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ABDL Hypocrite thread Baby 07/28/2022 (Thu) 22:44:08 No. 14871
Let’s post pictures calling out ABDL hypocrisy. I’ll start first.
>>17984 oh wait no, scratch that. The towel on the dishwasher isn't centered or straight. Just a poor person lives there.
>>17984 These feminine insults are so lame. It might work on Instagram and Twitter because you can get your girlfriends to like your opinions, but it doesn’t work here bitch. Cut your wrist you fat cow.
>>17990 Ooooo how edgelord of you. If I were either of those things it may have an impact. Sadly your projection is way off.
>>17996 No one with a cock is going to say Ooooo on a text non ironically. Either you’re a faggot or you’re a bitch with mental issues. Seek help.
>>17996 just let it go lady. Jesus like who cares
>>17997 Learn how to read irony and sarcasm. Nobody that doesn't have aspergers could tell could tell that's what it was.
>>17999 Sorry just woked up xD Anybody**
>>17999 shut your aspergers ass up
>>18002 Get fucked newfag, all you got is that? You gotta come harder than that if you want to get to the king. Reminder all this started because I'm apparently some diapercamwhore spy here to push an agenda by allowing abdl content on twitch haha. Y'all are so pathetic and delusional it's hilarious!
>>18006 Because you keep acting like a faggot
ITT: Cringey man-children who think making fun of others somehow makes them better than others.
>>18019 I didn’t called you a faggot to insult you. I called you a faggot because you indeed act like a “faggot”
>>17913 >>17961 I wonder if this is either; granny tits, tumour lip or piggy dotty behind these abusive posts 8chan veterans will know who these code names are. Newfags and common niggas won't.
>>18145 No one who goes on 8chan regularly talks like that either it’s dotty or a diaper cam whore who wants to control any female narrative someone told me ellaraine tried to get 8chan.top shutdown years ago for leaking her content
>>18006 >Y'all are so pathetic and delusional it's hilarious! *makes popcorn* Is it tho? I mean, normally sex is addictive and fetishes are, well... the equivalent of Fentanyl. Meaning, if you abuse them, eventually it just makes you schizophrenic and retarded. Trying to expose this shit to kids or teens or even actively encouraging it... that's like making crack babies... on purpose. I mean, if you all want to perma-fuck your own brains... hey, that's cool, no one cares if you retard yourselves out of the gene pool... but when you start lookin to peddle your insanity onto others... well, I'm probably one of the oldest people around in this community and uh... I hate to break this to you kids... but we'll BURN this *WHOLE* fuckin community to the ground along with *ALL* of you with it if you can't get your stupid shit under control. Oh and, this board isn't one to be pointing fingers, cause uh... I've seen the "loli" shit you've all got religiously plastered across the walls and... why are you upset over the Twitch escalation that YOU CAUSED!? I mean, I don't disagree that the kiddie shit is out of hand on Twitch, but um... that came from ~here~ first. You tards are what ~caused~ that shit to happen in the first place! Is escalation like a hard concept for you brain pan burnouts to grasp? You mix lust and fantasy and you will burn out the chemical receptor sites in your brain in like... no seconds flat. After that... well, obviously you have to keep escalating to try and find that "impossible high". PROTIP: It's over. It's gone. You will never feel it again and you'll spend the rest of your life endlessly craving escalation like a crack addict who can't get a fix. Even if you somehow managed to recreate all your fantasies EXACTLY like in your head... too late, you already burned out those chemical receptor sites, you've nothing left to FEEL WITH where they should be at. That's why you're like sexual panda bears, why you can't get laid, why you can't find normal relationships. The last generation was apparently too stupid to warn all you idiots that this shit is highly addictive and highly destructive. Sorry about that. Maybe you should been hanging around me more often. *shrugs*
>>17885 Fuck yeah! Capitalism requires growth, and I want the cute diaper design train to keep rolling. Get fucked commies
>>18728 Hello Ella
Riley Kilo trying to start a tranny slap fight with Sophie Labelle for her tracing toddlers for some tame babyfur shit. While leaving out the profile art she used for like a decade came from a shota artist that was called Ronin, I think they trooned and renamed to ellie, who drew explicitly sexual shota diaper content. I don't give a shit about fictional art, though tracing was kind of creepy. Riley is just being a huge hypocrit since she KNOWS what that artist was drawing when she was gifted the art of herself.
>>24224 No, that's actually Riley being based for once. There's a mile of difference between loli/shota and straight up tracing people's baby photos for fetish art.
>>24225 Given how much she's flipping her shit about minors involved in art in any way. Not really. It's creepy to trace; but calling that shit sexual is some puritanical shit. It's entirely SFW. But I know chuds here have their retard culture war shit so reason doesn't matter. Just hypocritical of her to be throwing stones when she's used a shota artist's art that does to explicit art.
