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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3894: GAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Edition Anonymous 09/04/2023 (Mon) 20:09:53 Id: 73c1c6 No. 397270
No10 sends Education Secretary Gillian Keegan out to apologise for hot mic rant where she accused everyone of 'sitting on their a***' over concrete chaos only to blame the SCHOOLS for slow response - as aides reveal she was in Spain when crisis erupted https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12479613/Gillian-Keegan-reveals-list-156-schools-affected-crumbling-concrete-shambles-published-week-fire-Education-Secretary-forced-apologise-hot-mic-gaffe-chaos.html >Number 10 sent Gillian Keegan out to apologise for her foul-mouthed rant where she accused everyone of 'sitting on their a***s' over the concrete crisis - only for her to blame schools for being too slow to respond. Angela Rayner handed new role as Keir Starmer reshuffles top team https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66707569 >Angela Rayner has been appointed shadow levelling up secretary, in a wide-ranging reshuffle by Sir Keir Starmer of his Labour team. Ukraine says it has 'evidence' Russian drones landed inside Nato territory https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/04/ukraine-russia-war-live-romania-reni-odesa-missile-strike/ >Ukraine said it has evidence that an Iranian-made drone crashed and detonated in Romania in the first case of Russian attacks hitting a Nato country. EXCLUSIVE - Furious Crete restaurants release image of British couple who 'have fled three tavernas without paying after complaining about food' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12479463/Furious-Crete-restaurants-release-image-British-couple-fled-three-tavernas-without-paying-complaining-food.html >A British couple on holiday in Crete have been accused of walking out of at least three tavernas without paying.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:24:38.
>>397922 Yes. >>397920 How much is depleted uranium actually going to change the theatre? >>397919 Nothing is banned in warfare, especially if it's someone who warrants de-humanning, that's why the CIA let you absorb this spook in the first place.
>>397988 I think DU use was pioneered by Germans during ww2 because some materials obtained via Portugal were embargoed DU is long term persistent DNA damage Biden’s son died from brain cancer caused by burnpits used to dispose of DU munitions and other toxic war materials. He said so himself. It’s well documented. Why the “get jabbed everyone it’s safe, we said so” CDC was quoted as ‘it’s a nothing burger’ should ring alarm bells. ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ was also used to mask deaths from DU munitions and a multitude of other posionings. Window seems to have narrowed between thier filthy lying episodes
>>397989 Lad u remind me of the main character im transmetropolitan
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Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to J-ACK
>>397988 Apart from irradiating farmland, it's not going to do much. Tank on tank combat has been quite rare in this conflict.
>>397991 Keeeeeeek Looks like me as well >>397993 Loads of tankies have died from handling that shit tbh. Let’s face it, if it was a normal round then it would be in normal use and not a ‘special category’ dragged out of storage, use of which they need to explain to the public. >Totally safe goys, why we use it in our suppositories, toothpaste and tea here at the Pentaggramon
>Spider caused six politicians to commit suicide using just a phone > Spider's weapon of choice for most of the series is a "bowel disruptor", which causes instant and painful loss of bowel control, with settings that allow him to vary the level of pain and discomfort, ranging from simple loose, watery diarrhea to complete rectal prolapse. Most of the time the victim has a bowel movement so dramatic and agonizing that it induces unconsciousness Using his Shart Pistol™ and phone to wreak havoc Keeeeeeek
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Seeing shitloads of 'OMG aren't Israeli girl soldiers hot!" content all over the internet right now. They actually think zoomer coomers are going to protect them from the righteous wrath of the intifada keek
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pour one out for wessie, lads. his favourite e-celeb has outed himself as a troonling.
>it’s 32 degrees in London rn
He wasn’t wrong and this shit has been going on far too long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvMzgc9-rP8
>>397992 kek xoomer yuppy got his first taste of cultural enrichment
>>397992 how do you defend against this?
>>398002 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpff6BkRGLs not standing in range of punches while not being serious
>>397998 Send dutty dutton this troonocalypse thread and ask him about his mental elf https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/440723947
The timeline where wessex is a billionaire
>>397997 Might be getting some israeli female soldier poon myself soon
https://youtu.be/gDoj_PAvRmQ or maybe I'll retire to Burma as a colonial poon inspector
>>397997 diaspora lasses for me only. i want my woman wandering.
https://youtu.be/oNrbzc_9R8Q Aoisan looking a bit trashy mmm
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>>398008 >the hog squeal at 6:10
>>398010 you're back lad i've missed thee
>>398012 been here in the shadows lad, do u like the streams? where they have 2 girls?
burmese accents are so cute
>>398003 >Teaching pakis to fite
>>398008 TOP KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK That piggy squeal in the back of the car
>>398015 What the fug, jews?
>>398019 Don’t get it. All I see is an ugly bitch and a troon
>>398007 >All those boomer coomers in the comments.
Lads I don't find Ellen Page attractive anymore

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