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General Toku/Kaiju thread Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 20:16:26 No. 1456
Is the MCU considered a Tokusatsu? Other shows/toons and comics that could be considered Toku? What happened to the Power Rangers BOOM! comic? I was posting the PR comic general a couple years back but since Kyle Higgins got replaced as a writer around the Shattered Grid event which seemed hurried as hell I lost interest and the previews just smelled like shark jumping, also the Go Go series, which started pretty weak but it git gud later only to be dragged into the Shattered Grid mess.
>>22636 Wait, how much of Ultraman is on Youtube subbed? Can I marathon it all from the start? Because if I can, then I'm about to get real autistic for Ultraman.
>>22641 They had the entirety of Z & Trigger as they were airing. Dunno if they've kept the reuploads but there's at least some episodes up for older series.
>>22630 Besides power rangers I know next to nothing about Toku, what sets Ultraman apart?
>>22931 They're giants that fight kaiju.
>>22934 Anything else?
>>22936 They shoot light rays & can fly.
>>22936 Some of the earlier series are quite brutal in their kaiju fights. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JiuSNXXiyCU
Looks like TOHO is going full MCU.
>>23079 So is it like a crossover book or another one of those merchandising events?
>>23079 >>23095 It's just a merchandise campaign. Fucking faggot journos keep throwing the term "MCU style cinematic universe" without they themselves knowing what the fuck is happening.
>>23109 >merchandise campaign Shame. Its never anything like a cool OVA or something.
>>23119 At best you'll get a 3D/4D ride exclusively in Japan.
>>23121 At least super nintendo world is coming over.
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>>23121 >At best you'll get a 3D/4D ride exclusively in Japan.
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>>23121 was it fun?
<Toho's Next Kaiju Project >Kaiju News Outlet reports that the next kaiju project from Toho will begin filming next month as it looks for Extras to help in rounding out the project, while also noting that the film will more than likely take place in Japan around the time of the mid-1940s with director Takashi Yamazaki heading up the project. <New Gigan design unveiled >Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Gigan, we have our first look at Gigan's fresh design for the upcoming short film by Gemstone, officially sponsored by Godzilla studio Toho! Titled G vs. G 2, the new short film will arrive this Fall! https://archive.is/UgErC https://archive.is/rcBVP
Its raining....
>>30561 Power Rangers sucks so I'm not so upset. Sad he died by suicide though.
>>30567 >Power Rangers sucks Another case of "comics of a kids show try to be as deep and violent as possible"?
>>30580 Power Rangers in general sucks. It's a stiched together abomination using shitty obnoxious sitcom footage spliced with straight forward serious tokusatsu. At least the comics we have now have to actually use original ideas instead of splicing existing footage.
Bait Posting
>>30561 All the kids wanted to be Tommy and not Billy. >>30580 For what it was at the time PR was the least violent kid's show on television, and the Baywatch aesthetics weren't all that bad.
>>30583 Fucking hate you, Frank.
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New Netflix Ultrman movie is coming out soon. Seems to be part of that western push for the character mentioned earlier in the thread. Not even a big fan of the series and I can tell this is the modern equivalent of Godzilla 1998.
>>40095 Kinda. It looks like Ultraman but has none of the soul. This is a humans bad story with a very generic family animated movie for general audiences tone. It doesn't feel like something that's actually meant to appeal to adult Ultraman fans like Shin Ultraman or young boys who are the primary audience for Ultraman as a franchise. It's a shallow sanitized Americanization of the idea into a generic sloppy mess.
>>40098 The MC himself encapsulates this.
>>40112 Yep. There's nothing wrong with an immature MC who has to grow up but he treats Ultraman like a laid back job instead of a responsibility to save lives. Maybe he'll grow more in the movie but I doubt it'll be enough.
Watched Ultraman Rising. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Kenji does grow as a person though it's mostly done in montage. There is a lot of background references to Ultraman kaiju & aliens. It's action is well done. The villain is actually sympathetic in his motivations. But it's still not good. It is indeed just an american animated comedy made for the wider audience that will only really appeal to young kids & moms. Boys won't get enough action out of it to keep their attention & older Ultraman fans will feel like it isn't Ultraman enough.
>>40218 >It is indeed just an american animated comedy made for the wider audience that will only really appeal to young kids & moms. Hey, want to know what was my favorite movie to watch as a child? Fucking Dragonheart! And I still consider it my favorite movie to this day. Want to know what my second most favorite movie as a kid was? Peter Pan! Third? Pete's Dragon! Other favorites? The Land Before Time, An American Tail, Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, The Black Cauldron, Armageddon, Star Wars, Titan A.E., Tarzan, The Road to El Dorado, Melody Time, even Mulan... I could go on. Let's actually look at what's common about these films. Their main premise is either: >Good VS Evil Or... >Let's go on an advanture What does this Ultraman film have that would draw a small child who's looking for either of those? It just seems like it's "Adventures in Superhero Babysitting".
>>40219 No you don't understand. There's aren't wider audience movies. Those are movies for kids at the time & Dragongheart is just a fantasy movie. Kids can still watch it but it wasn't made for the mass appeal wider audience. When you hear that phrase, that means movies like something from Illumination or bad modern Disney movies.
>>40220 >When you hear that phrase, that means movies like something from Illumination or bad modern Disney movies. The funny thing is that of the films I have seen in Illumination's catalog (As of 2016), their "best" films were Sing and The Lorax. The former being considered their "black sheep" by almost everyone, and the latter practically forgotten.
>>40221 Sing is okay. It's just a jukebox musical. The Lorax isn't so much forgotten as infamous for a lot of reasons. Their Grinch movie is nearly the same sort of problem with missing the point of the original story.
Shocked that the Power Rangers comics are still going when Hasbro fumbled every other aspect of the franchise.
>>43142 Well they've literally auctioned off all the suits & props they had so don't get your hopes up for a future. Any comics, if they invest in them, will probably be another reboot.

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