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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3922: Mail-Order Brides Edition Anonymous 12/06/2023 (Wed) 11:24:19 Id: df58c8 No. 418878
Migration crackdown which would stop Brits earning less than £38,000 from bringing foreign husbands and wives to UK 'could be blocked by human rights laws' as experts warn it could lead to a wave of cancelled weddings https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12831839/Migration-crackdown-foreign-husbands-wives-UK-blocked-human-rights-laws.html Kim Jong Un did not just tell women to have more children... he told them to BEAT them: Transcript reveals North Korean leader said mothers should be 'flogging their kids' during speech that made him cry https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12831521/Kim-Jong-did-not-just-tell-women-children-told-BEAT-Transcript-reveals-North-Korean-leader-said-mothers-flogging-kids-speech-cry.html Asylum seekers jailed in Rwanda could be sent back to UK under deal, minister admits https://news.sky.com/story/asylum-seekers-jailed-in-rwanda-could-be-sent-back-to-uk-under-deal-minister-admits-13023928
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:39:56.
>>419657 >only complete retards are voooting on our polls >clearly everyone in the uk is a complete retard
>>419658 Won’t be happening anyway
New high score just dropped
>>419660 keeking at the psyop attempt in the pic >getting bombed turned her into a nigger with clearly visible meakup on it's the white helmets shit all over again
Telling tbh on themselves Joe Rogan’s sidekick nearly killed a chink after glassing a femoid and was btfo by an Irish American. Why are they like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTExObcX-tg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2YtIBYM4w0
incredibly nasty braps following on from christmas lunch of breaded brie and cranberry followed by turkey and trimmings incl. pig inna blanket and yorkie followed by mascarpone cheesecake and it was very nice
>>419665 look at that lad smh it was clearly a mere jape a little jest a joke a funny phrase
>>419665 smh 5 years for some daft poosting
>>419667 and it'll happen to yoooouuuu
(and the rest of us)
>>419623 love that these people get hundreds of replies anytime they pull this shit now, before the musk reich they could spew it nearly unchallenged
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>>419655 >government planning on/already imprisoning thought criminals >political dissidents are rightly ashamed of what they believe, that's why they go anon
>Boaty McBoatface! This is what makes me LOVE Britain cringe Also zoggie who can’t count Another cringe
>>419673 not even an actual soldier but one of the cunts turning zogbots into troons
>>419672 Can only push the envelope if you’re the privileged protected class
>>419674 Looks like a nonce as well
Did he mash ze potato?
Turkish coalburner got her boyfriend smashed in >be scholar, go to Turkey, touch their women Keeeeek Good luck with that D’indu Ngubu https://twitter.com/kubrayigitm/status/1733280066392535173/photo/1
>>419681 different system in Tenessee producing rn https://youtu.be/4uZxGd8YlrE
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>multi-state nado outbreak
Tfw no gf who enjoys Linkin Park
>>419499 well duh. the bitcoin halving is approaching, money is pouring into the crypto market and prices are going up. it was, and still is, stupid not to buy
it's that time of year chuddies
>419687 Fucking gormless retard.
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>>419556 it's very exciting. weird how /pol/ was making inroads around 2015-2017 until the internet was shut down, then in 2023 the jevvs just decide to gloat to the world 'we control the west and can sacrifice as many babies to Moloch as we want, anybody that thinks otherwise is evil and needs to be shut down' but the tiktok zoomers are not such good gullible goyim as the boomers and they are genuinely morally outraged by what the jevvs are doing to Palestine. to see the jevvs openly committing such atrocities and for the US to enable them and support them unconditionally is jarring and sparks their curiosity... I don't think these zoomers are going to go decades blissfully unaware about who's in charge like boomers did. boomers are just going to be useless dopey fucks until they expire, but zoomers are waking up and it's zoomers that determine the future all of the ingredients of the soap are now in the zoomers' brains, the jevvs just chucked the meat into the broth. think about it logically, imagine you are 90 IQ popcorn brain zoomong swiping through tiktok and you see videos of Gaza and the US supports it inexplicably- eventually you are going to rub your two brain cells together and realize that the only possible explanation is that the jevvs control the US. they are realizing this within the paradigm of 'jevvs are ruthless baby-annihilators'. interesting times ahead

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