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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3906: Eternal Conflict Edition Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:50:59 Id: b84af9 No. 406359
Gaza Under Siege https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-67073970 >With updates from Rushdi Abu Alouf in Gaza; Jeremy Bowen, Lyse Doucet and Lucy Williamson in southern Israel; Yolande Knell in Jerusalem; Nick Beake in Tel Aviv; Anna Foster in northern Israel; and Hugo Bachega in southern Lebanon. Israel releases images of babies murdered and burned by Hamas as 'verified photos' of others beheaded by terrorists are 'confirmed' by local media and rescue team reveals pregnant woman 'had child sliced from her womb' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12623843/Israel-releases-images-babies-murdered-burned-Hamas-verified-photos-beheaded-terrorists-confirmed-local-media-IDF-drops-Gaza-leaflets-telling-citizens-flee.html >Israel today released harrowing images of tiny babies who were murdered and burned by Hamas terrorists amid their ruthless attacks this weekend that saw hundreds of Israeli civilians including pregnant women killed in their homes. Swedish girl, 16, and brothers 'lured taxi driver, 26, into the woods before hanging him in revenge for raping her' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12622807/Swedish-girl-16-brothers-lured-taxi-driver-26-woods-hanging-revenge-raping-her.html >The girl allegedly texted the taxi driver, who has not been named, asking him to meet her with a bottle of vodka in a car park near the Hjälstaviken nature reserve in southeast Sweden in March. Captain Tom's daughter defends decision to keep book profits https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-67086802 >Hannah Ingram-Moore told TalkTV's Piers Morgan Uncensored there had been no agreement with her father that book money would go to charity.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:32:18.
smh they turned my bro browser into a furry
>>407191 tbh never fuck with a dbz nigger's video games
Weird watching that old jevv with such a murderous intent for the British and us imagining they still don’t have that intent towards us. How naive
Wtf What’s your take on this suspicious looking ‘Christian Zionist’ doing this three part series he looks like a smallhat to me First part : it’s Britain’s fault https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF0puJY51Do
Wew Wrong clip Meant this one not the enthralled pajeeets keeek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuvtcwgbhVY
>>407203 Foul goblina
imagine having a childhog with a quadroon and your child come out looking kind of white but being incredibly uncanny since you can see the little non-white in there. Or worse, having a darker baby you can see yourself in
>how dare this GOY not serve his rightful masters?!
>>407207 he speaks and moves like AI from a year ago
we need to have a country where both jews and muslims can feel safe
>>407214 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>commenters with no clue comment section full of them https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sKYWu9PYi3
>>407216 huh. deleted
>>407217 thanks linksposter, great posts as usual!
>>407219 Based Weev
>>407223 >Borzoi
>>407224 what became of him i wonder
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Thinking of playing some RA2:YR with the mod that has GLA. Pure kino, video games just aren’t the same.
>>407226 >he has a jewess gf too Based
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>>407166 Her hair's been dyed.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12614243/amp/Labour-plans-reform-habiting-law-women-rights-couples-split-Emily-Thornberry.html Ms Thornberry told the conference: 'For too long, women in co-habiting couples have been left with no rights when those relationships come to an end. If there is no joint property or parental responsibilities, a man can leave his partner with nothing, especially if he has the means to go to court, and she does not. 'It is time we reviewed this issue in England and Wales, as it has been in New Zealand, Scotland and Ireland. No woman should be forced to get married or stay in an unhappy relationship just to avoid ending up on the street.' >Anti Chad law Luckily it doesn't impact us incels
>>407232 It's still such a pernicious idea that it's astounding that it's even being seriously contemplated. A woman, without having made any formal commitments, could legally demand assets from a man by virtue of the fact that she has lived with him. This is what comes of the meaning of marriage having been destroyed so thoroughly. The obvious end result is that thinking people will become more reluctant to live with their partner, just as divorce engendered an increasing reluctance to marry.

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