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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3737: Night Shift Edition Anonymous 07/05/2022 (Tue) 00:41:37 Id: 70e711 No. 279092
Tim Westwood: BBC reveals complaints against DJ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62015958 Ukraine war: Putin presses on after Lysychansk capture https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62033619 Highland Park shooting: Six dead in 4 July parade shooting near Chicago https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62042636
>>279781 "im unique, im me"
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this image represents everything i seek to avoid, no matter the cost
>Recent videos have included one captioned: ‘My family won’t even talk to me now because I have all the corona symptoms,’ while another read: ‘Can’t even smoke my weed because my cough is so bad’. Yet it seems that Michael Gove and his wife, Daily Mail columnist Sarah Vine, were not impressed – all of the teenager’s videos appear to have since been wiped from her profile. >Indeed if mother Sarah’s column is anything to go by, Beatrice certainly has a rebellious streak. In February this year, she described Beatrice as ‘funny, feisty’ and ‘when it comes to the state of her bedroom… a total and utter savage.’ She elaborated: ‘Bea — or Beast as we call her, for obvious reasons — has always been pathologically messy’, relating her impressive ‘capacity for chaos’: ‘graffiti on her walls, the stains on her carpet, the clutter of make-up and the tsunami of clothes’. >In the same column, Beatrice offered her own take on things, stating: ‘It’s a mess, I know. The kind of chaos and clutter guaranteed to set any parent’s nerves on edge. But here’s the thing: it’s my mess’. She explained that teenagers are ‘constantly being instructed what to do and how we must do it, whether we're at home or at school. Rules, routine and order are imposed upon us at every turn. For me,’ she continued, ‘my bedroom is this one disordered thing — the place where I have control over what goes where; the part of my life I should be allowed to govern in peace.’ Keek.
>>279745 Are you a nonce?
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>279789 >this lad again Cringe.
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>>279672 >wanting to live in a tiny shitbox within earshot of some low iq drooling pleb untermensch >not wanting to own land suburbs are the highest population density that should exist
>>279772 Imagine your own daughter not only ending up this degenerate, but so stupid she doesn't realise her daddy's party is the far left Blairite anarcho tyranny globohomo party.
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some chud blew up the georgia guidestones
>>279794 smh waste of good granite
>>279795 think of all the countertops that stacy could have made from that
properly cleaning my room tbh
>>279797 how does your room become unclean in the first place? do you throw things around randomly instead of putting them back where they belong? or do you mean dusting, vacuuming, etc.?
>>279797 how does your room become unclean in the first place? do you throw things around randomly instead of putting them back where they belong? or do you mean dusting, vacuuming, etc.?
>>279798 Mostly dusting, also have a habit of leaving things on my desk/table
useless website
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wish i had a single mummy gf
>>279794 based
I miss Bushposter
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>>279794 > blew up the georgia guidestones chud of action putting in the work
>>279765 Talking sense here, Joe.
>>279812 No Gay Batty News ok thank you.
>>279814 This is a pro Farage board, lad
>>279815 >>279815 If you want to be a homosexual that's none of my business, and I'm sure there is nothing I can do to stop you being a complete and utter faggot.
>>279817 What are these words you are using, some kind of homosexual recruitment?
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>>279812 the thumbnail nige gets me laffin everytime
>>279819 tbh keek
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>>279772 well at least she believes in God
boiled 6 eggs at once yesterday instead of just 3 so today i just have a perfect snack waiting for me in the fridge. love cold eggs with a bit of mayonnaise

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