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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol # 3978: Toil Days Edition Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 16:40:01 Id: 18ce9e No. 463416
Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race after debate disaster https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13585511/Joe-Biden-drops-2024-presidential-race-debate-disaster.html >Joe Biden stunningly dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday in a political earthquake never seen this close to an election. Watch: Kevin Sinclair performs somersault celebration despite West Indies toil https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cricket/2024/07/18/kevin-sinclair-somersault-celebration-west-indies-toil/ >West Indies endured an awkward opening day at Trent Bridge but, when an opportunity to celebrate arose, they did so in style with Kevin Sinclair unleashing his signature somersault after dismissing Harry Brook. European Political Community’s UK summit should heed Churchill’s ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ warning https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement-neighbourhood/opinion/european-political-communitys-uk-summit-should-heed-churchills-blood-toil-tears-and-sweat-warning/ >As the European Political Community (EPC) gears up to meet this week and discuss the arc of conflict and instability and Europe’s borders, European leaders must heed Winston Churchill’s call to action, write Dylan Macchiarini Crosson and Steven Blockmans.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:04:57.
lovely night out might just go drive my car to a country lane and sit drinking cider and listening to the radio
>>464292 It's likely the result of feminist rhetoric. Everything is penis envy to the dykes, and they fill normies heads with it. And one more thing! They're outraged at this youtuber for having sex with a 17 year old and a possible relationship with another. Yet, they're not arsed about the fact that their media constantly put out movies where "High School" students are having sex with eachother and far older people constantly. They're hypocrites saying what they see as culturally safe.
>>464295 mad thing is neither 17 year old girls nor 30 year old women would ever have sex with me
>>464205 >>464207 >>464208 >>464212 >>464214 >>464216 anything anti-Pali is jevvish and retarded. Palestinians are our allies against the jevvs. the jevvs are gearing up for a massive war in which they use whites to defeat their brown enemies (only for the browns to angerly devour the whites afterwards which the jevvs laugh and rub their palms). this is the worst case scenario and it cannot be allowed to happen what we need to happen is for whites and browns to team up to destroy the jevvs, and then whites need to deport the browns. simple and solves everything. if you see jevvs blowing up brown babies and think, "hah! browns btfo!"- you are being a retarded goy. what you should be thinking, is "wow these jevvs sure are monsters, not that I care about these browns but I hope this makes the browns antisemitic so we get some allies in our struggle against the jevvs!" browns in brownland are literally not a problem at all and there is no reason to wish suffering on them. indifference, sure, "I sure am glad that the jevvs are making a strategic mistake by harming these browns", sure, but if you are cheering on the literal IDF as they further the ambitions of the jevvish race then you are being a retarded goy and should slap yourself in the face for such foolishness. you're literally >>464214. the jevvs want the palestinians dead, the palestinians want to tear the jevvs limb from limb. which of those two things is more congruent with the interests of white people? obviously jevvs getting intifada'd
Especially fond of all these essay posts
>>464296 I've had sex with a 17 year old woman and can confirm: They aren't children.
>>464299 I've never even seen a vagina let alone touched one or put my penis in one
>464297 get a life you complete fucking peasant
a new shark attack video dropped apparently, anyone got/seen it?
People at work keep bullying me for not having a girlfriend Well what would they say if I said I only want a redheaded virgin? Would I then be a racist misogynist? As if I have a choice anyways when literally every woman I've ever asked out has rejected me
Imagine allying with any of the hostile forces currently either embedded or bleeding into Europe? Spic needs to be liquidated along with anyone else.
soy hard about sticking it to the kikes by allying with poos = fucking peasant-tier
purge fucking everything
>>464306 tbh fuck em all if they arent presbyterian blue eyed blonde/red haired english speaking descended from the anglo saxons i literally dont care if they all die
>>464306 1. muslims in france holocaust the jevvs in france 2. france is no longer controlled by jevvs, french nationalists and muslims struggle for control of the french state 3. french nationalists seize control of the french state, deport muslims
>>464305 It means nothing. Sex is great, sure. But it isn't ultimately fulfilling. Often, I would yearn for God after lying with my woman. Yearn for more. In the end, you have sex but you grow horny again. You eat and you grow hungry again. These things aren't the ultimate source of satisfaction. They're perishable satisfactions for a perishable body and a perishable philosophy of hedonism.
If you're not my race religion and culture I couldnt give a fuck
>>464306 tbh, not arse about the semite civil war just want 'em to fuck off
>>464311 I take solace in the fact the bible says that fornication is sinful, so even if women reject me it actually brings me closer to god than a fornicating sinner like you (no offence)
>>464313 >not arse about the semite civil war we are invested in it because the jevvs are our primary enemies. it is the jevvish brainwashing that is preventing our people from realizing how badly we are getting raped to death and acting accordingly
>>464316 but muslims are also doing the raping to death
Might go and play in the garden
I do agree that jews are scum
>>464297 This is for (you) >>464289
>>464317 because the jevvs let them in and enable it. if it weren't for the jevvs they wouldn't even be here. removing the jevvs from power is the first step of solving every problem, if we can't accomplish that then we are doomed
>>464318 Thrilling stuff
>>464321 I totally agree, but also think that the muslims are vile
>>464304 Aussie got his leg chewed off but then sewn back on when it washed up on the beach
>>464323 I'm not saying they aren't. I'm just saying I like the ones that are in the Middle East and resisting the jevvs
>>464326 what makes you like them so much?
>Labour has announced its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East, dropping its opposition to an international arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu despite pressure from Washington not to do so. Based.

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