/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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/abdl/ Banner Thread Baby 01/28/2021 (Thu) 15:11:43 No. 2509
I am thinking of trying to make some banners later today or tomorrow, so I thought I would make a thread to maybe spur the interests of some other anons. Let's spruce up the board!
>>2803 Honestly I had a feeling that a couple of those might have been made into banners already, but I couldn't remember. There aren't that many images with the right aspect ratio.
All new banners posted so far have been added, be on the look out for yours! >>2803 What we're seeing so far seems pretty good with 300 x 100 and 300 x 200. Don't feel compelled to stick with it though, it's a very limited area to work with.
(33.82 KB 300x150 abdl_banner_5.png)

>>2807 Added!
(55.16 KB 300x100 banner_4_300_100.png)

(24.09 KB 300x100 banner3_300_100.png)

(294.84 KB 698x702 screenshot.png)

I was too baka at curving the screenshot to fit the monitor perfectly and resizing the image to 300x200. Still this was fun even with the resolution limitations.
The board is starting to look even more comfy now, anons. Thank for the submissions. I will have to make some of my own here soon too. >>2818 Very nice job, added!
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(27.13 KB 300x100 abdl_banner_6_v2.png)

>>2855 Here's a small update to make the logo more closely match the real Yuru Yuri one.
>>2856 Akari absolutely wears diapers. Added
(755.59 KB 600x1768 akari-needs-the-toilet.png)

>>2857 Definitely. It was even strongly implied that she didn't make it to the toilet one time, but her clothes remained dry.
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>>2821 Kinda fixed since I noticed it was added anyways with the transparency still left in.
>>2859 Readded
(376.90 KB 571x381 ClipboardImage.png)

>>2818 >>2859 I've used a basic perspective transform here. If anyone wants me to I could add more detailed warping to account for the curved screen, but this should be sufficient for now.
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Not sure if this is relevant enough to be a banner.
>>2863 I like it
>>2863 That is how a good diaper feels sometimes. Added
>>2863 best one imo
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Saw this spray in the city a while ago
>>2796 >>2818 What are the original images for the first images in these posts?
>>10090 Twitter header photo from https://twitter.com/emina_jpu3 and the other one is a screencap from the anime Hakushon Daimaou 2020 Ep 7.
>>10091 Thanks! Damn, that Hakushon Daimaou episode is up there with that one Bakugan episode when it comes to shamelessly imprinting kids with this fetish.
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Felt like making one more banner.
>>10903 I like the concept
I know it's furry but still figured it might be a good option.
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Hope I didn't fuck up the sizes. The 2nd one might be too hard to read and not look as good.
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Made a banner, please add it :)
>>14637 Done
>>14637 Sauce? Saged for not adding content cause I cannot into banners
>>2799 What's the sauce for this pic? I love it.
>>20689 twitter -> /Diver234H/status/1307452670106574849/photo/2 >also my own attempt at a banner
>>14637 Source on this image?
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>>23667 Added
>>20824 It was some weird gore image set on pixiv which I photoshopped a lot. Here's a link to original image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94009578
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>>24099 (checked) Added.

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