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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3985: Injustice Edition Anonymous 08/10/2024 (Sat) 13:20:59 Id: 2c0550 No. 469877
Snared on their doorstep: The varying reactions of rioters as police arrest them at home following violent clashes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13730229/varying-reactions-rioters-police-arrest.html >Police have released bodycam footage of their interactions with those arrested for taking part in the clashes across the country, with courts now expediting charging and sentencing to crack down on violent behaviour. 'I am a woman': Victorious gender scandal boxer Imane Khelif takes aim at her 'bullies and enemies' after claiming Olympic gold with dominant unanimous decision win over China's Yang Liu https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/article-13728667/Gender-scandal-boxer-Imane-Khelif-Olympic-boxing-GOLD.html >A final opponent had been dismantled and there was a gold medal around her neck, but Imane Khelif was not done throwing punches.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:05:58.
the only way you can possibly deal with me is to ban TOR and if i manage to get you to ban TOR because of me that is the biggest W in my career as an online troll
so continue to bitch and moan like women you only know when youre over the target when you start receiving flak keep ulster british
You're not even a good troll. Your not making shit posts, your posts are just shit. The only emotion you can succeed in eliciting from anyone is vague contempt for your barely noticeable posts.
they don't make schizos like they used to
go to bed nornla
Did guitarlad ever come back from his south east asian voyage as a cabin boy? That was the last I heard of him before shigella anus repeatedly prompted me to leave and come back during the dark beaten dog arc smh. My phone just picks up every mp3 file it finds and throws them together into one big folder when it plays music, so occasionally his vocaroos come up unexpectedly keeek
someone poost the ramsay pepe tbh
>>470626 this one? i thought you were the one who made it
>>470627 yeah, it was a quick oekaki that I didn't save tbh
>get replaced >get sent to prison for complaining about it it's so over, lids.
>>470629 nothing wrong with a bit of porridge bruv you sound like a pussyhole >>470619 >>470620 wheeeeyyyy spoken like a couple of salty cunts >>470605 we dont want your support unless it involves sending us lots of guns and ammo
wankers on /brit/ would rather wank their prawn-cocktail scented micropenis rather than do something that might earn them a few years porridge buttering toast if any of you went to prison you'd get sugar in boiling water poured over your faces you nonces
the more of you utter gimps dislike me the better
>>470633 kiss me, gorgeous.
>>470634 Evening, lad
Being a little abrasive.
is this an imageboard or is it a discord server bunch of 30 year old middle age proto-trannies on a clubhouse battyman agenda you spergs
>custom playback speeds on yt
he's not wrong tbh any fresh politics to talk about? looks like PooAye is starting their prison gang early
>literally my spirit animal
>he's gooning to gymastics and ukrainian failure at the same time
(11.03 MB 1280x720 Cute Finnish sluts.mp4)

>smell of coom starting to permeate the thread time for bed methinks
>>470646 keeek my finnish ex had massive milkers too. is it a common thing?
remember your tissues, wessie.
>>470649 according to the map, yes
>>470537 >>470541 good posts

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