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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3690: Desecrate The Koran Edition Anonymous 04/19/2022 (Tue) 17:03:30 Id: af565e No. 241812
no links
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and of course the deaf bitch also promotes every other kind of pozz
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yup she's also a lesbian with an adopted baby that will probably be groomed into a tranny
>>242619 >we renovated a house lmfao "we"
>>242622 You sound very normal to me.
Compare this to LITERALLY ALL of the "war footage": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHEjqrNksSI
>>242625 chad pig tbh
America really is greatness. You know? Like even in peace America produces better war footage.
>>242626 yeah lmao I guarantee you I wouldn't take bulletholes to my car with such ease.
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>>242577 >actually putting laptops on your lap
>Charles Carswell ooookay, so let me read more https://okcfox.com/news/local/family-speaks-out-on-behalf-of-deceased-turner-turnpike-standoff-victim uh >Charles Carswell's mom says her son stole watermelons from a fruit stand in Arizona, then died in a shootout with troopers in Oklahoma. uh wait, okay, is this the joke news for dreams only?
Did that lady troll and pretend to be the mother?
HOW did this story escape notice? He was playing BONGO DRUMS while on a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, after wrecking out the suv he was in when shooting at the cop.
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>He graduated from Akron Digital Academy in 2008 and Ohio Technical College in 2014, receiving his degree in Master Welding Technology. He had a love of the earth and a green thumb, growing plants and eventually starting his own business called Truliving Farm LLC. He enjoyed skateboarding, video games and collecting crystals. He was a member of Zion Apostolic Church and had a deep spiritual belief.
>the holocaust hilarious joke
>>242633 dios mio... >>242634 keeeek
Legit would like to go on a spiritual journey in a grand wagoneer, sans the gun and the stealing watermelons. unfortunately, wagoneers are way too expensive.
>>242633 >He was a member of Zion
>vagina handcuffs bound tied rope knot wrists ankles
>>242638 don't like this picture tbh
>>242642 It's seen things, I suspect.
that's enough cringe-masochism for one sitting methinks
a new thread is needed
dawn of the final day six hours remain
>>242644 >be deaf >get an interpreter >interpreter is also deaf >>242647 bad energy here >>242650 sneed
>>242650 Working on a Friday?
>>242652 How's rape work?

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