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Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 22:34:39 No. 21015
What's your favorite boomer comic?
>>21152 >>21155 Okay seriously though, what's the deal with Cow Tools? I legitimately love most of The Far Side, I don't think it's all this stupid or this incomprehensible. Most of it makes sense and is funny. What the fuck was going on with Cow Tools, though?
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>>21156 tl;dr
>>21157 On the one hand, I respect him for admitting he just fucked up. On the other hand, I'm disappointed that it's not some sort of genius work. What I really expected was that it would just turn out to be like that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine has to prove that a New Yorker cartoon is just bullshit and not actually a joke. I didn't expect Larson to just own up to it.
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>>21159 Just as brilliant as the comic itself. And exploitable for other situations.
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>>21157 Bueno. The Pre-History of the Far Side was an amazing read. Do you have the "When Car Chasers Dream" explanation, as well? >>21156 By now you've read the posted story and know what Gary Larson did to the planet. What do you think? >>21158 >I didn't expect Larson to just own up to it. You're thinking in CY+6 terms, where no one ever takes accountability for their actions. Back when this happened, Gary went "Oooooooh shit" and manned up like a boss. It wasn't his first or last rodeo, either. >pic related: he got accused of making fun of people with hydrocephalus
>>21157 >we are two civil servants who spend the first hour of each day reading the funnies I don't know if I'm less surprised that it would take civil servants an hour to read the funnies or that they could just spend their first hour of work doing that every day. >>21015 dondi?
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>>21157 >cow tools but during the stone age...
>>21095 ...but... his mom's dead.
Calvin & Hobbes, of course. If by "boomer" you meant made by/for pre-Internet and pre-MTV people.
>>21201 That is his real mother.
>>21156 The tl;dr explanation is that considering Monkeys made crude tools cow tools would be even more primitive so that would be funny. But the real problem with the illustration is that the cow doesn't look dumb, looks like she is planning something and just got caught by the farmer. That's the reason why the strip ends being confusing rather than funny.
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>>21210 >Calvin & Hobbes, of course. >by/for pre-Internet and pre-MTV people. Pre-internet and MTV isn't boomer, you gerbil-shredder, it's GenX. Boomers are pre-TV.
Actually more modern television was invented in the late 1920's before most of the boomer's parents were born. Boomers were, for the most part, pre-color TV (although it existed before WWII). Oh shucks. So did I.
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>>21326 You existed before WWII?
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>>21326 >There are 70+ year old Grandpas posting here.
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>>21084 For Better or For Worse is gay and boring. Why would you even try to read it.
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>>21155 There was a time when somebody called it: >The Far Right comics And I couldn't stop laughing during a whole night, not sure if he was serious if he got legitimate upset whenever the punchline mocked his generation.
>>30565 This one makes sense to me. The red things are beings that "push" you to suicide. The red thing being present at the dinner table signifies the father is suicidal (all people marked for death in the comic have a grey skin tone).
>>31049 That comic sucks because either it's turning the Ghostbusters fan into a strawman who doesn't understand the movie, and uses the female to be the always-right self-insert that also hates the movie for having a point of view (even though it's subtle enough that it can go over people's heads and doesn't interfere with the actual entertainment value of the movie) or it's written by a retard who doesn't understand that Dan Aykroyd fucking loves libertarianism and hates the government and Ghostbusters very much is a critique of government interfering with an effective free market, and most of the rest of his movies are about similar themes, and only points it out here to say that claim is ridiculous. Either the author's a retard who doesn't understand the movie, or more likely, does understand it but hates it because of being in a cult and has to make a token dumb man and smart woman bullshit propaganda piece himself, ten times less subtle than Ghostbuster's politics. God I'm angry. Dan Ackroyd is awesome. I bet this fag loves Coneheads because it's pro-immigrant, not realizing that the only reason it's pro-immigrant is because Ackroyd hates the government and therefore hates the INS and believes in open borders because he's full lolbertarian. But at least he's consistent. Nothing but trouble is also about how its bad to give the courts too much power, and Spies Like Us is about how government spy agencies aren't the cool and super effective James Bond type things they want you to think they are, they're just a bunch of normal people fumbling around like everyone else. Ackroyd loves three things that shine through in his work: the blues, the paranormal, and libertarianism. I don't believe in ghosts, I don't particularly care for the blues, and I don't agree with all of his libertarian positions, but I can respect him as a creator who has a vision but is still able to tamper it all and focus on entertainment first and foremost.
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>>31062 >going on a chinese cartoon imageboard and not expecting, nay, wanting people to be autistic.
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>>31063 I'm not reading a giant brick of text, break it up a bit.
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>>21015 Footrot Flats. It's an NZ comic but it applies to aus as well. Had a Macricarpa tree and a rusted water tank growing up, so it seemed like it happened in my own back yard.
>>31056 Dan Akroyd also says he got molested by the ghost of Mama Cass.
>>31066 >giant I know we're on the comics and cartoons board, and most people would be used to reading one speech balloon at a time, if that, but that really isn't a terribly long paragraph. And it was written in that fashion because of its ranting nature.
>>21238 TV was pretty established by the time the youngest boomers were 10.
>>31376 They grew up with radio, mostly. TVs weren't exactly cheap back then.
>>31380 No, youre thinking about the generation before baby boomers.
>>31380 Boomers were pretty much defined by being the TV generation. To the degree that their generation in particular has a significant percentage of people who dream in black and white.
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>>31385 That's fucked if true.
>>31385 I wonder what people's dreams were like before TV.
>>31400 Well, The Vision of Piers Ploughman would be a good start. There are also some fairly detailed dream sequences in the Word of God.
>>31400 Before that people only dreamed in radio.

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