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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3729: Based Israel Edition Anonymous 06/20/2022 (Mon) 23:32:42 Id: 79ba5b No. 272652
>‘We wanted to continue, believe me’: Bennett confirms coalition over, elections soon https://www.timesofisrael.com/bennett-we-made-a-tough-decision-but-it-was-the-best-for-the-country/ >Coalition heads announce vote to dissolve Knesset next week, Lapid to be interim PM https://www.timesofisrael.com/coalition-heads-announce-vote-to-dissolve-knesset-next-week-lapid-to-be-interim-pm/ Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u5Z0GZ1WsE
>>273363 Dunno, lad. Whole things sounds like oppression olympics bullshit. How much of it was sex and child slavery vs. a form of impressment by the ottomongs?
>>273366 The Eternal Anglo
1 - 2 million is also holocaust tier bullshit
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Starship Poopers
>>273363 >a lot of it was european pirates kidnapping europeans to sell to barbary states keek too bad blacks have established the precedent that that doesn't make it okay
>>273373 tummies tbh
Why isn't 22st CRAZY about his National Day Celebration? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpsPRz_KxRY
>>273376 He's welsh lad wtf
>>273377 yeah starting to think he's double bluffed us tbh
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live nosely, cannibal yank and what looks like a williamoid infiltrator https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR163:f >open stream >mark is complaining about his crypto not being worth anything keeeeeek
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>>273376 because it's civic
>>273368 the vast majority of slaves sold into the barbary states were used as galley slaves, i.e they rowed boats to traffic goods. men were sought out more than women and children, although it happened. Turks didn't need any help stocking their harems as they ruled the balkans and greece at this time.
>>273383 As I suspected tbh, in Robinson Crusoe the protagonist gets enslaved in Morrocco but earns his freedom iirc (that's before he gets stranded and embarks on a kino adventure)
*chains you to the oars and lets you drown horribly when the galley inevitably sinks nothing personnel whiteoid, should have been a janissary
>>273380 That Wesley has been around a while tbh.
alcohol is literal poison
>>273386 yeh mark said he is one of the good zoomers who is getting persecuted by the plods
>>273385 A janissary, a Mameluke, etc. The Ottoman empire was a whiteoid Empire serving foreign vermin. It was whites working against themselves for personal aggrandizement. The actual Turkmen could have been expelled easily. Sound familiar?
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>>273387 It is, fucking love it though
>>273389 Not really, the vast majority of "Turks" are indigenous Anatolians, who aren't white they're just basal eurasians. They're the true Turks and the people who created the modern Turk identity. The monarchs became white from mixing with white women and the grand viziers were often white high achievers from the Balkans. As the Ottoman empire began to decay the Monarchy and nobility started to find minority groups in the outer empire more loyal than the Anatolian Turks, and started hating "Turkishness" overall, identifying themselves as "Ottomans" or "Muslims" as opposed to "Turks".
>>273391 By "True Turks" I mean in spirit, actual ethnic Turkics dont exist anywhere in Anatolia.
ottoman empire was quite interesting i guess
>>273391 Anatolians are white. Even actual Turks are admixed whites with some populations being whiter than others.
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>>273387 "Yes."
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>>273394 Black hair and eyes, together, are never found on a white man.
>>273394 I could break out a bunch of graphs and genetic distance mapping but I dont want to seem autistic. anatolian turks are hairy brown unibrow phenotype and are seen as the redneck islamist retards of their country so no they do not get to be white.
All I know is Turkish women message me often and they are usually peng.
Did you lads hear about marine le pen winning over 80 extra seats in the French parliament election, dafties in shambles tbh joe was right again
>>273400 Is she going to deport/repatriate millions of browns and blacks?

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