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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3725: Nosley Edition Anonymous 06/15/2022 (Wed) 16:36:46 Id: 5e9da2 No. 269588
Russia 'destroys warehouse full of weapons donated by the West https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-news-live-war-russia-putin-nuclear-latest-invasion-updates-12541713 Stalker who terrorised 121 victims jailed after creating 'rape list https://news.sky.com/story/stalker-who-terrorised-121-victims-jailed-after-creating-rape-list-12634367 Dutch idea to give jobs to French youths backfires https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61808470
wew who spends that much time IP hopping we're up to 116 uids.
Tried cello taping poo to my walls but it just keep breaking up and leaving smudges smh.
>>270345 keeeek
>>270345 We've been hopping like rabbits since cuc/k/ went full stalin
don't trust anyone with a post count under 40 simple as
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>>270293 >>270295 >>270296 >>270298 >>270307 Got the ice cream, sorry they were out of everything else. Sign said they'll get the gf six packs back in next week out of ciders too >>270307
Didn't mean (You) lad. Meant d94841.
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I'm going to Auslad now; >>270076
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someones always making threads when i am so i wont bother
>>270353 see you in half an hour.
>>270353 >that time I tricked everyone into thinking I was making a new thread but I wasn't and there was no thread for two hours keeeeeeeeeek
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>>270350 poor show
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>>270356 for the record im done editing but its for new thread. it also sucks
dipped out for a minute to get another tinny and check other sites smh calm down lads
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>ban >seethe >show mong shit that should be banned instead >still seethe
>>270358 lad I would just ignore it for a while.
demod cook now
Redpill me on Al Assad (the lion) Is he based? What is he about?
>>270361 And SA. They show zero remorse. There's no sign they'll change. Even if they miraculously did, the just hatred we have for their gayist tyranny will not go away until they fuck off.
>>270363 Is that who fac75a is?
I'm not even banfagging, lads.
>>270364 No I just don't like bbk.
actual photograph of auslad 2 days into BOing /shit/ and having to deal with constant autistic tantrums
>>270366 What about the other thousands of lads whom the bullies have beaten up?
>>270360 tbh >>270361 he's on his last chance tbh no more ban sprees >>270362 he's cool and based don't really bother learning about local government tbh >>270368 keeeeeeeek
>>270369 you mean the two other people constantly seething? Don't know don't care but their constant whinging is getting very boring.
>>270372 >he's on his last chance And he will blow it. So keep your word here. Next autism fit he has perma'ing innocent lads, kick him.
>>270373 There's far more than two people lad.
That aspie woman who made the video on the anorexic thing made a video on the life expectancy of people with Asperger's and has been haunting me since last week. I got drunk at the weekend and had an emotional dysregulative collapse, starting going berserk, and then started thinking it could be times like that I might be able to kill myself, and just how easy it might be, even if I'm not generally depressed. Been feeling marked for death since. I don't think I've got asperger's either, but my ex tried to convince my that I do. I don't want to die.
>>270548 better to be a neet for several decades than to top yourself over others having families lad.
>>270215 >blah blah blah no. ideally filtering ids would not even be a thing
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>>270084 three sixteeths of an inch is easy peasy lad just pull down you pants and look at your cock and there you go
>>270548 >drinking alcohol or using chems while being some kind of incel/neet/sperg you are already on nightmare difficulty lad why would you make it even 'arder
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>wog mating preferences a sign of devolution

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