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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3583: Segregation for the Vacci-nation Edition Anonymous 12/02/2021 (Thu) 22:47:10 Id: 98744a No. 161365
Germany to ban unvaccinated people from shops and bars https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-59501192 COVID-19: Stranded British travellers face spending Christmas in quarantine hotels https://news.sky.com/story/stranded-travellers-face-spending-christmas-in-quarantine-hotels-12484705 How probable is it Omicron Covid variant will take hold in UK? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/02/how-probable-omicron-covid-variant-take-hold-uk
>>162092 it's fake but still funny
>>162094 aha, so it's the product of a prophet.
the queen should be in PRISON
>>162097 I woud rather that somebody killed Charles tbh
>finger seems sticky >keep wiping it off >look down at keyboard to see melted choccy smh
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Sharp decline in post quality and sharper decline in food i.e veggie bacon for breakfast.
>>162100 is someone forcing you to eat veggie bacon?
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cheese toasty and bourbons for brekky
>>162101 No it's just we ran out of real bacon. It's the only edible veggie anything - rest tastes like mushrooms - but still nothing like bacon tbh.
>I'll buy this food item in case we run out of the other items >not just buying more regular bacon
>>162087 >Italians are a treasure Yes tbh
>>162099 Sure it’s chocolate la?
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>>162106 tasted like it at least
>>162102 based >>162103 why would you even have that filth in the house though lad
>>162105 lots to seethe about today, just read that news article about the nutcracker and am seething
(40.55 KB 600x600 xi xingping groyper chink.jpg)

going to watch The Battle at Lake Changjin tbh
>>162111 >written by 2 poo authors
>>162111 so sick of the pajeet managerial caste
morning lads I hate the zog it's not right feeling simultaneously hunted and trapped in what should be my own country
>>162114 smorning lad tbh smh
>>162113 So sick of pajeets tbh. Dumb rude bloodsucking scum
>>162116 just a mass of ugly same looking brown people augh
>>162116 needs a major culling tbh wish their little squabble with china would actually go somewhere >>162117 tbh
A mostly peaceful boarding attempt at Minneapolis airport
>>162119 very tired of niggers tbh understandable that sharts always prefer private vehicles over public transport with so many of them around
>>162119 animals smh
smh can only find shite camcord versions of that chinky war film
(7.14 MB 480x272 Moonwalk.mp4)

Toil soon
>>162123 have fun lad
>>162122 tbh most of the good chinky movies have Chow Yun Fat in. I like Chungking Express too, but mainly just for Faye Wong
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>>162057 Love this

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