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With all the crossdressers giving 'family friendly' shows, why can't we have a family friendly ABDL story time? Baby 10/19/2022 (Wed) 01:52:04 No. 18185
As an AB I don't want to continue to hide my personality. I want to get out and live and play and be with other humans. Why can't we have a family friendly storytime hosted by AB folks who just want to share our joyousness with others in the human race? The crossdressing events are often sexually explicit with twerking dancers and cabaret style performances, bordering on burlesque performances. I don't want any of that trash. But a story time, followed by playing with trains or dinosaurs, or drawing, could be fun. This could be a great movement!
>>18437 Absolutely based. When did fucking diapers of all things become political? You degenerates need to go outside more.
Really at the end of the day it's the lazy fucks who are learning that they're not gonna get to be better than other people for free simply cause they're white straight male whatever dumb shit they think is just default better. To which I say, welcome to fucking reality retards. Learn to do something with your life and leave people the fuck alone to live theirs. I know, ITS JUST SO HARD FOR YOU.
>>18185 https://youtu.be/0ZeewlhHPJg?t=18 This reminds me of that idiot ranting in the General Discussion thread several months ago about oppression of ABDLs and that normies being disgusted with a fetish involving pissing and shitting your pants is bigotry. This thinking of "Why can't I publicly indulge my fetish?" and "it's a good idea to come out to my family and friends about my weird fetish" that sometimes comes up in fetish communities really seems like a combination of the sort of entitlement and "we should accept everybody, including perverts" mentality from the past couple decades and a false equivalence with being gay/lesbian. Reminder, most people in real life are going to be disturbed or disgusted with bringing up weird sexual shit outside of of a private, intimate setting. Some stuff is better kept in the closet and it's not like being gay where there may be some legitimate concern about children and who you'll bring over for holidays.
>>18185 Because those are for pedos, and ABDLs aren't pedos. The T community is fucking around and finding out. If anything, we should be doing more to distance ourselves from them, as they try to subvert us by infiltrating our communities and demanding that we care more about defending them than ourselves, only to then use us as a scapegoat when they're found out to be pedos (see Labelle).
>>23475 >ABDLs aren't pedos We cope and seethe and try to ignore it but the simple grim fact is there are a lot of abdls who are pedos
>>23476 Much like there are among any other group. Unlike certain other groups, though, we don't shield them.
>>23476 There are more pedos in the church than literally any other part of society. The issue with the whole pedo-groomer talk is that people solely focus on the "out" group and never within themselves, because they have an agenda. GOP always label dems/trans/drags as pedos, despite the vast majority of pedos coming from conservatives or church priests (its so bad, that a priest has been arrested literally every other day since the start of the year), but reality doesn't fit their narrative so when the ONE drag queen is found to be a pedo, they completely ignore the 100s of actual pedos in their own group, because it's the narrative that matters and not the actual facts.
>>23479 >no, they're the real pedos/groomers Why can't people just accept the fact their fetish has some creeps and weirdos in it? We're all fucked up here, at least own it. Either ignore or laugh at the people who are worse than most of us and such socially retarded perverts they think engaging with actual children in fetish clothing is a good thing... and certainly don't ever let people like that think they are morally right for it. Can't even have a decent cringe thread because some need to pretend a diaper fetish is completely acceptable and that there aren't a few ABDLs that are even more fucked up that we can point and laugh at while saying, "At least most of us aren't like that guy."
>>23480 >>no, they're the real pedos/groomers >Literally never said that. Please learn reading comprehension. Having to manipulate and lie about what I said only shows how stupid you are. If you would like, I can back up my claims by submitting all of the church pedos arrested this year alone, and you do dragqueens/trans people. I reiterate since you seem to be struggling: >The issue with the whole pedo-groomer talk is that people solely focus on the "out" group and never within themselves >GOP always label dems/trans/drags as pedos, despite the vast majority of pedos coming from conservatives or church priests > reality doesn't fit their narrative so when the ONE drag queen is found to be a pedo, they completely ignore the 100s of actual pedos So, to recap, both sides have pedos. One specific demographic (church priests) have considerably more verifiable evidence of arrests than the other, but that doesn't fit the narrative. Never once did I claim "no, they're the real pedos." I merely stated there is actual tangible evidence which you can literally verify right now of the disparity between the narrative and the actual reality. I do hope this helps.
