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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3847: Kill All Pakis Edition Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 12:40:57 Id: 9726a0 No. 360584
Rishi Sunak criticises political correctness over grooming gangs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65160429 Grooming gangs and ethnicity: What does the evidence say? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65174096 posting on /leftypol/ abuse: Failure to report crimes to be made illegal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65152581
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:06:53.
what did Varg mean by this? keeeeek
>>361269 Based. Can't believe he was found guilty by the jury. He only shot after someone pointed a gun at him, no? I haven't actually seen what happened
>>361269 Nice whitepill though it seems it's not 100% guaranteed yet.
(168.63 KB 714x278 FtESdkHXwAAlRIz.png)

Do anyone know if this relief sculpture has a name? I can't find it
>>361273 Hm.. I found it, or another version of it at least
>>361274 name?
(2.21 MB 720x868 bladerunner_feel.mp4)

I think I'm in love lads
>>361275 Sculpture named "You and I" by Arno Beker
>>361276 >when girls have 1 bf and 1 fuckfriend tell you they are on dating apps looking for fun because they are lonely
(4.64 MB 960x720 britturtle.webm)

>>361280 good lad
Where is manxlad? I demand results
>>361269 >Texas needs to pass HB2640 requiring DA's to present exculpatory evidence in Grand jury proceedings. Exculpatory evidence, is that like the blood test results of a man known to use respiratory system suppressing drugs whose respiratory system failed?
>>361283 >Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt.
>>361282 Sorry I got dragged out shortly after posting to a beer festival to try out some ciders and only got home this afternoon, been suffering Was nice tbh I did this 3min one tbh, transitions back to standing to repeat smoothly and loops at the end. is this okay or how did you want the shorter one?
>>361285 He's so kind. Suffering but it was nice? The long one is good. Can you make the short one the same speed as the first one? Then I'll be satisfied. It's so fast keek
felt bad because I was wandering around today and I sort of intimidated this beta bux cucksband with his nice kids he was all nervous and asked me if everything was all right when I was walking around all polface seething about being owed 4.5k by uber bossman. smh made me feel bad having turned into this scary redneckoidic siding carpenter.
>>361273 arno breker shite
>>361287 Hey how about feeling bad about throwing me under the bus whilst conversing with a known homosexual earlier?
>>361286 keeek here's normal speed with two different bits of the song, first is the part used in the original vid
(202.09 KB 810x457 mitty2.webp)

>>361290 Thanks for your work, lad
(26.68 MB 640x480 goodbye.webm)

>>361291 bonus
>>361165 What is a woman? Don't ask me, I'm not a biologist. But enough talk, have at you!
>>361293 joke's a bit of a miss, lad
why are chuds like this?
thinking about that lass who is in debt for the rest of her life because she killed and wounded someone in a traffic accident just a year after she got her driver licence. You go to prison for a year or two for rape, 10 years or so for murder, accidentally kill and harm someone and you're fucked for life.
fat nonce
(2.58 MB 720x540 Breaking1.webm)

(3.06 MB 884x876 Fixed.webm)

quick fix
looks like its time for a new thread
(1.97 MB 738x738 Grimes 4am.webm)

Westie comes back and tells everyone they're failures and that he's more intelligent than us. Hmm
>>361262 keeeeeeek the local student accomodation near me is like 90% chinese its trippy

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