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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3684: Foids BTFO Edition Anonymous 04/11/2022 (Mon) 14:41:35 Id: c7cf57 No. 236964
>Sir David Amess: Man found guilty of murdering MP https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-61026210 >French elections: Macron targets Le Pen as run-off campaign begins https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61067426 >Benefits and state pension increase outpaced by rising prices https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61040694
>>237748 keeeeek tbqh
>>237730 > Hello, does anyone here want to be my girlfriend? Post a selfie at least lad
>>237745 how did this composite image even come into being
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oh no no no n o no no ukrainians captured an ukrainian it's over for p*tin
>>237751 discord nonces
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>>237698 Rolling
>>237698 Steele Jogington
>>237652 Only things of value I see in that image are those bull (warthog?) tusks tbph.
>>237756 >bull Boar* smh
>>237756 This is what Holland & Barrett will look like in the year 2030, worried yet liberals ?
>>237758 where are the chinky women it needs more chinky women
>>237758 finally a reliable source of rhino horn the missus was getting worried
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>he doesnt want a girl with tusks
>>237762 wouldn't mind a gf who could chop an elephant in half tbh ngl
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US economy is fucked
(176.58 KB 256x350 keek nigga.png)

>>237764 >CPI skyrockets to almost double the highest it's ever been in living memory it's all fucked keeeeeeek
>>237764 oh my god
(131.40 KB 634x650 1522611086894.jpg)

>tfw you will live to see america collapse in fire and blood
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>>237762 Paula Patton in Warcraft was attractive. But that's just because Paula Patton in general is attractive.
>>237764 fucking hell no way
>There was a young man from Norway >Who tried to be straight and not gay >He molested poombs >Just for the cooms >But afterwards pushed him away
>>237768 looks like a nigger
>>237770 keeeeek smdh
>>237770 accurate
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>>237771 mulatto. apart from darker skin, features aren't particularly negroid. also, boobs.
>>237774 >>237768 that wog dreadlock hair is ugly as sin though. plus she has that mma woman overdeveloped midsection without a curve to her waist
(1.91 MB 1947x2000 ClipboardImage.jpg)

>>237776 wasted genes tbh
>>237774 those breasts are not particularly impressive, they're just normal C cups... also she has those dumb gorilla eyes
>>237777 wasted quads tbh
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>>237779 didn't realise
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>>237774 Wew lad. That is a wig but the orc pic might be its real hair
>>237776 Poor lad went battle bonkers, only way to explain it

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