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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3767: Helmer Edition Anonymous 09/06/2022 (Tue) 21:49:18 Id: 51a0cf No. 301547
Liz Truss set to cut energy bills for millions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62801913 Climate activist jailed for flouting injunction https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-62813479 North Korea supplying Russia with weapons, says US https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62804825 Apes have their own individual drumming beats which they use to send messages to their friends, study reveals https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11184843/Chimps-individual-drum-beats-send-messages-friends.html Britain faces wet and stormy weather until Sunday https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11185141/Britain-faces-wet-stormy-weather-Sunday-battered-36-000-lightning-strikes.html
>>302328 >our countries are shitholes! >hip hip hooray
>>302333 they were saving their people from being massacred by slavic savages. Britain declared war on Germany for no reason, citing a German-p*lish territorial dispute
reminder that hitler's dad was a paki
>>302290 she probably died a while ago and it's only just been announced tbh I hope or else I wanked on the day the queen died
ah, spic arrived already
another mass sharting in memphis

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>>302338 how can you not like this smh, it's literally the male fantasy and it happened in real life
because its cringe, like you
erika is shite tbh
>>302342 it's the least cringe thing that ever happened in the history of the world >>302343 it's highly uplifting
>VGH, I could have been part of the SS Nahuatl Division, I just didn't
EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LET DORSET SPEAK!!! at a time like this we need his wisdom and guidance
Volk ans Gewehr is a tune tbf
>>302334 Nigeria is steadily improving tbf.
>>302349 sure you're not thinking of Ghana? Nigeria is a dump
>>302271 they chose now because it happened now you mong. pretending she's still alive achieves nothing
(35.87 KB 494x456 le pol brainlet bliss.jpg)

>>302350 They banned alien races and foreigners from appearing in their tv adds, so I'm going to say such based nigger nationalism is promising for them.
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfkIBVb4r_w tbh >>302351 the machine never lets a good crisis go to waste though lad something will be done with it mark my schizophrenic words
>>302354 >journalists panic when they forget what seasons are Wew.
I wonder what Brandon will say about the Queen passing
>>302356 >sinfest keeek he is a schizophrenic hapa iirc and was a rabid terf feminist or something I guess he is trying to heel turn to the right now
Played Red Dead redemption 2 again, smh, need to uninstall it. I'm too addicted. Smiled when I saw a dorsie post in the thread.
just fuckin imagine what hitler would think of spic
>>302360 ze ubermutt
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>>302360 tbh of all the people on this board, Hitler would probably have the most respect for smee
filtered against the wall with an MG42 for being a gay tbh
>>302363 literally the Ernst Röhm of /brit/
Shitler tbh
>>302365 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek

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