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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4023: Ooga Booga Edition Anonymous 02/27/2025 (Thu) 01:33:33 Id: aecc92 No. 500983
Sir Keir Starmer arrives in Washington for talks with President Trump - and repeats calls for security guarantee for Ukraine https://news.sky.com/story/sir-keir-starmer-insists-he-trusts-donald-trump-ahead-of-washington-summit-13317681 Michelle Trachtenberg: Gossip Girl and Buffy The Vampire Slayer actress dies aged 39 https://news.sky.com/story/michelle-trachtenberg-gossip-girl-and-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-actress-dies-aged-39-13317509 BBC apologises for failing to stop DJ Tim Westwood's 'bullying and misogynistic behaviour' https://news.sky.com/story/bbc-apologises-for-failing-to-stop-dj-tim-westwoods-bullying-and-misogynistic-behaviour-13316715 The ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And ‘Fortnite’ Collab Has More To It Than It Seems https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2025/02/25/the-cowboy-bebop-and-fortnite-collab-has-more-to-it-than-it-seems/
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>im going to tie myself to a sinking ship out of some strange arrogance for stuff from 200 years ago 5 eyes or nothing. stow your jumped up arrogance
>>501896 We're a poor as fuck nation attached to an international banking conglomerate masquerading as a city.
>>501893 >300 tanks and no way to send them anywhere without the yanks Isn't that the point of increase defence spending? >>501894 Blown up against who? Do you really think Keir will send this broke and fractured country against Russia? 0% chance.
>>501898 No I think they're that dumb and they want to do it in the next 5 to 10 years.
>>501896 Is the sinking ship America or Europe mate?
>>501897 this is the best thing that can happen to the jewk and it validates what you lads were saying 10 years ago with brexit. don't tie yourself to the continent, its clear the continent wants to have a meatgrinder war in eastern europe which the white race will not survive.
>>501900 Both. But the US can just go full autarky if they really want to Europe can't.
>>501899 I really don't think so, I see no chance of it. Europe is in an awful state right now, mirroring Austria-Hungary. And our leaders aren't masculine enough to deploy troops in mass.
>>501900 keep up the pointless arrogance lad its so pathetic to see how this event has exposed the naked arrogance of euros and how they think they are a world power still when their society lived a boomer socialism paradise for decades. the real issue is mass shitskin migration and the departure of the jewmerican empire is a huge benefit for nationalists
>>501904 Except we already have British generals predicting a confrontation in that timeframe
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>>501902 So a stranded Europe with no America protection needs external resources? Oh no, how horrible.
>>501906 uk high command is as fucked up as the shart one lad milley tier
>>501908 We always have done but we've also shot ourselves in the foot by cutting ourselves off from cheap energy and America now holds the whipping hand when it comes to things like gas and oil. The whole green shite was an attempt at energy autarky and it's had the effect of making everything massively more expensive. Just ask the baltic nations how much their eleccy bills had gone up in the last year.
>>501905 >keep up the pointless arrogance I guess we should just beg America to keep us in this thirdwordist global empire rather than chart a new course. >>501906 Lad nothing ever happens, we aren't going to war with Russia. Too much to lose.
>>501909 Except they're reflecting our own politicians attitudes to Russia. >>501911 Absolute cope.
>>501910 >We always have done Which is why we conquered the world. >All the rest I agree, but if Europe can't trust Russia or America they must seek energy independence from elsewhere. Also American shit is no replacement, way too expensive.
>>501912 Sure mate, see you in the trenches then keeek.
even if something happens, nothing will happen
>>501913 It was a strategic move to cripple European manufacturing and it worked and yes Russia can be trusted as long as Europe stop's trying to play power politics with Russia over spheres of control when they're only really able to do that as an extension of the US empire to being with. As for energy elsewhere there really isn't anyone left that hasn't been absorbed into a rival powerblock by this point.
I just want to return to the comfy Anglo alliance between Canada, Oz and the Kiwis we could have more than enough internalised economy to not be fucked like this.
>>501915 Thank you for the wisdom, wise chuddy
>>501917 Jeets are taking over all these countries, so it's never gonna happen
>>501916 If Europe does militarise, which we are seeing, and stays united, which I personally prefer not to happen, Russia would very much be a minor power compared to a European army. And a strong Europe that needs cheap energy might aim to upset other powerblocks for sources closer to it. >>501917 Sure, but I don't think it's really possible, despite mentally LARPing about it for years. It can only exist with the consent of the USA which I'm not sure would allow a British Federal Empire to border it through Canada.
>>501921 You're not going to unify the militaries of all the nations of Europe into a single conhesive command in a million years, that's tandamount to surrender of national sovereignty. Even then the precious "rules based order" means they'd have to concoct a very convoluted tale to justify any use of hard or soft power to achieve anything like that.
>this delusional lad who thinks a buck broken boomer infested continent being invaded by wogs can magically create a unified army when its clear that it will turn into clusterfuck of competing interests before the year is out
>>501923 Or that we're suddenly going to dissolve our nations or interests and federalise into some sort of Yugo tier empire.
Russia functions due to imperial authoritarianism, the US works because until recently it was incredibly hemogenous. There is no way the EU could federalise without being massively disfunctional and frankly it already is.
>>501903 One day we'll livestream her being deported to India and her first day of pajeet gang raping.
>>501924 idk what the problem is this is like a massive boon for nationalism in western europe.
I recall that a huge support element for brexit was that EU bureaucrats were being given kickbacks by the norsefags to allow them to use your territorial fishing waters
>>501928 I'd be more hopeful if I didn't think the EU and British elite are beholden to extranational private powers like Davos that actually drive their collective foreign policy.

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