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A.I Slop Containment/Spam Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 15:01:09 Id: c2f6a8 No. 1018
The Wolves Are Destroying My Church “The wolves abound in My Church. They devour My people. Longing for finances they takeover churches not in My will. Your pastor was one of them, a greedy wolf. They care not for the people but devour their finances. That’s all they want. They devour My people. My people are left in their hand to devour them. It is My judgment on My people who refuse the shepherd but go their own way out of My will, My son. They refuse to obey Me anymore, My son, so My wolves take over the congregation to devour their finances. Your church was one of them. Greedy wolves never have enough. I will punish them eternally because they will not do My will, but their own. They refuse to obey Me, but went their own way in the world. My greedy wolves never have enough, but will continue until they have destroyed My people financially. Preaching lies about the multiplication of My money they continue until they have destroyed My people financially, My son. They will not obey My but must be destroyed. Your LORD has spoken.”
Edited last time by Akariel on 12/18/2024 (Wed) 21:59:54.
PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me "My son, My people are far from Me. They have gone astray after all the things of the world. Few are close to Me. It is a dark time. Like the Dark Ages, few served Me. They have gone astray far. They have ignored My Spirit, and want nothing to do with My prophets. It is a dark time, My son. The Antichrist will arise in the midst of all of this mess of self-interest. Few follow Me in Spirit and truth. They will be saved. The rest damned. They want self, and all the things of self. Self-interest reigns supreme in peoples' lives, selfish ambitions galore. That is why there are universities everywhere. The people want self; they want Me not. Did I not say in My Word all care about self-interest, not in Me? It is a dark time, My son. Few serve Me. The Rapture will happen an instant around the globe, and few will make it with Me to Heaven. The rest will be damned to face the Great Tribulation. Few will serve Me in this age— all care about self-interest; few in Me and My things. Selfishness reigns supreme. Few will make it in to My Kingdom. Many are too selfish to serve Me. They will not make it. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen!"
Who can disagree with the message that many are far from Christ? However the idea of a "Rapture" is something that originated in the last two hundred years under highly questionable circumstances. History of the concept from a conspiratorial and Orthodox perspective: https://banned.video/watch?id=66073940b0f994f1e4ca4dfa @25 minute onwards Refutation from a Syriac Orthodox priest: https://youtu.be/LrbOsFphtHc Refutation from Scripture, an Evangelical Angle: https://youtu.be/9ifs4kGli0g As far as I can tell the Catholics don't accept that either, but that's enough links for now. Personally I'm 99% skeptical of this modern hodgepodge that promotes comfort and pacification. tl;dw talking about it is a waste of valuable time and believing in it will lead you into a very false sense of security.
Prophecy Against My People Alive Church “Speak to My church, why won’t they obey Me, the Living God? Why won’t they obey Me, says the Son? They say that they are alive, but I have abandoned them unto their sin. Their services are full of rock music, which I detest, says the Living Son of God. They talk about prayer, but refuse to do any for the most part, My son. A prayerless church is a dead church, and that goes for Alive Church, which is dead before Me, says the Son of God. Abandoned unto their sin they refuse to do My will, which is evangelism. A different calling I have for every church established in Me in the community of the city, but few do My will. Therefore, they are cursed, says the Son of God, depending on man’s techniques to worship Me and establish a crowd before Me, not My will. Many are going to Hell among Alive Church because they are not Mine but are bastards, established by the will of man, not My will, My son. They refuse to do My will and are abandoned unto their sin because they refuse to obey Me, says the Living Son of God. My Word says, ‘Not by might or by power but by My Spirit says the LORD.’ My Spirit is devoid in that place because My people refuse to pray and are abandoned unto their sin. Thus says the Living Son of God, your Savior, amen.”
