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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3687: Fine I'll make it edition Anonymous 04/15/2022 (Fri) 12:56:53 Id: 67035e No. 239424
Omg looks at the heckin cute t-rexerino. *soyface* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoFwhr6iND0 No links because cba.
learnt my lesson smh filtered again
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Caption video 1, images 1-2: πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ The RF Armed Forces took out the first batch of refugees from Izyum, Kharkiv region - about 100 people. Destination - Belgorod region. Caption images 3-4: πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί BMP-1 and BRM-1K of the People's Militia of the DPR in the battles for Mariupol
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>>240159 I think most /pol/-esque boards adopted pol face because it was funny much like meme related. What was intended to be an insult was adopted as a mascot because it contained a partial truth but also because it undermined the expectations of its creators (to mock opponents based on appearance).
Soyface is partially mocking the appearance of soyim but it works better because it's more a mockery of their demeanor and behaviour than their appearance in and of itself.
Mad about such rocket launcher materials, since seeing them in action in so many round the corner attacks.
>>240163 tbh it was close enough to the truth that people saw it as endearing besides schizo i've never seen anybody who's ashamed or offended at being represented by le pol face >>240164 tbh the face has a character and it's the character that's being mocked
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>>240160 >RC also began Freemasonry That's fundamentally not true though lad, the first grand lodge was founded in London in 1717. >>240158 >I'm just a big lad Schizo confirmed fat >>240166 Schizo certainly is a strange lad smh, love pol face and his ways
>desperate degenerates rolling over for the Vatican Wew
>romanist-catholic origins of freemasonry Go to the beginning part of this especially, to learn the the "blueprint" for the masonic assembly https://youtu.be/i0BTB8jaM0Q
>>240151 Why did they shop in a Tavor rifle, is this intentional sabotage just to make these as obnoxious as possible.
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good sneed
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>that time Hulk Hogan picked me up with one hand and flew me around like an aeroplane when I went to one of his shows fights
>>240171 deliberate anti-anti-ukraine propaganda tbh the only people who will take offence are the ones who are in the know >>240172 sneed >>240173 sneed m'chuck >>240174 wew based
a small deep dish pepperino pizza and spicy potato wedges for 1st dinner
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>>240176 sounds well lush lad
lads i can't stop watching primitive technology copycat channels smh just want to go out into the wilderness and start homesteading smdh
>>240178 not sure the australian wilderness would be a nice place to live tbh but you seem to have a few more temperate places i guess
>>240179 yeah wouldn't want to go out into the outback tbh i'm putting that dream on hold until i get back to the real world
>>240180 become a swagman
>>240180 A swamp cabin with the skulls of gators and jehovas witnesses you've killed would be kino.
>>240174 must have made this pepe like 10 years ago

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>daft wogs
>>240181 all in good time tbh lad things'll soon enough become so bad that i have to steal to eat looking forward to camping by billabongs under the shade of coolibah trees ngl >>240182 keeeeeek based not far north enough for that though smh that's a top end thing
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>>240178 I don't know who I'am I don't know where I'am All I know is I must boom
There's literally nothing stopping any of us from just buying a plane ticket to Australia and living in the outback
>>240186 *booms* >>240187 it's the outback though lad there's literally nothing there trust me i've been there many times just endless stretches of red dirt
>>240189 arent there lots of big national parks in the east you could live in?
>>240189 yeah but it's not all like that lad. There's plenty of forests and shieet in certain places. The abbo's survived out there for ages so can't you
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smh meant *rangs* >>240188 rip lad woke up at 4 myself smh you're not alone
OK LADS LETS DO THIS https://youtu.be/v2AC41dglnM
>>240190 yeah but that's not where i am if i leave for somewhere better i might as well just go back home the only thing that really keeps me in australia is inertia and the promise that i can get a degree and leave without ever paying back the debt >>240191 don't much fancy eating witchetty grubs though lad
There is high support for prohibiting animal cruelty, but jews have too much power, and they use kosher (painful) slaughter.

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