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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3744: RIP Lads Try Not To Die Edition Anonymous 07/18/2022 (Mon) 11:54:31 Id: 69c9c4 No. 284351
Britain could hit 43C tomorrow and is on track for hottest day in history today: Heatwave grinds trains to a halt, Met Office warns that 'thousands will die', schools close and temperature gets to 33C by noon https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11023649/Britain-goes-meltdown-Commuters-unable-work-rail-bosses-TfL-cancel-trains.html British tourist, 54, is found dead on his sunbed in Crete: Holidaymakers thought he was sunbathing for hours until finally checking him https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11023833/British-tourist-54-dead-sunbed-Crete.html XL Bully dog that grabbed mother-of-two, 43, around the throat before mauling her to death had 'snapped and turned mad in the heat', family say https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11023847/XL-Bully-dog-mauled-mother-two-43-death-turned-mad-heat.html >pitbulls
>>285108 is this recent?
>>285109 yeah it happened at your mums house last night lad
>tfw no vigilante gf to prank niggers with
>>285113 wonder if the yidtube videos are still up
>>285114 yeah I want to see them too lol
>>285116 apparently the UN have taken his speech down too
>>284774 in the US though the nigs are completely westernized and a combination of black-on-black crime and abortion keeps their population relatively stable, the US nig population grows only slightly due to african immigration >>285026 >>285031 >>285035 that wasn't me- I don't shave my balls, I use an electric trimmer. also it's my moustache, beard, head hair where there are some stray blond hairs, my pubes are all dark
>>284771 Only just realised that's what she was doing. Thought it was just being dumb assuming Russia was always cold so she dressed too warm. Probably still was ignorant, like she was of Russian geography, but she was doing it to appear like muh iron lady. Fucking embarrassment. Hope the normgroids don't buy this.
>>285113 >monkeboy and eggman
Jesuits = Jew Suits no cap
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>tfw you will never be a nigger
Mordaunt is a taig tbh
>there can never be another great fire because bricks and cement don't burn
>>285113 >Police: couple did nothing wrong so we're going to punish them
>>285127 Tbh. Laying 'bait' i.e. your own property on your own property and defending it when thieves attack isn't even vigilantism. It's self defence. Smh.
I'm unironically accelerationist now and the Tories are the true accelerationist party imo. Capitalism needs to get even more methed up and go fastrer. The superhuman post-historical root race can only arise from extreme conditions.
>>285129 Yeah I mean they do have libertarian capitalists but they also have traditionalists, relatively speaking. So it's the less bad choice.
>>285129 I worry that accelerationism isn't leading to improvement tbh. I don't see any revolution coming, everything is just getting gayer and gayer. The cyberpunk dystopia is here and the masses who own less and less are happy with it. Perhaps there was a time when people would have revolted but the masters have clearly figured out human mass psychology well enough to tame them.
>>285002 It's always a little sad to see a lass like this who would be really pretty if their bodies hadn't been destroyed by current year food and health economics.
>>285133 Good morning and/or evening lad?
>school shooter had a gf
>>285134 hullo lad
map of the war so far
I wish Russia did a draft so they could just devour the pig smh, boring war
>>285138 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Obvious ruse post but still, tickled my fancy
>we have boomers here
>>285140 keeeek
But is this real though?

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