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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3766: Kill niggers Edition Anonymous 09/04/2022 (Sun) 22:03:25 Id: 38b32b No. 300769
Cheeky wee no links thread tbqh
>>301512 >ben olding games classic
(1.05 MB 320x242 bowden.webm)

>>301516 This is what you should ask your prozzie ladies to endure instead lad.
>tfw can't nopost
>>301521 hey thats you
>>301519 The absolute chutzpah of those kikes. Those MPs were getting handsy with actual adult women. Unlike Pedo Pete, the NONCE that has already caused irreparable damage to are America and isn't even halfway done yet, who does this shit to Democrat supporting children in front of cameras all the time. What a load of absolute bollocks. They're concern shilling over what foreign leaders are doing with possibly-consenting adults while not breathing a word about the kiddy diddler in the white house who nonces children for the world to see.
>>301525 so true FUCK LIBTARDS
>>301525 >Democrat supporting children Not sure where that came from. You got the gist though I assume
If they cheat on their wife/husband, they will cheat on their country. Fuck off.
(817.88 KB 1200x675 teeth.png)

>>301526 Corr, matey watey
>>301528 I'm not defending it, moron. I'm criticizing the hypocritical concern shilling. You fuck off my board.
(56.63 KB 640x340 I GOT YOU LAUGHIN.jpg)

>my board
>>my board
>>301489 Fuck sake. Can't you advertise these the day before? Always miss the ones I want to see. Smh.
ignore the false yank
Here I am contemplating buying a mid range graphics card, and I'm playing flash games from the 2000s.
(388.45 KB 400x400 icebucketchallenge.webm)

watching that nigger prank call video again lads
i like to imagine wessex as sam to my frodo tbh
>>301511 I'd forgotten about that. Absolute filth the lot of them. A married mother, God help her children.
>>301538 err, its what normal people do lad she deserves to have a bit of fun :^)
>>301534 Ok then, you wanna play that card again? Eventually you'll get sick of playing it. I'll give this place a longer break than the one I just came back from. And you won't be here. The newfags won't block my ID on sight and I will have a place here on /brit/, where I am recognized as the most important poster, by the lone merit of being an American who isn't ashamed of his flag. You'll think I won't come back, and you'll delete that file. And then nobody will believe you.
>>301538 Normies didn't care about Blormphis Blormphson's first mistress. Doubt they'd care if Truss irl BBK posted about her love for the BBC in the commons.
(1.13 MB 960x540 ta rah ta yew.mp4)

>>301535 tbh tbh runescape and homm3 here what a joke
>>301511 >Burn them all in the minecraft server tbh
KILL TORY SCUM EVERY LAST ONE i'm quoting this wholesome perfectly legal libtard tune btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8VfZRBCM0w
>>301539 >>301543 I suppose you're right lads, I mean it is a highly stressful job being a minister after all. Just as long as her hubby was allowed to watch her gagging on that niggers rancid cock then it's all okay

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