>>23480 You literally made the argument that there are more in church and among conservatives than what ever among gender things. Source on there being more right pedos than left or even just more perverts in general? Can you provide a Source that isn't some lefty opinion piece? Because I've seen far more open perverts on the web and in the news using "woke" and "left" as a shield against being called out on their shit rather than actually admitting what they're doing is wrong and trying to improve. >but Catholic Priests Priests are something that actually gets push back ever since it came to public light that was happening and even the Catholic Church knows its wrong and has been trying to deal with it (even if sometimes that has involved trying to sweep it under the rug, unfortunately) At least churches do offer some good moral teachings going back millennia. Even the priests doing it had awareness it was wrong by the fact they tried to hide it while we now have trannies using being a tranny as an excuse to be an open pervert and child groomer. >"ONE drag queen" We can point to plenty of public trannies that come off as sexual predators or aggressively irrational and people actually defending them, but of course they get approval because they're "woke". There's even places on the web entirely or partly devoted to all the insane perverted shit from alphabet people. We're in a world where trannies push for giving kids anticancer drugs to stunt their growth with secretary of health even being a tranny, it's considered stunning and brave for an obviously groomed ten year old to be stripping in a gay bar, and people like autist literal motherfucker Chris-chan gets his pronouns defended by twittertards because he wears a dress.
Because drag shows are not "crossdressing events," they're a genre of queer theatre that evolved out of decades of underground gay subculture. It's not primarily about sexual gratification through fetish crossdressing, it's about the over the top camp aesthetic, pageantry, and celebrating the figures that gay culture elevated to icon status in the 60s and 70s like Judy Garland, Carmen Miranda. It's an art form, whether you like it or not, which evolved organically into a theatrical tradition, and that has been adapted for kids, ( kind of like how the folk revival of the early 60s was adapted to children's entertainment by artists like Raffi.) There's no analogous to that in the ABDL/ageplay culture. Just pooping your pants behind closed doors isn't equivallent. First you would need to create some sort of artistic performance or event (maybe a Rugrats style fun house,etc.) and do that for a couple decades until it's an established tradition, then you could adapt that for children.
>>23485 >You literally made the argument that there are more in church and among conservatives than what ever among gender things Because it's true. That's an actual fact. Like, seriously. There are more conservative, GOP, alt-right, and religious people arrested for pedo shit. Literally 1 or 2 every single day. >Source on there being more right pedos than left or even just more perverts in general? You're asking for wildly varying information about a topic you don't understand, so explaining things to you is already at a loss. Again, I ask you to go find me how many left leaning (dem registered or non-conservative) pedophiles, because I can provide you a massive massive list for right leaning (and when I say right leaning, I mean conservative, religious, and GOP registered). > At least churches do offer some good moral teachings going back millennia They do not. Just because you are a part of a specific religion does not mean their teachings are moral. It is morally okay to enslave others, murder specific groups, and more inside of almost every religious teaching. It's like saying something is moral because it's a law. Laws and religion are not inherently moral. If you believe this, well, there's no ground to continue conversation. Religion has been used to justify numerous atrocities since the beginning of recorded history. >We can point to plenty of public trannies that come off as sexual predators Of course you can, and like I mentioned in my previous posts: > reality doesn't fit their narrative so when the ONE drag queen is found to be a pedo, they completely ignore the 100s of actual pedos You are falling for your own bias and conclusion shopping. You are focusing on any and all of the facts to fit your narrative and bias, instead of allowing real-world facts affect your actual judgement. As I mentioned, find me how many trans and drag queen pedophiles have been arrested this year specifically, since getting newer data is easier than older data. I have over 50 catholic/Lutheran/baptist from this year alone and that doesn't include GOP, alt-right, and other conservative groups, of which I have even more. Find me how many trans people and drag queens are actually arrested, charged, or convicted Again, you want to conclusion shop. No one denies each group has an issue, but you're trying to shift the narrative when reality does not back up your feelings. You are far more likely to be bad touched by bringing your child to church than you are to any LGBT+ event, and that is a hard-core fact. 99% of all domestic terrorism is done by the alt-right. That is a hard-core fact. While that 1% does exist, and the alt-right loves to point at it, it's a far cry from the every day factual and backed up real-world examples that the alt-right do.
