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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3769: Are Chas Edition Anonymous 09/10/2022 (Sat) 07:48:14 Id: af19ec No. 302998
Charles III will be formally proclaimed king at a historic ceremony at St James's Palace at 10:00 BST https://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-62842089 Royal rebranding: What will happen to stamps, coins, banknotes and passports? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59596996 Queen's death: What is the Accession Council and how does it proclaim a new monarch? https://news.sky.com/story/queens-death-what-is-the-accession-council-and-how-does-it-proclaim-a-new-monarch-12693574
>>303845 he's so obvioulsy a slimy piece of shit, right the way through disgusting man
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>>303842 damn poos are seething so hard. can't wait until the pooacaust starts in leaf land. I want to slaughter so many pajeet subhumans infesting canada like cancer cells. I hate poojeets almost more than kikes, almost...
https://youtu.be/-_OzymdJ03c >"britain used to be more than just a regional banking center and refugee camp" -tucker wew
https://www.aftonbladet.se/valresultat2022/ Right wing coalition has won in Sweden lads. The nationalist SD will get into power in a coalition for the first time ever (as the biggest party) Reply to this post with Swedish Win.
>>303854 is it happening
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>>303823 is it really? that's very disappointing if true. but that doesn't mean we can't make it racist >>303824 nini >>303827 brazil is either going back to right wing military government or Lula. maybe Bolsonaro could win outright but I think it will be rigged just like a US election. idk what you're going on about with them annexing land >>303845 Colombian/Venezeulan women are also the most attractive mestizas because they have a bit more European blood on average and North Andean chugettes are less ugly than Aztec/Mayan/Mapuche etc.. more dolichocephalic face and hapa-looking than mexicans with their Squantoesque square faces >>303854 SWEDEN NO!
is this spic?
>>303854 Swedish Win
Spic is here
*gives thanks to the NOOOOOOOORTHERN gods*
libtards crying on stream
>303856 spic
if you don't know about rio de la plata don't larp as a conquestador lustianian hispanic civilizationfag mong
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>>303854 >>303865 I hope they turn things around, to show us it can be done.
>>303869 yes it's the river but I don't see what you're saying about Brazil annexing things. even annexing Uruguay which almost became part of Brazil is not on the menu
no its not a river you fucking mong the basin is the geographical choke point of south america which is where all its major wars have taken place. fucking brainlet zoomer queer
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fuck off, spic
when civnats and wignats unite nothing can stand in our way
>>303872 yes but what you said was >stopping brazil from becoming shartica 2.0 and annexing rio de la plata that doesn't make any sense, there is no talk of Brazil invading Argentina, this is completely out of nowhere ridiculous LARP. what might actually happen is a rigged election where Lula "wins" like Biden "won" but then unlike USA the Brazilian army takes over and keeps Bolsonaro in power. that's the biggest happening that can happen, not another Paraguayan War or whatever
god spic is such a mongoloid filtered
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>some hypothetical war is going to happen because muh 100 years ago historical precedent that is completely irrelevant to modern geopolitics >it just is, okay?
who cares make a new thread
It's Monday morning toil fags

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