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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3995: Release The Sausages Edition Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 19:28:52 Id: 5b96ba No. 478126
Ukrainians warn of being surrounded as Russia advances in east https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1epe546p5vo UK will give sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c98ynejg4l5o
burton's got a lot of animated slop to watch >mars attacks >sleepy hollow >big fesh >corpse bride >sweeney tood >alice in wonderland >frankenweenie
>>478954 god damn it
>>478954 smh we used to be such a diverse crowd
>>478956 you about for a film tomorrow evening?
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>>478959 there is a real GIRL in my bongo
>>478948 she's done you tbh
>>478961 Poombs is not a real girl nor is 22
https://youtu.be/s8sID-nakaY This is how I will wake you up when we are in a joint prison cell lads
>>478965 Will smash that instrument of the devil over your bald bonce and throw you to the niggers
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>>478964 >Poombs is not a real girl nor is 22 true tbh, but I wasn't talking about them
>>478966 You wood be frozen in fear.
Yo, WESSICA! Join British Movement with me lad
>>478969 that group is even more irrelevant than PA and even Homeland party
>>478960 not sure, probably would be late if I am >>478963 it's the same as /v/ and videogames smh >person takes a shit on a plate >say I don't want to eat shit <but how do you KNOW it tastes bad?! >>478969 >not the NBU
>478970 >le irrelevant You're even more irrelevant because you have no community. Just an atomised spectator for your own destruction like a bollock at a BDSM festival.
>>478972 all hail leader raikes!
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>>478911 mentally ill freak >spicnigger dicklet whiteknighting for coalburning thots the only "evidence" that the thot in question is allegedly a coalburner is, "her butt is big". and not even like a retarded BBL or something, she just lifts weights and therefore has developed glutes. apparently every woman that picks up a barbell off the floor is automatically a race-mixer? you are sick in the head if you think like that. white men like asses too you faggot >just remembered the time he was waifuposting a literal blacked pornstar as the "perfect white woman" deranged headcanon. there is no evidence that that thot miscegenated. she didn't even do porn, it was just breast-focused nude modeling. and she's English so you are projecting this shite onto your own women, sick freak
>Enfermo mental >Penetrador blanco haciendo de caballero blanco para putas que queman carbón La única "prueba" de que la puta en cuestión es supuestamente una que quema carbón es que "tiene el culo grande". Y ni siquiera es como una retrasada mental o algo así, solo levanta pesas y por lo tanto ha desarrollado glúteos. ¿Aparentemente, cada mujer que levanta una barra del suelo es automáticamente una mestiza? Estás enfermo de la cabeza si piensas así. A los hombres blancos también les gustan los culos, maricón >Acabo de recordar la vez que estaba publicando en waifu a una estrella porno negra literal como la "mujer blanca perfecta" >Canon mental trastornado. No hay evidencia de que esa puta haya sido mestiza. Ni siquiera hizo porno, solo era modelaje de desnudos centrados en los pechos. Y es inglesa, así que estás proyectando esta mierda en tus propias mujeres, loco enfermo sorry lad we don't speak mexican
>>478977 wow that was a quick heel turn I can't believe based donald said that about the jews!
>>478941 kreeeeek one looks like shartin
>>478917 based JIDF
>>478907 keeeeeeeeeeeeek do mongs actually try to argue that britian is a nation of immigrants because of the bronze/iron age invasions by nordic/celts
>>478981 >kreeeeek one looks like shartin
>hullo, yes, i've just killed me wife. that's right. >sorry for the trouble lads https://nitter.poast.org/AkkadSecretary/status/1844460224155177348#m
>>478985 any idea why they kicked Callum off the Lotus Eaters? was he just too based ?
>dutty btfo the fat old faggot who once said some mildly based things https://nitter.poast.org/jollyheretic/status/1842992745260191977#m >>478986 that and sargoon getting jealous of his popularity probably
>>478986 He wasn't kicked but I miss him. They're all gigabased now even sargoon.
Nothing for a snake

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