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Abdl cringe Baby 08/17/2020 (Mon) 00:11:53 No. 942
Self explanatory. Post the shit that just makes you go "why?"
>>22515 some generic e-thot that a couple of lunatics here never shut up about for some reason
What info was released?
>>22516 Bitch i have never bought any content from any one! Why the fuck would I spend money on anything like that when i have 8chan to direct you where to get it for free. Also what's your fucking problem, baba berry or what ever she wants to call her self this week is trash who does not give a flying fuck about any one but her self.
>>22519 Her name and address and a full doxxing to all family members and friends.
>>22511 turns out her name was Maryls
>>22518 >some generic e-thot that a couple of lunatics here never shut up about for some reason I'm just curious what she did that they're so happy she got doxed for?
>>22520 how many accounts of yours did she block in DM's before you gave up and started seething in this mongolian basket weaving forum.
>>22540 None, I have never tried to contact her. I have seen her in person at capcon for a distance and she is a ugly little thing. Im personly just not a fan of prostitutes walking the halls at capcon and her brand of ABDL. Lolilalas is just as bad as she is! Fun fact i think she is a ugly till troll who is only getting worse with age and she is 100% a drug addicted whore! >>22537 She is a class A bitch who is a ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. She tried to make her self the centerpoint of everything for attention and drama sake only. No idea why people buy her porn or pay money to sleep with her im sure in 10 years she will be on the scrap heap begging for attention. Ask allycakes how it goes i guess.
Still some of my best work😏
>>22541 Clearly a sane person continues to talk shit about "just some bitch" on the internet. You sound like your elementary crush rejected you.
>>22547 yeah this fucking autist for sure tried to hit her up and she "lol fuck off ugly" 'd him, what a pathetic faggot lmao
>>22547 >>22550 Sounds like she came for a visit to 8chan or one of her simps is trying to defend her. Take no notice😈
>>22554 There's literally 3 different people replying to you calling you an autistic. I'd just shut the fuck up now and save yourself further embarrassment. You're celebrating harassment because she wouldn't suck your pee pee. You're nobody special. Get lost.
>>22541 >allycakes how it goes i guess. She was stupid and didn't use birth control or contraception and ended up having twins. As I parent of young kids, that does take up basically your life for some time. I remember when she had a stalker/dude who sexually assaulted her at one of those camp things, that dude is now a she and everyone just forgets the raping and creepy voice messages that were posted. Fucking love the hypocrisy the fetlife groups...
>>22542 Ah, so it's just Onideus being a piece of shit, good to know. I don't give a shit about a generic camwhore, but doxing is cringe and retarded.
>>22579 They doxxed a lot of people and for retarded reasons, AgeRe puritanical teens doxxed a bunch of ABDLs because they claimed we're all pedophiles sexualizing their coping mechanism.
>>22578 Once again, trannies showing how mentally stable they are.
>>22579 hahahahahahaha as fucking IF it's that Onideus faggot, get real, god he's such an ugly fucking loser
>>22592 Cringe. You can do better, loser. Tell me you're tilted with more effort please. Garbage.
>>22650 Generally like her takes, but she seems to act like anyone in the abdl group is a useless welfare scab on society. She is right, keep it behind closed doors. Of course the train wreck Riley went on another show too. I don't know why certain members need this justification from the whole world. Our kink is fucking weird, accept that and move on with life.
>>22650 There have been a ton of these videos by many popular conservatives recently (within the past year) This is because ABDL is becoming the new furfag, the loud and annoying leftist faggots can't just shut the fuck up and keep this shit to their bedrooms in private.
>>22667 Imagine not being a leftist in 2023. Yikes.
>>22661 It is weird, agreed. But others are choosing to highlight us and put a spotlight on our spaces. >>22667 He says on a porn board where we actively share this shit. Youre delusional if you think moral crusaders care whether its kept private to the bedroom or not. If its not missionary sex through a bed sheet for the specific intent of procreation; they'll use it for their moral crusade. We're allowed to have our communities and ain't nothing wrong with that. That being said most of our communities are dog shit and i want nothing to do with them. But moralfags would denonize us no matter what.
>>20604 Reproduction traps God in an earthly vessel. It is a solemn matter that should not be treated wantonly. The finite will never satisfy the uncreated soul.
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>>20604 >Really, nigga? You find it weird that people try to make it political, one of the few things that decide whether or not a society actually continues to exist over time? What do you think it is that makes it "right" for something to be political or "not"? The problem is these Commie faggots are fucking retarded. They think they're fighting "fascists" while being financially backed and bailed out by corporate America. Usually captured live on the iPhone Daddy or Mommy is still paying for. No wonder they're drawn to ABDL, they've barely left Mommy's titty emotionally or physically. Fucking losers. >>22689 >He says on a porn board where we actively share this shit. Youre delusional if you think moral crusaders care whether its kept private to the bedroom or not. The difference is that now the leftist faggots have made it abundantly clear they want to groom children into their sick fucking kinks, and ABDL is a perfect vehicle to that. You're right, we'll all be kicked against the wall if/when the right wing death squad meme becomes reality. But it doesn't help when the tranny in a dress and a pink diaper that will NEVER be seen as anything but a man with a mutilated penis just has to go on national TV and talk about how "innocent" and "totally not child grooming" it is while simultaniously crying about how being forced to use the bathroom that matches the gender you were born with is oppression. Leftists are attracted to this fetish because it aligns with their mental status and daddy/mommy issues.
>>22762 >>22742 >>22679 >>22592 >>22595 You're sperging out this hard on a diaper orum
>>22765 You're replying to two people spurging out on a diaper "orum"
It's always the far-left woke. Watch the videos below. No wonder our beloved kink is fucked. Evil Tranny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiWK0rbwfU8&ab_channel=TalkTV Canadian FurFag https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1628318976379092992 These "People" should be gassed.
https://old.reddit.com/r/ABDLMarket/comments/11g3vok/meta_prices_need_to_be_required_either_in_the/ low hanging fruit, but the comments by the guy spouting the conspiracy theory about why the sub exists and the mods are funny.
>>20701 thx for posting, its amazing the cult like following hes been building up. anyone else notice how sexualized he is turning his companies social medias? he just sponsored a leather kink festival in germany, his booth looked so out of place there and unpopular hardly anyone went to it. more recently he hosted a leather group sponsored event to raise donations for something called smyal, if you look that up its basically a single house, near washington dc, used as a safe house for children (13 -20) who identify as gay, at the same time the building is registered as an adult daycare accepting age's 24 and under, they have 12 beds for overnight stays.... its very suspect. apparently hillary clinton at one time 'partnered' with the building... its in one of her old bio's. casey is like the hindenburg of the abdl world, its only a matter of time before he goes down in flames dragging what little image we have with him.

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