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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3612: Anglo Churches Edition Anonymous 01/11/2022 (Tue) 21:22:42 Id: ee7d8a No. 182594
Archaeologists find incredible lost Anglo-Saxon church along planned HS2 route They found the remains of an ancient church at the site of St Mary's Church, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks. and it was built around 1080 in a damp, isolated spot around half a mile from the village during the Norman conquest https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/archaeologists-find-incredible-lost-anglo-25919243 Matt Hancock tests positive for Covid for second time but insists he is 'feeling fine' https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/matt-hancock-tests-positive-covid-25919507 Just 58% of patients who attended A&E over Christmas week were seen within NHS target of four hours, 'unacceptable' figures show https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10391079/40-E-patients-not-seen-four-hours.html
>>183377 >it’s hot >clear sky It’s a sunny path to tibbs town
fucking OBSESSED sort your life out you sad old fuck
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>Never used /brit/cord >100% ignorant of the drama
making deliberately provocative racially-charged comments on youtube again also reporting videos for racism against huwhite people >>183393 god these people are so slow >>183397 tbh it's a bit weird to watch as an outsider
>>183393 Joe Owens right again
>Engaging with bongoloids
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war and poo
>>183389 war is always a money making grift, the only end is a protracted conflict that goes nuclear at the end.
>>183398 based
morning lads
>>183404 chungus himself keeping that sussy info on lock
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>>183402 that's what i'm hoping for tbh just want a finale for this extremely disappointing chapter of history >>183404 nigger elf should poost here tbh then maybe he'd be more up to date >>183407 baste
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>>183405 Hello and welcome to a new day of ClownWorld
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>>183407 LAD!!!
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into the filter you go again
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>>183412 noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>>183409 she looks like she get her heart rate up fighting over chicken wings at popeyes
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>>183414 The hundred yard chicken wing dash event of the ghetto olympics
>>183417 It's ratman all over again.
>>183417 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>183418 whats ratman been doing recently? is he still coping on twatter
>>183408 >nigger elf should poost here tbh then maybe he'd be more up to date I always suspected the shots weaken people's immune systems because so many people get "covid" straight arfter getting them, I never expected a governmnent body to admit this though
>>183423 Langan implied the same, pretty sus how they're pushed by "Mr. AIDS" Fauci too
>>183424 >Langan who?
>>183425 I pooosted him here a couple times, Chris Langan the white nationalist conspiracy theory yank who's famous for having a ~200 IQ https://gab.com/ChrisLangan/posts/107560690538605900
>>183426 oh right, is he that guy that's supposed tobe the most clever man in the world?
>>183421 basedtibbs
>>183427 Yeah, he just had barely any Internet presence until like 2018

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