>>24224 >other artist drawing purely fictional content vs. other tracing real children I think you are the huge hypocrite here >>24227 That picture was posted on Labelles NSFW twitter and 1:1 traced altough it was shitty. I kinda get your point now though if we are strictly comparing Rileys blog posts. Haven't read much of them. >>24225 This. And what annoys me is that last summer there were huge headlines about Labelle in local media (she lives here in Finland nowdays). Shit like how a revolutionary trans artist making trans books for children have been bullied online and bigot parents in usa not wanting her to come to schools and blah blah... Not a single fucking mention that she traced real toddlers to her nsfw art. Try to do same as a white non-troon male, I'm sure your ass gonna get canceled like hell.
>>24228 I'm not really defending the tracing. It's creepy; but the folks acting like the art is super explicit is just some puritanical culture war nonsense to me. Shits tame AF. No one's going to get a fbi van knocking at the door for reposting it. I view as more stupid and lazy rather then pedo-ish. That's just the same old "all fags and trannies are secret pedos" culture war shit to me. Creepy and stupid? Yes. But not the biggest deal. It was posted to her secret furaffinity and I dont even think it was marked as mature. Not to her NSFW Twitter. Objectively unless you're a prudish pussy, that shit is tame af. Riley kicking up shit months later knowing she used art for years from a shota artist who actually has sexually charged fetish art between minors and adults? Hypocritical as fuck. Even the art of her arguably is not done to depict her as an adult, and used for her branding everywhere she's ever posted anything. Do I care about loli/shota art? Not really. It's not my thing, and despite knowing where I could get Ronin/Ellie's NSFW shota art, I don't want a van knock so I won't repost.
>>24230 The shota artist that did Riley Kilo's profile pic art has been known as Strawbs/EllieNoodleSoup/RoninKagashi. A lot of their art is posted here already and its far more directly fetish content then anything Sophie did with a furfag climbing out of a pool. Bandage, forcefem, humiliation. And Riley is objectively aware of the content Strawbs does. Total hypocrit. One thing not posted is as Ronin there's a pic with shota nude being changed out of a messy diaper made around the same time as Riley was gifted their pfp. https://www.pixiv.net/users/39332191/ >>422 >>474 >>527 >>530 >>1104 >>2274 >>3874 >>3875 >>3876 >>4664 >>4752 >>6529 >>7487 >>10953 >>22899
>>24227 >chuds >muh shota You are the culture warrior. >>24230 It was a stranger's photo of their baby in just a diaper (acceptable if you're the parent, albeit in poor taste exactly because things like this can happen). Saving that would already be suspicious as fuck behavior on its own. Using it to draw a pic involving your fetish and uploading it to a site well known for being a repository for fetish art? Yeah, fuck right off. And that's not even getting into what Labelle's father did and how Labelle responded to his victims. If you don't get that the issue is whether it's connected to real children rather than whether it's "sexual", you're genuinely twisted.
>>24235 It was traced to be a sfw furfag crawling out of the pool. I don't give a shit for either, so stop getting your kiddie diddling diaper in a bunch. Stawbs art is objectively more sexual and fetishy in nature.
>>24236 Labelle saved a photo of a real toddler in just a diaper. Deflecting by whining about art that's entirely fictional from the outset isn't going to change that fact. You could draw an infant getting mauled and raped and still be morally and legally superior to someone who eagerly collects the innocent baby bath photos of strangers.
>>24237 I'm not the one whining about it. Riley is. That's the hypocrisy. Calm down kiddie diddler I'm not coming for your pedo art.
>>24238 >I'm not the one whining about it. You're literally putting some random artist on blast because you're butthurt about Labelle being called out. Congrats, you ended up becoming the very material this thread is about.
>>24239 >random artist It's the artist for Riley's profile they've used for a decade. It's not random. I don't care what you're jerking off too. I'm pointing out their hypocrisy.
>>24240 Riley is absolutely a deranged narcissist who loves making false pedo accusations, but here, you're doing some odd guilt by association thing in reaction to one of the few times the broken clock is right on time. Your logic is ridiculous, and doubling down really isn't helping your case.
>>24241 When she's rallying against that type of art, while using an artist who's done that kind of art from the very beginning. It's entirely hypocritical. We're just going in circle as you want to defend your kiddie art. I don't give a shit what you personally jerk off to dude. Riley is a narcissist kicking up shit for attention again. And she deserves the criticism.
>>24240 That artist from Rileys profile have done nothing wrong. Tracing have always been considered bad rep in art circles. Labelle traced real children to her fetish art which was posted to her nsfw twitter, now deleted. I don't give a fuck, the harm done to children is rather minimal or nonexistent compared to making of most CSAM. But she crying in magazines and not admitting her mistakes annoys me a lot
>>24242 Not who you're arguing with but shota isn't traced art of an actual toddler. They're entirely different, it's not hypocritical at all. This is the one time Riley's right
>how perfect you are >get therapy and heal their complexes when we do something imperfect
>>24230 >art she used >she

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