enough with the AI generated slop, you're not helping the board
Jesus Punches Satan In The Mouth
(124.79 KB 2048x2048 Jesus Christ.jpg)

Jesus Christ In The Sky
Prophetic Word Unto My International People, Amen! “To My people overseas, why aren’t you obeying Me, says the LORD? I called you unto evangelism, and instead you just sit around doing nothing like the Church in the West. I Am highly displeased with My Church in India, and they will be reduced in numbers through starvation. I Am not well pleased with My Church internationally, except in a few places where they serve Me with their whole heart. You’ve had many opportunities to serve Me, but squandered them on self. For that you will be judged, and that most severely. A global famine is coming followed by economic collapse. Do not expect to stay alive if you do not serve Me with your whole heart and serve Me doing My will, Oh International Church of Mine! Oh, My people overseas, why do you refuse to serve Me and reach the masses? Look unto the harvest, they are white unto harvest, the fields are full of grain, and yet you sit around doing nothing. Oh, My Indian Church, you will be judged most harshly, and be punished most severely, and few survive My wrath for what is coming. You have had the Gospel for years, even centuries, and still idolatry abounds in your land while you sit around doing nothing about it. Oh, My Indian Church, take a lesson from China and evangelize the masses. I Am pleased with them, for they will obey Me, Oh My Underground Church! Obey Me while you have the time, Oh My Westerners, for the time is coming when darkness is covering the Earth and no man can work. Oh, My International Church, repent quickly from where you have failed Me through cowardice and lack of all things, for you depend on money to get My will done, not on My will, for I Am sufficient for all things. Oh, My International Church, take My lesson from Korea, for they are willing to do My will, not you. You will be punished most severely if you don’t get up and do My will. Oh, My people, the global pandemic is coming, and many of you will be eliminated unless you do My will and get the Golden Glow for your lives. You will not survive My wrath against you unless you seek Me and do My will in global evangelism, Oh My people! Shake off your cowardice and do My will with that you have, and go into My world and evangelize My lost. Your LORD has spoken, Oh My people. Amen.”
Many Of My Christian Peoples Shall Burn In The Lake Of Fire Forever! “My son, it is time. My Word says so. Many of My Own people shall burn forever because they refuse to obey Me, their LORD. They refuse to give away all, keeping it all for themselves, My son. Their things are idols which they refuse to give away. Their money too, My son. Few will enter in to My Kingdom because they refuse to obey Me in My Word. Few fulfil their destiny because they refuse to go into all of My world unto My lost peoples, but prefer to stay at home, My son. They will not obey Me. They have not obeyed My command to hate father and mother, and to bear their crosses. That they refuse to do. Few will make it in because few obey Me, and I do not know them, My son. Into the Lake of Fire they shall go because they have not obeyed My Father to do His will. That they will not do. They refuse Me, My son. They shall burn. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen, My son.” “Very few will make it to My Kingdom, My son. My Bible says so. Few are willing to do My will. Few enter in to their destinies. Even very few achieve their destiny. They refuse to obey Me, the vast majority of them in the Church, My son. They subsist on playing games with Me, not in doing My will. That is why few are saved. The rest are damned, My son. They will not obey Me. They enter not into their destiny because they refuse to do My will, My son. They will not obey because of what it will cost. My people are stingy with Me. They will not give up all to serve Me. They love the world and its things, thus few follow Me. They will not follow Me to the end. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”
The Church Of My False Prophets “My people are false prophets, My son. They refuse to obey Me. They have not given away all like I command. They speak false prophecies because they still have idols of the heart. Did I not say that I would speak unto them according to the idols of their hearts? Their hearts are full of idolatry, My son. They love the world and its things more than Me, My son. They refuse to obey Me because their hearts are full of idolatry, loving things more than Me. They will not get rid of their idols, My son. They refuse to give away all of their money unto My poor because they love it too much. Therefore, they will not make it in to My Kingdom until they do so. They issue false prophecies unto My people, My son, because their hearts are full of idolatry, My son. They will not make it in, people pleasers that they are. They tell the people what they want to hear from their heart of lust, not My True Word straight from My Throne, My son. They don’t want to hear it because it convicts them of their sin. Prosperity is what they want to hear, therefore the false prophets speak unto them. They will not hear a true prophet, therefore you go unemployed, My son. They will not hear you because you speak the truth, My son, not their falsehoods that they want to hear. They will not hear you because they want to hear pleasant words straight from the false prophets of the land. They will not hear Me their LORD because they refuse to hear My truth from the true prophets. Therefore, they shall be damned forever, My son. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.” Eternal Damnation: “Many will go there, My son. Eternal damnation is real. Hell is real. Eternity in the Lake of Fire is a very real reality. Many will go there, My son. Enter in at the narrow gate, the narrow path is the way to life. Many will avoid it because they love the easy way, the broad way, and many travel its easy way to damnation. Avoid it if you can, My son. My way to life is hard, and few will enter in. Few will pay the price; you have. Enter in at the narrow gate to life. My son, I love you. You have entered in. Go and do My will. Many in My Church will; enter eternal damnation. They will not pay the price. They love the easy way, My son. They will not do My will, My son. My life is devoid from them. They will not enter in, having loved the easy path. Eternal damnation is theirs. Many among My Church will enter the Lake of Fire forever. Your LORD has spoken.”