>>23491 I'll even take the first step. This year, targeting JUST RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ONLY and not even including GOP lawmakers, GOP registered individuals, police, or other statistically alt-right leaning groups, here are some: Matthew Reiber - seinior pastor Garrett Biggerstaff - pastor of baptist church Theodore McCarrick - first cardinal in US Alexander Blackwelder - pastor of east main street church michael d. schneider - lutheran church staff member Russel David - methodist pastor Roberto Diaz - poinciana christian school teacher jeremy hylka - st joseph's teacher marvin carey - pastor of parma christian church warren riley - faith christian academy teacher rajnal rehmat - pastoral associate Brandon Foning - church school teacher kevin sykes - youth leader of springville church kenneth newcomer - childrens ministry director lutheran church chad ryder - youth pastor moises escoto - youth pastor joshua leduc - pre-k church of christ teacher anastasia dawson - hamilton church youth leader jonathan high - deacon of perry church fred gammon - pastor paul dyle - pastor alex lloyd - deacon jeffrey pringle - youth ministry gareth goode - band member of lutheran church joseph lewis - christian academy aide rafael cuevas - pastor kenneth daniel - pastor david henson - teacher at lutheran church gary buckaloo - youth pastor jeremiah york - rector at christ the light If you want examples of why religion and laws are not moral: Wyoming GOP - legalize marrying kids under 16 Tennessee GOP - tried to get rid of all age limits for marriage West Virginia GOP - prevented the ban of child marriage I encourage you to find me any example from this year about Democrats sponsoring or blocking any bill that would allow child marriages, removing age limits, or checking children's genitals (GOP menstrual tracking attempts as well) I also encourage you to find me any drag/trans people arrested this year, or hell, the previous year, and compare it to the amount of religious people alone. You dont even need to include alt-right leaning groups to find out that... shocker... trans/drag people are not the problem. That's an outright fact bro. Search your "feelings," you know it to be true LOL
>>23486 >they are not "crossdressing events," they're a genre of queer theatre Mental gymnastics, the post. >Dudes dressed as parodies of women are not crossdressers because they're doing it for decades. Cultural relativism at its best. Go be a drag-queen far way from children. It is about sexual fetishism and gratification, regardless of what you think. And it's about normalizing it to kids, enticing them to sexual decisions they lack the maturity to make. Also don't expose kids to diaper fetishism. Many here (me included) have been attracted to diapers since early age. But were you enticed to that? Just be welcoming to them after they develop their sexual maturity.
