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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3691: Finno-Ugric Ballbusting Edition Anonymous 04/21/2022 (Thu) 09:06:39 Id: 369580 No. 242654
Netflix Stock Tanks 25 Percent After First Subscriber Loss in a Decade https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/04/19/netflix-stock-tanks-25-percent-after-first-subscriber-loss-in-a-decade/ Russia successfully test fires ‘unique’ missile – Putin https://www.rt.com/russia/554231-ballistic-missile-test/ The inside story of the prison known as Britain’s Gitmo https://www.rt.com/news/540790-uk-belmarsh-prison-london/
>>243418 I know all that and I'm still angry. >>243419 I hope so.
>>243419 >implying it's implausible
Still it could be as easily real as not and I'm angry someone even created that post.
Death to the false gods of films and television programmes
yo i need to speak to norway fats
>wall of text reddit post >reposted onto reddit lite
>it's now completely implausible because of the interwebs
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implausibly implyable
implyably implausible
>>243429 keeeeeeeeeek I miss attitude era
Just found out that niggers in florida murder each other a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyIO3B5EFpM
>>243433 "in florida" is probably superfluous tbh lad
>>243433 Can just cut out the 'in florida' part tbh
>Just found out that niggers murder each other a lot. ftfy
>in florida
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>5 hours after getting my truck licence
>>243438 make sure it's targeted.
>>243438 keeeeeeeeek >>243439 tbh "accidentally" run over a tour group of nigger immigrants or something
>>243438 Hi bones, ow do you open with lasses on your website lad?
>>243433 also fuck off agg
>>243441 Already told you, lad. "Hi, [name]. How are you?"
>>243443 thanks lad, nervous tbh but i must assume my true identity as a race groomer x
>>243444 Based. WElcome to the breeder club
How many of you lads carry a weapon? I always have my knife tbh
>>243446 I carry an open discord. Far more lethal.
>>243446 better be less than 3in long with a non-fixed blade and carried for plausible and constructive purposes lad
>>243448 keeeek yeah I've even memorised the whole "work gear" line tbh
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>>243446 Carrying a knife is part of my identity at this point tbqh. Never know when a darkie might try to mug you, and even if you don't use it, the principle of deterrence/MAD means it's absolutely worth having >pic related
>>243449 >that time my old bossman said we couldn't have knives at work even though our work literally involved cutting open boxes and splicing electrical cables

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>>243450 good lad thats a nice knife, mine is a beater SOG autoclip knife that I got used on ebay for 20 dollarinos

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