Prophecy Against My Wicked Australian People “Australia, My wicked land. For you shall be consumed forever, wicked land of decadence and sin. Oh, repent before Me, but know that few shall survive My wrath for few will repent before Me, says the Son. For I have hardened your hearts, oh wicked Australians, and few survive before Me. For the pandemic shall consume your land, and few survive My wrath against you, oh wicked Australians. For you love to call yourselves Aussies, but you will not stop from your sinning, for you love it too much, and will not repent. Expect to go to the nether parts of the Earth down under, even eternal Hell, for you will not repent, but love your sin too much. For Australia shall be an empty land, deserted forever, and few populate it except My people, for they will do My will. My people are wild before Me, vigorous to do My will, to go into all nations to evangelize My lost people. Oh Australia, repent while it is time, for there is not much time left before you are consumed before Me, and enter the Lake of Fire forever, oh wicked Australians. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”
The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia "Speak to My people Australia, My son. I have great things for them if they would only obey. Yet wicked people resist Me at every turn. My son, what shall I do? Call My people to repent. I have called them to the Mission Fields. Maybe they will obey. Hear them calling for Me, for saviors. When will they repent? They love the world. I must punish them. War will consume their land. They will not obey. They love the world more than Me, wicked people of sin and depravity. When will they obey? I had great things for My people Australia if only they would repent. But they won't. They refuse. Into Hell My people shall go wicked Australia. Into Hell they shall go eternally. They will not repent, nor serve Me, wicked people of sin and depravity. Obey. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen wicked people of sin."
Prophecy Against My Right-Wing Conservatives “The Right-Wingers are Mine, My son. They will stand up against evil. However, I have some things against them. They refuse to obey Me. They will not pray to Me. They prefer the political system of Man. That they trust in, not in Me. Therefore, they will fail in all they do, because they trust in the arm of the flesh, in wicked sinners that cannot benefit them, like Trump. Did I not say trust not in princes? Therefore, they have gone astray after the system of Man, which is idolatry. They think that voting can save them, which is corrupt to the core. The evil politicians will always win, because they trust not in Me to save them, but in politics. Therefore, the wicked will win and control the land. Oh repent, My people, and trust in Me, not in the system of Man’s politics. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”
The Prophetic Judgment Of The Worship Of Nimrod’s Birthday, Which My People Call Christmas “My son, My people refuse to obey Me. They cling to their Christmas holiday worship, which they worship in their hearts. They will not give it up. The Christmas idolatry is a great offense in My sight, My son. They will not give it up, My son. My birthday was not recorded in scriptures, but it was around the springtime when shepherds gave forth their flocks. They would not do that in the wintertime, My son. My people do not believe Me when the True Prophet tells them about this, but continue on in their idolatry of Nimrod worship, My son. They will not listen to the prophets tell the truth, but continue on in their sin. My son, the month-long worship of My enemy Nimrod is just too popular in their hearts; they love it and will not give up their worship of the world founder. They love their evil, for I was not born on December 25th, but in April, My son. They refuse to obey Me in giving up their idolatry, so therefore I will punish them exceedingly. They refuse to obey Me, My son, through the true prophets of the land, so therefore I must judge them exceedingly for their sin. Expect few to be alive after the next pandemic for they will not worship Me in Spirit and truth, but Nimrod of covetousness, whom they love, the world system of evil and occultism, which they love. Expect death, not life, for the Church. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”
