unto the breach.
>>31825 Cannot. Not can. dammit.
>>22580 >Thread question: Lana Lang or Lois Lane? Chloe Sullivan, bitch is very colorful and I love her looks. Plus she's the kind of girl who will start a cult for you and bring you bitches. What's not to like? I love Smallville a lot. It has its flaws, but I'll say the Luthors are the highlight of the show and their arc is fucking cool. Clark is also charismatic and a good mc.

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