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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3626: Time of Questions Edition Anonymous 01/27/2022 (Thu) 23:19:00 Id: 4d34b5 No. 192927
https://easytelly.eu/2020/03/18/bbc-one-london/ Linky tbh Why Boris Johnson is coming out fighting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60159226 Man drove without licence for more than 70 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-60159649 Liz Truss flew by private jet to Australia at cost of £500,000 to taxpayers https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/liz-truss-australia-private-jet-flight-b2001692.html
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoodhA5DuGk New uncle ted kino getting released
>>193710 >making him look grottier and evil rather than how he actually looked smh industrial scum
https://youtu.be/0EL3ZkcMNS4 Just saw this on samsung tv. Really good ad. Me and my friends were all really impressed. I think this product is the future!
>>193710 don't even need to watch the trailer to know that this is just another smear campaign tedkino portraying him as a hero never ever smh
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>>193710 I still need to finish his books and Linkola's too smhm
>>193714 Jo Cox was killed by that
>>193715 Don't know who you are talking about but no they weren't
Joe who?
>>193719 John Crocks, got shot by the terrorist information just shared in this thread. He was a Tory Parish Councillor. CTU will hair about this.
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RIP in peace, sweet beast.
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>>193723 >women start screaming in terror when they smell (You)
mummy was going to come over and visit the boomers and I and take them up norf to see their boomer brvthers and sisters before they all died then she took a coof test and decided to call everything off because larping as a "covid survivor" is more important and less effort than just lying and taking a bunch of vit c pills and lemsips on the ferry over and recovering in a matter of days in time to fulfil her familial obligations god I hate women god I hate middleclassoids god I hate niggercattle
>>193725 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK grim, fresh cakes from the bakery smeeself
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>>193725 smh foids have really been milking this coof shite for all its worth they all love it
>>193726 denying myself croissants until I do my toil tbhsmh >>193727 yeah it's really making me seethe worst part is the boomers have my aunty who is perfectly capable of taking them on the trip instead of mum but she won't because reasons (being a landlordlarper during the off season when nobody is renting from her) selfish cunts the lot of them
>>193728 >denying myself croissants until I do my toil tbhsmh smh howl ongs that going to take, more retard toil? and on a saturday, wouldn't be me lad smh iktf tho
>get confined and ordered about by a strong authority >can win special privileges by submitting harder and then brag about it for attention >can randomly become a victim and be the centre of attention for a few days >carte blanche to unperson family members who say uncomfortable things it's literally everything w*men ever wanted >>193728 >selfish cunts the lot of them tbh that entire generation is a lost cause
>>193729 rest of the day probably need to degrot and go get pills from vuh nhs then do the toil smh granny also called and wanted to reschedule to have snaturday sninner instead of sunday sneether which was planned to coincide with mummy's visit which won't happen now and I had to deny her and feel like shit smh they're at the point of being old where you can actually hear their infirmity and impending death >>193730 >a strong authority so long as it's not an individual man they are married to or associating with
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boomers seething
>>193731 smh busy day ahead then, better get to it, I'll enjoy these cakes and kino I'm about to watch on your behalf lad
>>193732 utterly retarded rule changes, they are slowly making driving worse and worse so we'll all be public transport cattle
>>193734 Yes. As it should be. Fuck cars and their retard users.
>>193732 like the change for pedestrians tbh there are some really nasty crossings and junctions around here >>193733 anything good? still need to finish the chinkino tbh
>>193737 Good. Cars should be the reserve of the very few. They've absolutely shat everything up with sprawl and pollution. Public transport, legs, or bicycles or horsies teehee! for me!
>>193738 they need their own cucklanes tbh having them on the pavement is really bad too nearly got crashed into by an archetypal xoomer faggot in full skintight gear and penis helmet the other day because he decided to use the pavement to go around a traffic jam
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>>193740 tbh they don't belong anywhere bicycles are for young lads to ride around sleepy village lanes and that's it tbh as soon as anybody else is present they become a nuisance and a danger to themselves and others plus the spandex fags larping like they're in the velodrome are just pretentious and annoying
>>193742 Just need stronger regulation and infrastructure for them and cities designed for legs not wheels tbhfuck wheelchair twats too tbh
https://youtu.be/lg449XgibVA Now relax, and enjoy sports
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>the wheelchair twat on the bus trying to ignore my shouting
>>193719 Joke Ox

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