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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3753: I'm an incel and a gun owner Edition Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 03:09:59 Id: ffe215 No. 291127
(2.43 KB 125x125 1653054730681.jpg)

but not in relation to the post above
>>291810 lmao very good lad
(35.63 KB 286x461 the architect.jpg)

Ey up! Ey, ey! The lads are on their way! With their bayonets, and their tommyguns And their bellies full of Boddingtons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS1Fr4zJgBo
Just asked a Russian lass if she could produce me some kefir from her breast milk. Wonder what she will say
>>291816 fucking uggo
>>291820 >grotty little incel
>>291821 you're projecting
suck my dick
If anyone looks at her face and thinks she's attractive then the likelihood is that you're a fucking desperate munter yourself.
im not looking at her face
She's got a normal, slightly fat, somewhat squat woman's body that isn't that special. Wow.
Imagine being that thirsty. Sad!
(48.64 KB 1280x720 charls.jpg)

yeh she's nowt special tbh
boring, get a new routine
>Man City have the whitest team in the league >Best team on Earth (arguably) right now
Feel a bit sick tbh,
>>291831 tbh. like a broken record, becoming tiresome
woah based!
>>291835 The United States of America lads.
>>291837 >>291837 >>291837 NEW >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 Migrate when ready lads
Not using that thread with this creature having made it
>>291839 Pure spack. Be a good sport and come migrate to the new thread already.
>>291841 Never.
have a wank if you are horny tbh
>>291843 You're anonymous lad. Nobody will know it's you. On God.
Love him like you wouldn't believe lads
>>291845 If you absolutely must give your balls a tug, just use your imagination. You shouldn't be wanking your British balls to the big, fake titties in yank porn.
>dorset's biggest fantasy

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