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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3902: Octover Edition Anonymous 10/02/2023 (Mon) 16:19:56 Id: 83a93b No. 403206
Abercrombie & Fitch ex-CEO accused of exploiting men for sex https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-66889779 The people going 'monk mode' to limit social media use https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66934688 Migrants trying to reach the UK cross the Alps on foot https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66934839 London Bridge: Family sues after boy loses toe on escalator https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-66970749
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:27:38.
>mannimarco referring to himself in the third person like a wrestler
would be so kino to see him go to summerslam and do the lions claw on golddust and booker T
>he does a steiner screwdriver on goldberg
>>403900 what can they even do? Azerbaijan has natural gas or something in the Caspian Sea and they use this money to buy tons of Turkish drones. their military is strong and Armenia's is weak, it's been sabotaged by that traitor Pashinyan's government that ruined relations with Russia. the Armenians in Karabakh had the choice of running away or being rapid/tortured/killed by Asiatic savages, similarly to the eastern Germans
>>403958 did you watch the video lad? it was the same in the late 80s armenians fought like the talibs against the azeroids who were well equipped in the 80s as well
difference is that the current year armenoids don't seem to have the same fighting spirit
>>403957 for me its big show
>>403962 >tranny neo-nazi many such cases, sad!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEHseTN5rhk so much good collapse content to vore today lads
if le collapse doesnt happen soon im going to overdose on seethium
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>>403962 randomly telling lies about the NJP in the middle of the article Anglin is such a rat
>>403969 rest assured he will never know the joy of being privy to the Chairman's Circle.
TRS is degenerate
>>403923 >*this poster was later found guilty at a tribunal for participating in and supporting white genocide*
rumours that the ukrainians have totally given up on their offensive and are now trying to prevent the russians from advancing
>>403973 hello 3 months ago
>>403971 Nah, it's based.
>listening to TRS in current year+8
>>403965 kek, he sounds like he is spitting out British propaganda from the Crimean War.
he cute
>>403973 Surprised they made any gains on any part of the map, no matter how tiny without air support. Absolute cannon fodder.
Nigel Farage: Might he join the Tories? https://youtu.be/gs0IQ1Azb1A
>>403983 Can see it tbh. It's what he's always wanted.
Wonder if we will see the devastation the FAB-1500 can bring soon.
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>>403986 post skullet boomer, lass.
>>403987 don't have anyway to port my phone images currently will try via my g cloud

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