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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3764: Don't Try To Bullshit Us Brother Edition Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 22:49:13 Id: 25f60b No. 299225
Boris Johnson warns UK it’s going to be tough for months to come and into next year as bills soar https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/aug/30/liz-truss-rishi-sunak-cancelled-bbc-interview-tory-leadership-race-uk-politics-live France has capped energy price rises at 4% - could UK do the same? https://news.sky.com/story/france-has-capped-energy-price-rises-at-4-could-uk-do-the-same-12675068 Last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62732447
>>300017 its funny how the negro mating dance is situated in the backround of some urbancuck office suite in a generic metropole and the femoids are working in that raceless "post modern aesthetic" and the negro butt matrix twerk is to show sexual matriarchal dominance to the bonobos from the position of resource dominance. it also shows how women view "work", totally different from the hegellian transformative process of the masculine aryan mind, and more akin to bonobo apes.
>>300015 pol is full of faggots like most of snorechan nowadays tbh
>>300019 Yeah...
instead of being busy "at work" they are reposing at *ease* while their underlings are hard at work. this is the jewish mind which resides in the background behind their nigger puppet golems. in american culture the jew manifests itself behind the artifice of the nigger and the immigrant. its interesting that many times in cinema jews like the kike daniel day lewis play the role of distinctly anglo saxon personalities such as natty bumpo the deer slayer who in text is referred to as a blue eyed sandy haired englishman and the character of james ross the ulster scot oil tycoon rags to riches from upton sinclairs novel. both personas are born from the suffering and industriousness of settlers but the kike simply adapts them into his self image as necessary to assume the role of americas priest caste.
The German stock exchange just shat the bed after news Nord Stream will remain offline.
oh yeah and the jew daniel day lewis also played the role of bill poole, the arch anglo of 19th century new york.
>>300023 ist vorbei
hate the way Americanski say "salary" and "resooooomay" instead of wages and CV tbh
just handed my CV in today lads. Hope I get the job *screams*
September-November >best time to visit Spic Merica
NASDAQ too btw
>>300027 wage and salary are different. normally wage refers to an hourly rate where you're paid x amount for being on the clock, whereas with salary you get paid a predetermined amount each week/month/year regardless of hours worked
>>300032 not in my language
reckon it's possible to have a good time in latin america without speaking spanish lads?
>>300034 Yes, but only if you know German and/or Welsh.
>>300034 in tourist cities prob. try Cartagena, CULOmbia
Balls: Itching BGL: Low Films: To be watched up to 1955 on my highest grossing films journey. I have the Seven Year Itch to watch next. Last film I watched was Strategic Air Command. It was good too. Will be back to see if film night is on, otherwise nos da ffrindiau xx
>>300019 Great post, but you made me google "bonobo twerk"
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What day is it lads?
>>300040 Henlo cheeky le pepe with an le monsteur It's Friday my Dudes
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brandon speech basically said 'if you disagree with the democrats then you are an extremist and we're gonna come get you with F-15's' >>300040 almost leak end
>tfw our thread leaders are always failed normies
someone make a new thread
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>>300041 >>300042 thass fakken roight
You be bloody quiet.
>>300046 I won't be. Who the fuck are you talking to?
You couldn't make this shit up, within 48 hours of that speech. They are mocking us.
>>300047 I'm talking to you. You son of a bitch arse nigger brain.
>>300049 How dare you say that to me.
>>300051 Ugly, awful fucking post.
>>300052 Look, let's get passed our differences.
>>300053 OK, lets bully this cunt instead: >>300054

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