>>23491 Man it is fucking WILD to me that there are still people who think they’re saying anything anyone hasn’t already heard when they put on their fedora and start sea-lioning like some middle-school kid in the 00s camping the comments section of a YT video of a Richard Dawkins. So many WORDS WORDS WORDS…. that you borrowed from someone else. >MUH INQUISITION lole
>>23479 >>23483 >>23486 >>23491 >>23492 I get the impression this is yet another person that genuinely thinks that only people who actually get arrested and prosecuted with crimes are morally wrong and that mob approval means a thing is right and just. If anything I'm more concerned about people who don't get caught or commit immoral things without the law being involved as it means they're either clever enough to avoid being caught or they can do what they please with approval from the powers that be. >>23493 Agreed, nothing wrong with being into ABDL, but we don't need people deliberately trying to give real world kids fetishes. Also considering how many people online express shame, disgust with themselves, and binge and purge cycles involving ABDL I don't get why anyone would want to intentionally give a kid a fetish that most normalfags would reject and can be a serious obstacle to a longterm relationship knowing that. It's not even ABDL that's a problem with specifically. A lot of people experience negative feelings about their unusual fetishes and sexual interests that fall outside the norm for varying reasons. It's annoying that of fetish child groomer crowd it seems like the second most common fetish for that is ABDL... right after gender bender fetish to the point it even gets political backing. Is it other related fetishes for ABDL that cause that like Age Regression and Loli? Nothing wrong with purely fictional examples of that. I know there's threads and even some RP discussion here about AR and loli, but people normally get called out when they start talking about actual children in those threads or stuff like when nutjobs bring up raising their actual children to not be toilet trained and be accepting of diapers past the age its normal as if somehow an older kid would not be bullied relentlessly by other children for wearing diapers. Maybe it's just gender bender and ABDL are my top fetishes so I notice it the most. >>23496 Agreed, but a lot of people seem to love to argue while demanding sources gained from less than five minutes of googling. Is what it is. The optimist in me hopes these are mostly just zoomers that will learn to tone it down as they get older, but I also know even oldfags that were around in the 90s and 00s do this.
>>23496 >fedora >sea-lioning What are you, some mid-10s SJW?
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QUICKLY! We must protect the children from [the thing I'm politically opposed to] because the [thing I'm politically opposed to] will harm them! No I will not establish [the thing I'm politically opposed to] actually harms children! It's obvious and you're just a [insult for political opposition] and your arguments are null and void!
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>>23498 >Anon called out my tactics and won't "argue" with me so I'll resort to insults This did prompt me to search "SJW Fedora".This was the first result: https://sjwfashion.com/collections/fedora-hats/Fedora-Hats Honestly gave me a chuckle that is a thing, so thank for that at least.
>>23497 Still waiting for you to post drag queens and trannies.
>>23501 We have a thread for that already: https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/9502.html
>>23502 there's that deflection without evidence we've all come to expect
I keep wondering how the sort of person to write leftist textwall screeds even finds their way here. It's like finding a mennonite giving a compiler optimization talk at a free software meetup
>>23505 >doesnt read No surprises there!
>>23505 Probably actual redditards or similar. Imageboards that aren't halfchan occasionally get referenced on certain subs or other social media sites. I know someone reposted the Diaper University CYOA made by an anon in the CYOA thread here on r/nsfwcyoa while miscrediting it to due to reposting from another ABDL sub. That the site is delisted from google helps keep out people like that. Even searching for 8chan just pulls up articles referring to what is now 8kun, not this site and the same articles don't seem to care or even take note that a lot of users migrated here or elsewhere due to the problems with the original.
>>23525 It's something I worry about whenever I find a nice place. There are two defenses to avoid having your space hollowed out by colonizers. One is to be obscure. The other is to be ridiculously unpleasant. Any big community that doesn't actively sneer and stomp the face of >>23523 as soon as he pops his head above ground is doomed to be ruled by him But I don't like unpleasant spaces, so in practice I have to lilypad through communities as they either get too prominent or whither and die. Seems like 8moe will probably end up in the second group
>>23555 You don't need to be "unpleasant" you just need to actually have principles.
>>23555 >is so unlikable they need to find a place to be a p.o.s. without being called out for it checks out
>>23600 You are vermin. Put a bullet in your brain and do everyone a favor.
>>23609 Crying about not having a safe space. Checks out.
>>23609 go back to your safespace, snowflake :)
>>23555 Seen in this thread the unpleasantness rule in action At a certain point the autoimmune defense kicks in or it doesn't
>>18363 piss off m8 you started the shitflinging. You need a timeout?
>>23610 >Checks out. Checks out.
>>23664 >>23663 If you can't resist the bait, tick sage por dios
i'm all for doing whatever you want in the bedroom, but i have never approved of subjecting unwilling members of the public to it. nobody wants to see that kind of thing. by all means, do whatever makes you happy in private, but keep it in private with other willing participants.

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