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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3980: Another Day, Another Atrocity Edition Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 16:32:38 Id: c4b014 No. 465273
Southport stabbing: Alder Hey Children's Hospital declares a major incident after rampage that left 'one child dead' and seven people including youngsters injured after knifeman attacked Taylor Swift-themed kids' dance and yoga workshop https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13684895/Southport-stabbing-Alder-Hey-Childrens-Hospital-declares-major-incident-rampage-left-one-child-dead-seven-people-including-youngsters-injured-knifeman-attacked-Taylor-Swift-themed-kids-dance-yoga-workshop.html >Alder Hey Children's Hospital has declared a major incident after the knife rampage in Southport. Ex-BBC News at 10 presenter Huw Edwards faces Democrat activism charges: Married father-of-five, 62, is accused of having 37 indecent images of children - including six under most extreme category https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13684675/Huw-Edwards-charged-indecent-images-children.html >Former BBC presenter Huw Edwards has been charged with Democrat activismography offences after 37 indecent images were allegedly shared on a WhatsApp chat. Labour raids 10MILLION pensioners... and tax hikes ARE coming: Reeves strips most OAPs of winter fuel payments and flags 'difficult decisions' in Budget as she blames Tories for £22bn hole in public finances - but still hands junior doctors 22% pay rise https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13684529/Labour-lights-fuse-tax-bomb-Rachel-Reeves-tries-blame-Tories-leaving-22bn-hole-public-finances-paves-way-hikes-offers-massive-22-pay-rises-junior-doctors.html >Rachel Reeves raided pensioners and signalled tax hikes are coming today as she claimed there is a £22billion hole in the public finances.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:05:14.
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>>466138 so what are the muzzies protesting? whites being upset about white children being stabbed to death? >>466150 so what exactly is their pitch? why would anybody support them? leftists won't support them and if they denounce the right then neither will the right, so there is no reason for them to exist
>>466151 Sounds like the excuse alex jones used when they caught him looking at tranny porn tbh
>>466153 they're white
>>466151 Definitely early 2000s were a bit like that.
>>466156 that's back when Woes was groing through his gay phase a lot has changed since then
>>466150 Loads of likes and retweets there Who gives a fuck what they denounce keeeeeeeeeeek fucking boomers I think we’re getting more likes and retweets tbh
steve laws putting in work a lot recently
>>466150 Dee nounce dees nuts wahEEEY DICKHEAD
>>466150 >the sad boomer kz never forget image >>466157 woes is still in his gay phase
sharts need to just stop talking about brit polishits on social media they constantly get stuff wrong and make britchuds look bad.
>>466164 remarkably fast reply
They've honestly got these events scripted more than a pantomime tbh, its the same script every single time without fail.
>>466162 What a twat keeeeeeeeeeeeek >My dead boomers boomers born in da tiem of da scofeels bahbul tol me juice son you cain’t get nah betta dan juice dey da holy pilpul of da bibul wid da holee misshun of panagraphy an useyaree This spastic generation needs to get gone and anyone who starts repeating their antics needs gone as well. It will come to pass but as it does they will twist the totalitarianism up
>>466166 Cunts after free kebabs4lyfe Cuckold
>we Looks like you’re alone there you misguided coomer Fucker must have multiple personality disorder
>>466166 >tear down all the walls and fences and stop hiding cockwombles, borders are just arbitrary and made up, humanity needs to intermingle >errrr not like that though these paki need protection from the nazi mob now, BUILD GOY BUILD!
>Nicking a 73 yr old woman with a pacemaker People are going to lose what little respect they might have had remaining for the police which probably wasn’t a lot anyway tbf https://nitter.poast.org/RADOCLUB/status/1818751672254185898
>These pakis butchering are language GET OUT! https://nitter.poast.org/10MarXmen/status/1818754593855099348
Drumpf standing up for the Jan 6 rioters and not niggers for once
>this interview was at a National Association of Black Journalists event keeeeeeeek what
fucked up
>>466170 >got paki gf me shut up racists Keeeek
>>466177 Ahh the shite race
theyre literally kicking muslims out of hartlepool wahey https://x.com/_Ammo82/status/1818760541680128437
>>466113 Im sure this wont come back to bite them
>>466179 >>466180 police are on the side of Hope not Hate
>>466180 Weak punch
>>466150 damn. Woes hitting them hard with an observation
>>466150 damn. Woes hitting them hard with an observation

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