PROPHECY- The Nightmare Dream Of The Destruction Of My People, Says The LORD, Amen "The dream you had last night was from Me. Little children are being exploited and murdered, little babies too. That sin has come up before Me for judgment. That sin is endemic in the government, for they control it, and the wicked society is full of it too. The screams of the little children has come up before Me for judgment. And the crying and the wails of the little babies being sacrificed has made this an unbearable sin before Me, My son. My people must be destroyed because of this unbearable sin before Me. My people in the cities must be destroyed because of this uncontrollable sin, My son. There will be a Russian nuclear attack on the country, My son. This uncontrollable sin will be eliminated from before My eyes by the deaths of many millions of My people, My son. They will not control their sin but love it too much. The Russians will destroy your country. They cannot stand it too, My son. They know all about it too, My son. The destruction will come at an instant, before anyone knows about it, it will all be done by the hand of the Russians. Prepare, the subs are out there, the cities will be eliminated along the coasts. Flee for your lives! Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen, My son." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wrh1tKPAGA
PROPHECY- The Deceitfulness Of My People Against Me, Their Savior The LORD Jesus Christ “My people are deceitful, My son, not Me. I have given them all to get the job done, and yet still they refuse to obey Me. Did I not say, ‘Go into all the world,’ My son? Then why do they stay at home and refuse to obey Me, My son? They say they want wealth transfer, yet none will be given. The world will give them nothing because they have it all already. Sell houses and property and all things and go do My will, My son. Yet My people refuse, staying at home, My son, wasting it all on selfish pleasures. My people say they want revival and glory for healing, but none will be given. They stay at home and do nothing while expecting to be moved by My Spirit, all the while they refuse to pray nor do anything by My prompting. What can I do with My lazy, lukewarm people of disobedience? All they do is give Me their excuses when My Spirit does move in their lives, so they can continue doing their own thing in the world, My son, which they refuse to give up. Families they want, and sexual pleasure, not Me and My Spirit, and the doing of My will already revealed unto them by My Spirit of Glory. Into Hell they shall go, worthless people of Mine, for all day long I stand ready with arms outstretched unto this wicked disobedient people of Mine who only continually gives Me their gain sayings of deceit. So, who is being deceitful here? My people deceive themselves, not Me, by refusing to go, My son. Did I not say be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving themselves. Yet they stay at home, refusing to go, because they will not give up selfish ambitions by day nor sexual pleasures by night. Selfish wicked people of Mine shall be turned into Hell forever, My son. Obey Me! My people refuse to obey Me, My son. It is I Who Am being forthright and completely honest with My people while they refuse to go, working with them daily in their hearts, prompting them to obey Me by many things. Into Hell they shall go, wicked worthless people of Mine, disobedient forever! Your LORD has spoken, My son. Go into all the world, amen, My son!”
I Am The Holy God Who Offers People Everywhere Eternal Life! “I love you, My son! Many people do not know that, that there is a God who loves them. Many are content with their lives of sin, My son. Many compromise with evil and will not live for Me. They abound in the Church of My Believers, and in the world of sin. The price is too high, too uncomfortable to live holy for Me, for I Am A Holy God! I tolerate no sin. No compromise with evil comes before Me, My son. I live in Heaven where it is holy, and in hearts clean from sin and unholiness, for I Am A Righteous God! I love the world of lost sinners. I suffered and died on My Cross so that they might have eternal life and live before Me forever! Many do not want Me— they prefer their lives of unholiness and wickedness before Me. They will not be saved. I gave them many chances to repent and to get to know Me, but they rejected Me, My son. My heart grieves for what I must do to this wicked world of wicked, sinful men. I must destroy it by nuclear fire! The time is short. Repent before Me. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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