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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3895: Ad Astra Edition Anonymous 09/09/2023 (Sat) 17:01:38 Id: d18223 No. 398022
Revealed: Terror suspect Daniel Khalife yelled 'It's not me!' as gun-toting plain-clothes police officer yanked him off bike to end four-day manhunt for runaway prisoner - as footage shows him being arrested next to Waitrose shopping https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12498693/Daniel-Khalife-run-Chiswick-wearing-black-baseball-cap-black-T-shirt-dark-coloured-bottoms-police-believe.html >Terror suspect and fugitive Daniel Khalife was pulled from a bicycle by a lone undercover officer in a dramatic end to the four-day manhunt, it has been revealed. Beard it like Beckham! Trans man, 40, spends £5K on facial hair transplant to look like Man Utd legend after growing fed up with being called 'Miss' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12486657/Beard-like-Beckham-Trans-man-facial-hair-transplant.html >A transgender man says he feels 'complete' after spending £5,000 to grow a beard like David Beckham - after growing fed up of being called 'Miss'. How 'the snip' is becoming the new condom: Rise in men in their 20s having vasectomies - but it's not always reversible https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12483907/vasectomy-rise-men-20s-urologist.html >A record number of men in their 20s are choosing to go under the knife in order to have more control over family planning and to have unprotected sex. LIVEMore than 1,000 dead after strong Morocco earthquake https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-africa-66760889 >More than 1,000 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck central Morocco, according to the country's interior ministry
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:24:53.
(12.19 MB 1080x1080 nasty mexican dog.mp4)

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>>398721 there is hope for the future of the huwhite race
I'm expected to read posts by a cuckhold talking about his ex gf every fucking night?
Wish a mod would've nipped it in the bud long ago, along with pedobear shartin.
>398724 >groomerchad derangement syndrome bongotroon detected
>>398725 tbh, these troons LARP as moralfags when they are the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as degeneracy is concerned
Trannies have absolutely done a number on lads here. Fucking hell.
>>398713 Confiar en el plan
>>398721 based slavess joining the anglosphere racewar would integrate
>>398713 fuck the south, god it already a latin country down there good lord
>398723 >398724 You can always filter, lad. It's easy. *filters the concern trolling trannylad*
i remember the pedobear mene. based oldfag
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VvoUKEXfx0 this lad is pretty good on the leaf situation, he explains things clearly but doesn't oversimplify
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>>398738 I miss attitude era
she called us out, whitebros
>>398741 kekked
>>398747 don't usually click these, but this showed how deep this goes into women's psyches. they don't understand the physical world anymore
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>someone had run over a badger with their car
>>398749 lad did u know there used to be a larger species of mustelid than the badger in britain?
>>398747 Nice tum but her face is so bogged what the fuck. Genuinely cannot tell how old is kek

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