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Britain can be a lot better than this.

(790.15 KB 1024x760 Geoff-Hunt-H.M.S.-Victory-1.jpg)

Brit/pol/ #4024: HMS Victory Edition Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 20:31:48 Id: 25cc6c No. 501931
PETER HITCHENS: The moronic Ukraine war has done nothing but harm – so why are Europe’s leaders intent on keeping it going? https://archive.is/N3G3N
>>502646 typical jew shit right there
>>502648 Yeah so reading this first big response again he doesn't actually argue against the claim that the ne0-cohens were ethnically self interested so much as say your a filthy anti-semite if you notice this pattern of foreign policy in any way.
Since we're on the topic, I thought I'd mention the book I've been reading: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/The_Jewish_Revolutionary_Spirit.html?id=TWQMAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y Its a good comprehensive book on the kikes and their exploits throughout history, from a catholic perspective though. You lads got any other suggestions for books on the jewish question ?
Also him saying Irving Kristol was against the civil rights movement is bunk and a lie.
>>502650 Mein Kampf
>he got culturally enriched and doesn’t want to say it >he got bashed by an anger lbc listener >he fell down the stairs drunk or indeed into the pavement >he genuinely can’t remember could even have been his wife Lucy
>>502650 myth of the 20th century was okay bit "german" though
saying we should just kick you lot out Jeetjesh? then we’d be fine?
Business idea Annihilate India and Pakistan after remigrating the lot of them there then use the remains to fertilise Mars?
for me it actually total nigger death
what's happened to his fucking hair hahahahaha
>>502659 I did say this a couple of threads ago.
>make investing into defence industry ethical again t. Labour 2025 lolwtf I luv Labour now!
>>502663 Bit late to the party lad >>502654 >>502605 Make up must have known what they were doing
>>502665 its mindboggling how shallow all this libtard shit was they were strangling everyone was
*with was
world war 2 completely destroyed europe its just sad on so many levels to see this
77th Brigade particularly and obviously active on the forum for Britain’s past and present they’re terrified the’ll turn keeek https://www.arrse.co.uk/community/threads/ukraine-peace-talks.319442/page-189
>>502672 *Britain’s zoggies
>went to paki shop to get some drinx and snax >tango cherry was 85p >tango apple was 75p >get 2 cherry and 2 apple >he charges me for 4 apple >save 20p this is win for the white race lads. what should I do with the 20p I saved, should I invest it?
Do we really have to do this every month
>>502672 that doesn't look like keir starmer at all on the left, wtf?
>>502650 never read anything about the jooz but been thinking of picking up Henry Ford's book, is it worth it?
>>502676 First Buddhist Muslim jew defender of the faith to allow the call to prayer at Windsor Castle. Quite the achievement

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